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Chapter 2-1


Look around the house for a few items. There is also an 'Anonymous Letter' here for you to read. Use the typewriter if you need to, then head outside.

Walk over to the dock, and you should find your boat still there. Jump into the boat, and head in the opposite direction of the dock. You should see blue flames in the distance, so head for that. Go inside the cave to find another Merchant.


Before you start shopping, check around the shop for a few barrels to break. Behind the barrels on the left side, you'll find a crate that you need to push. Head around the shop to find more barrels and a ladder. Grab all the items, then head up the ladder. There are two more crates to push here, so move them out of the way and you should find three barrels with items inside. You should find a Green Gem up here, which you can combine with the Elegant Mask, so make sure you do that. Grab any other items, and continue exploring the roof, you'll come across an opening that you can jump through. That hole will take you behind the merchant's counter, and you'll be able to pickup some additional ammo for the rifle. Head up the ladder, and get back to the front of the store. Time for more shopping...

Sell any treasures that you don't need. Remember to keep the Beerstein and the Elegant Mask (and the Green Gem if you have yet to combine it with the Elegant Mask). Grab yourself a few First Aid Sprays if you are running low on healing items, and upgrade your weapons for a little extra punch.

Get back in the boat when you are done. Head straight across the lake to reach the area where you first began this chapter (the house). Once you reach land, head left and go through the large double doors.


Continue forward, and a cutscene will play introducing you to something new...

In most cases, the head of an enemy is it's weak point. Now you have to weigh the risks of using such a tactic. The head is still the weakest point, but now there is a chance that something even more deadly may appear.

Your priority now is to kill that thing coming out of the villager's head. Just keep firing at it and it will die. There is another villager right behind the first one, so get rid of him as well.

Head down the path, and you'll reach an open dam. Jump across the 2 gaps to reach the other side. Turn left and continue on and you'll come across another path that goes back to the other side of the river. Go and head across the path. Turn right, and head to the end. There is a rope here, and you can use it to get down to the area below you, use it.

Run forward, and keep your eyes on the hillside. You should see an item sparkling, so shoot it down and collect the 'Spinel'.

If you look towards the buildings, you should see a villager throwing sickles at you from a tower. Kill him before he can hurt you. Then climb on up and collect the items stored there. Head back down, and continue on.

When you reach the end of the path, you'll see other areas across the water for you to explore but no way to get there. If you look to the left, you should see a large crate suspended by a chain. Shoot out the chain to make the crate fall. It will stop when it hits the barrier, and create a platform on which you can use to jump across. Head across, and let's explore the middle area.

There is a treasure hidden on one of the wooden planks suspended overhead. Look for it and shoot it down. There is a ladder around here that leads to a higher platform. Head up the ladder to grab a few more items. If you look off to the side of the platform, you should see two more crates swinging back and forth. Shoot both of them down to create a bridge to the other side. Head back down the ladder, and use the newly created bridge to get to the other side.

Climb up the last tower, and flip the switch. A cutscene will play and you will be able to access the area behind the it. Jump back across the water to the middle area so we can head through the new path.

When you reach the middle area, villagers will start to come after you. They will come from the direction of the waterfall, and across the first crate bridge. Take them out so we can move on. If things start to get crazy, you can always use the crate bridges to your advangtage. Jump across them to slow the villagers down.

Once you've cleared the area, head through the new opening behind the waterfall. There are no enemies in here, so just move forward. At the end you'll find a key item, the 'Round Insignia'. A new path will appear for you, so take it. Open the door at the end.

Destroy the two barrels and pick up the items. Then shoot the nearby torch to drop a 'Spinel'. Now jump into the boat so we can get out of this place.

Underground Dock

This area should look familiar, we were just here in the last chapter. Head straight to the shop and sell anything that you don't need. If you don't have any healing items, then you need some now. Buy a few, and make sure that you are at full health. Use the typewriter and save the game. Now we are going to head up the ladder and out the door.

The Holding Area

Go up the small flight of stairs, and destroy the barrels for more items. Then turn left. Go right through the opening, and a cutscene will play.

Boss: El Gigante

As this battle begins, El Gigante will basically take large steps in your direction and try to grab, kick, or squash you. Just stay as far away as possible and you should be fine. Try not to go into the cabins as well; El Gigante will most likely try to destroy them with you inside of it.

Equip your most powerful weapon, and let him have it. After a bit of firing, the white wolf from the beginning of the game will come and help distract El Gigante's attention (only if you saved him). This is a great time to inflict as much damage as you can, before El Gigante turns it's attention back onto you.

Once you've dealt a certain amount of damage, a cutscene will play, showing El Gigante scream in pain. Then the Las Plagas parasite will break out of El Gigante's back. That parasite is what you need to attack. You can either shoot at it, or climb on El Gigante to attack it with your knife (run up to El Gigante while it is crouched down and press the action button to climb, then follow the on-screen cues to attack it). After taking some damage, the parasite will retract, and you'll have to attack El Gigante to make it come out again. It is possible to inflict more damage by first shooting the parasite with a quick shotgun blast, and then climbing aboard. This allows you do much more damage, and can take the El Gigante down in two cycles.

El Gigante will now use a few new attacks. It can now charge at you, but you can avoid this by pressing the buttons displayed on-screen. There are also rocks it can pick up and throw at you, so make sure you dodge those. It'll also grab trees and swing them around in attempt to hit you.

Dodge it's attacks, while firing at it. Then when the parasite appears, make sure to attack that as much as possible. Repeat this for a few cycles, and El Gigante will fall hard.

Grab the items around the area, including the load of cash that the fallen boss has left behind. If you check the walls of the boss arena, you'll find a few other items scattered around. Once you've got the items, head through the only other gate (not the one you came through). Then head out the nearby door.


NNavigate along the wooden platforms, and stop to check the small cabin for a few items. Continue along the platforms. As you head up the sloped hill that leads into the cemtery, there will be 3 dogs infected with the parasite. Obviously that means that you should kill them before they kill you.

Once you have disposed of the dogs, head straight to the front door of the church. You can now open the door by placing the 'Round Insignia' on it. Go inside...


Turn and go right, then look left for a small corridor that contains a few barrels to destroy. Head back to the front door, then head straight down the middle of the aisle. If you look around the front of the church, you should find a stash of cash for the taking. Once again, head back to the front door, but this time, head to the left. You'll find another small corridor, except with a ladder at the end. Head up the ladder.

Up in this area, walk forward. You should reach an opening off the balcony with a chandelier hanging. Walk toward the edge of the balcony, and you'll find that you can jump across on to the chandelier. Do that, and when the chandelier swings closer to the other side, jump across again.

Turn right, and you'll find a small panel that starts a puzzle when activated. You need to rotate the lights so that they match the design in the middle.

  • Turn the RED spotlight 2 times.
  • Turn the GREEN spotlight 3 times.
  • Turn the BLUE spotlight 1 time.
  • Choose COMBINE.

The spotlights will combine to form the symbol in the middle. The gates on the right will open up. Head in that direction. When you get there, you'll only find a single door, waiting to be opened. Open it and a cutscene will play...

Now Ashley joins you. You'll recieve a manual on how to give commands to Ashley; take a look at it. Now look around the room, and you'll find quite a few items to take. Once you've grabbed them all, head out the door, go right, and go down the ladder. Ashley won't climb down, so once you reach the bottom, you'll need to catch her as she jumps down. Now let's get out of here; head toward the front door and a cutscene will play...