Resident Evil 4/Chapter 1-1

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Chapter 1-1

The Path to the Village

A note before I begin: I will not cover the content of the cutscenes. I'll say 'cutscene begins', but I won't mention what the cutscene entails unless it happens to be a helpful 'hint'.

For starters, move forward, away from the car. You'll notice crows perched in various areas; if you get near enough, they'll fly away from you, but you can also shoot them and collect some extra money.

Caution never hurt anyone.

Continue along the path, and as you near the first large house, a cutscene will play.

Head to the left side of the house, and you'll find a wooden crate. These crates appear throughout the game (and come in various sizes), so be out the lookout for them. Break out your knife and attack the crate to destroy it. Collect the item and return to the front of the house.

Now it's time to go inside. Head into the house. As soon as you enter it, you'll start to hear some noises. Head toward the noise, and another cutscene will begin...

As soon as the cutscene ends, equip your weapon and start firing. Remember that targeting specific areas of the body will have different effects. Make him fall to the ground by shooting his legs. Stun him for a moment by blasting his face. Shoot different areas for different results.

When he falls, another cutscene will play.

If your friend on the floor happened to drop any items, be sure to pick them up. Head out of the house through the front door. Nope... locked. By this time, you should hear some noises coming from the outside of the house. Someone is pushing on the door, preventing you from getting out, so we have to find another way. Go ahead and explore the house, and you'll find a doorway and some stairs near the fireplace, head up the stairs. Go near the window, and you'll notice a command appear on the screen. This command allows you to just out of the window, but before you do that, look behind you and collect the item. Now jump out of the window.

Following your display of acrobatic skills, you'll find yourself outside right in front of the house. You'll also find 3 people who aren't too happy about the facelift you just gave their friend. Immediately dispose of your neighbors, and collect any items they drop.

If you look toward where you first began, you'll realize that you can't go back. The bridge is out, and the car is 'missing'. The only choice you have now is to move forward, past the large house.

Follow the path, and you'll come across a tiny, beat-up cabin. There are more items to be found here, so please grab them. You'll also find a typewriter in here. Keep on the lookout for these typewriters, because this is how you'll save your game. Unlike past Resident Evil games, you don't need 'ink ribbons' to save, so feel free to use it as much as you want.

Leave the tiny cabin, and continue down the path. You'll come across a white wolf that managed to get himself into some trouble. While it isn't required that you help it, you'll be glad you did. Considering that the wolf got caught in it, you should be aware that other bear traps are in this area. Watch your step. To the right of where the wolf was is a partially enclosed fence area. Check near the right side of the fence to find a Red Herb.

Head back to the main path, and go forward a little. Keep on the lookout for bear traps, and more importantly, flashing red lights. These red lights indicate that a tripwire mine has been set-up, and if you cross it, you won't like the results. You can shoot the mines or tripwire to set it off from a distance, of you can head directly down the center, avoiding the bear trap and and the mines altogether.

Continue down the path, and you'll come across another friendly village resident. Show him that you appreciate his company, and take any gifts that he leaves for you. Further along the path, you'll find another small cabin with more items for you to take, be sure to get them. On your way out of that cabin, be sure to take a good look at the wall. Your objective is to not become that.

Further along the path, more villagers will show up to greet you. Take them out, collect any items they drop, and continue across the bridge. A number of villagers will spot you, but run away.

Continuing past the bridge, you'll come across one last cabin. Someone there has been waiting for you, so get rid of him and collect the items that he drops, and the items in the cabin. Leave the cabin, and head through the large gate.

The Village

On the other side of the gate, Hunnigan will provide you with a basic playing guide. Read through it if you want, then continue down the path.

Look while you can.

If you continue straight down the path, a command to 'Look' will appear when you reach a certain tree. It's not necessary to look, but you can scout the area and watch the villagers go about their daily business. When you are done looking, casually walk into the village. The villagers will continue to ignore you until someone spots you.

If you can, explore the many different houses and collect any items within them. It will be quite difficult to do this once the villagers begin their welcome. Once they have spotted you, everyone in the village will start to attack you.

This area is one of the most intense parts of the game, so it won't be easy. You don't have a lot of ammunition, and the villagers almost never seem to stop coming. Run into houses or around various obstacles to provide you with some temporary cover. It won't last long though; these villagers are not only determined to get you, but they are pretty darn smart in the process. Continuously kill any villagers that come at you.

While most of the houses here are good for cover, there is one house that you probably want to avoid. Right in the middle of the village, there is a large 2-story house. It's the only house with a small fence surrounding the entrance. Unless you are looking for a real good time, you probably don't want to go in there.

