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The Last Island[edit | edit source]

The first Hidden Monokuma can be found to the right of the Street Stalls area.
The second Hidden Monokuma can be found atop a pile of Monokumas in the Plushie Factory.

Go right and enter the Street Stalls area. Hidden Monokuma #1 can be found in a stall to the right, chomping on some ramen. Speak to Fuyuhiko, then exit and continue right to the next area: the Plushie Factory. Speak to Chiaki, who seems hesitant for some reason, before examining the big doors at the center of the building to enter. Upon entering, pan the camera right to find a pile of Monokumas. Atop that pile, hiding along the edge of the screen, is Hidden Monokuma #2. Examine the basket, the manufacturing equipment, and the door to the break room. You can also speak to Chiaki before leaving. Back outside, examine the door to the right to enter the Goods Warehouse. You can examine other items for experience points, but examining the Monokuma panel will trigger a scene after which Hajime and Chiaki will leave.

The third Hidden Monokuma sits atop some shipping containers at the Military Base.
The fourth Hidden Monokuma stands on a dark platform at the right of the Sea King Industries facility.

Exit the Plushie Factory area and continue right to the Jabberwock Military Base. Pan the camera left to find Hidden Monokuma #3, peeking out from atop a stack of shipping containers. Speak to Sonia and Akane before leaving and continuing right to the final area, Sea King Industries. Two platforms should be visible on either side of the screen. Hidden Monokuma #4 stands on the platform to the right, hiding among the shadows. Examine the machines on the ground floor below, each with different yet ominous purposes. Speak to Kazuichi and then exit to be approached by Fuyuhiko. Return to the Street Stalls to meet up with everyone. Once you're back in control, speak to everyone else before speaking to Nagito to advance the plot.

After returning to the Hotel Site, enter Hajime's Cottage to conclude the day.

Searching Jabberwock Island[edit | edit source]

The next day, go to the Hotel Restaurant. After the scene, you'll end up back in Hajime's Cottage. Enter the Hotel Lobby and speak to Sonia. Then, go to the Ancient Ruin on the 2nd Island and examine the door to approach it. Examine the panel on the door to end up back at Hajime's Cottage for two Free Time opportunities with anyone but Nagito. Afterward, speak to Nagito, then enter the Hotel Lobby for a scene. The next morning, go to the Hotel Restaurant, then Nezumi Castle on the 4th Island. Examine the hole in the castle to enter. Speak to everyone before examining the floor behind them for a cryptic discovery.

The next morning, go to the Hotel Restaurant for a scene, after which Hajime will end up on the 4th Island. Go right and enter the Horror/Monomi House to find an open door. Examine it to enter. Once inside, examine Monomi's spares and the monitors over the bed, then speak to Monomi. After Hajime exits, go to the Nezumi Castle, then the Rollercoaster. Examine the rollercoaster and Hajime will note that there's nothing here either. Exit the area to be approached by Fuyuhiko. Go to Jabberwock Park on Central Island, then leave and go to the 3rd Island. Speak to Chiaki on the road, then go to the Military Base on the Last Island to find Sonia. Speak to Sonia and then go to the Plushie Factory to meet with everyone else. Inside, speak to everyone, then examine the truck. Speak to everyone again before examining the laptop on the conveyor belt behind Fuyuhiko and Chiaki.

After the scene, examine the door to the Break Room to enter. Examine the red bottles atop the wall cabinets. After another scene, enter the Goods Warehouse, then examine the back of the warehouse for a grisly scene.