After you've eliminated a certain number of villagers, a cutscene will abruptly end all the chaos. After the cutscene, you should go and pickup any and all the items from the houses in this area. There are no longer any enemies around, so take your time and enjoy the scenery.

Once you have all the items, look for a tower. To the left of the tower is a path that goes past it; follow it. There are a few more houses along the way, so check them if you want. At the end of the path is a large door, head through it.

The Farm

As soon as you reach the open area, there will be a very tiny cabin directly to the left. Head inside for an item, and save the game. Right next to the building is a well filled with a disgusting looking liquid. Dangling above that liquid is an item, but if you shoot it down now, it'll fall into the liquid and lose a lot of value. Instead, shoot out the support holding up wooden lid to have it close shut. Now you can shoot the item and collect the Pearl Pendant.

Now head back near the beginning and you should come across a fenced area. There is a tree inside this area with a blue piece of paper hanging from it. Collect it to get information about an additional objective that you should complete. There are 15 blue medallions scattered throughout this area (the farm), and the cemetery. Shoot 10 or more to get a earn a special item later in the game. If you take a look at your map, you'll notice that many blue dots have appeared on it; those are places where you'll find a blue medallion to shoot.

Continue down the path, past the tree. The first building you'll come across is on the left side of you. There is a villager working nearby, so be sure to take care of him. You'll find a few barrels inside of this building, so destroy them to collect a few items. Through the other end are a number of cows; they don't pose a threat so you can leave them alone. There is also another really tiny cabin back here, and while there is nothing inside of it, you'll find an item behind it.

Return to the main path, and continue along it. You'll end up near a very large two-story building. This building has a few villagers working inside it, and more will come once you start attacking them. You'll find lots of items on the first floor of this building, and there are items hiding inside a few of the small cabinets. Head up the ladder to find another villager working; show him that you appreciate his hard work. Check the cabinet for another item.

Hop out of the window to find yourself on a balcony outside of the building. If you walk straight ahead, you'll find a small gap between the fence/rails. You can jump down here and collect the Beerstein. Head through the doorway and push the shelf to get out of that area. Return to the balcony once again, run toward the end of it, and jump down. Immediately turn around, and you'll find a tiny building. Head around this building to find an entrance, and collect the items waiting inside. Go out of the building, and go up the ladder. Return to the middle of the balcony, jump down, and continue down the main path to reach the gate. Go through the gate to end up in a new area.

Beyond the Farm

Follow this trail for a little bit, and a cutscene will play. As soon as it's over, start pushing the buttons indicated on the screen as quickly as you can. After some running, another set of button combinations will appear on the screen; make sure that you press the correct ones or you won't like the result.

Once you've dodged the rock, it'll disappear and break into pieces, allowing you to continue through the dark tunnel. While walking through the tunnel, make sure to keep your eyes near the ceiling. You'll see a number of sparkling items; shoot them down and collect them.

As soon as you leave the tunnel, stop. A villager will be waiting and will most likely throw a live stick of dynamite at you. Obviously it would be bad to catch the end of it, so take him out before he can throw any more. A quick way to rid yourself of the opposing villager would be to just shoot the stick of dynamite; it will blow up and take the villager along with it. Aside from a few additional villagers roaming the area, there are also tripwires and bear traps. Step lightly as you explore the area.

Starting from the end of the tunnel, go left to the small shack. A villager with dynamite awaits you on the other side of it, and there is a tripwire and a bear trap inside the shack. Get rid of the villager before he blows you up, and shoot out the tripwire. Check the inside of the shack to find some items. Head back to the end of the tunnel.

Now we're going to check the large house straight ahead. Go around the right side of the house and stop once you read the corner. There are a number of villagers within the house, and just around the corner is an open window where they can jump out. Go near the window, and make sure all the villagers know you are there. There is a villager with dynamite inside the house, and if he sees you, he'll throw the dynamite at you. Unfortunately for him, he'll most likely throw it inside the house, and as a result, kill himself and hopefully the other villagers. Get rid of anyone left, and then jump through the window and pickup any items left behind. Leave the house via the way you came in (the window).

Run north-east to find yourself at another large house. On the right of the house is a crate with an item inside, grab it. Directly behind you is a tree, look in the branches to see what looks like a bird nest; shoot it down to get a treasure. You can combine that treasure with the Beerstein to increase it's overall value. Now go to the front door, shoot out the lock, and head inside.

Head through the house, watching for tripwires and picking up any items along the way. Sooner or later, you'll reach an area that seems like a dead end. There is a bookshelf in one of the corners, and you need to push it out of the way to reveal another path. Go through the path all the way to the end, and a cutscene will play.