Star Wars: Battlefront II/Prison Break

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Prison Break
World Death Star
Environment Interior
Hero None
Difficulty 3 out of 5
  1. Meet up with the 501st
  2. Defend the hangar
  3. Capture the Detention Block CP
  4. Secure the stolen plans
  5. Retake the Fire Control Room
  6. Destroy the shuttle in Hangar 85G
  7. Exterminate the Rebel leader

Meet up with the 501st

You start upstairs in a small office overlooking the hangar, and all this objective is telling you is to get back down.

Defend the hangar

The Rebels like this entrance.

Some Rebels have escaped out of the prison cells and are taking over this section of the space station, and it looks like they want to take over your hangar now. There are two entrances to this hangar: one on the opposite side of the hangar from the office where you started, and one to the left side of that. Enemy forces will prefer to enter through the latter, but if you actually exit the hangar through there and try to hold them off before they even enter, they'll have no qualms about entering through the other side.

Stay near the health and ammo droids, using the Imperial shuttle docked there as cover when needed. You need to be especially wary of Wookiees; they're very tough to take down with regular rifles, and their bowcasters and grenade launchers will take you down easily enough. Engage them from far away, where their weapons won't be as effective. Once you've held the hangar for two minutes, this objective is complete.

Capture the Detention Block CP

Proceed out of the hangar, and get to that CP (the arrows should make it clear enough, but for directions refer to the screenshot at the bottom of the page). The Detention Block CP can be attacked from two sides as you capture it; also, the cramped room makes enemy grenades a lot more potent, so consider letting some of your teammates go in first to engage the enemy before capturing it.

Secure the stolen plans

From here it's easy to kill the plan-stealing rebel.

This actually means two things; you must kill the Rebel who has the plans, and you must retrieve those plans back to the Detention Block CP. Now, you'll notice that when you receive this objective, the Rebel is standing right there in your line of sight, further down the corridor. If you have one of the more powerful ranged weapons, like the Elite Assault Rifle or a sniper rifle, shoot him from where you are and retrieve those plans. If not, you'll have to chase him down all over the tractor beam control room (the big, wide open area glowing green), and that can take a while, with enemy forces trying to stop you. You should still try to shoot him from range and retrieve the plans later.

Retake the Fire Control Room

Watch your step.

Like so many places on this map, the Fire Control Room has multiple entrances; three, to be exact. Only two are available for you to use at the moment, both of which require you to go through the tractor beam area. For the first, simply follow the straight walkway from the ammo droid, and you're in. This room is bustling with enemy units, so weapons like grenades and rockets will be crucial. First, focus on eliminating enemies that stand in your way to the CP, and as you're capturing the point, take out the rest of the enemies (it's a good idea to play as Engineer here because he can repair the ammunition droid near the point, and it can replenish your health and ammo packs).

Use grenades liberally.

The other entrance is considerably harder to fight from, so only use it if someone has destroyed the wall console near the first entrance, destroying the walkway (you can bring the walkway back up by repairing the console, but it can only be reached from the Fire Control Room side). This time, go all the way around the green-lit area, following a ramp down to a shiny corridor. Follow this corridor, and you'll appear right into one of the Death Star's superlaser shafts. Carefully take the walkway leading left (touching the shaft kills you), and you'll find yourself in the Control Room... except facing up at everybody, which means they can shoot you more easily than you can shoot them.

Destroy the shuttle in Hangar 85G

There's your target.

Oh no, the Rebels are trying to escape in a shuttle! Don't worry about figuring out which hangar is 85G. There are only two hangars on the map, and it's not the one you started in. Getting there takes a while, because you have to exit the Fire Control Room through the opposite side from where you entered, follow the corridor, turn right at the huge circular area, proceed through the walkway, go up the stairs, go through the Moff conference room (there's a friendly Command Post here because this is where you spawn for the next objective), follow the corridor again, and finally appear into Hangar 85G. Yup, confusing. But it's easier than it looks on paper.

To destroy the shuttle more easily with detpacks, climb on top of it.

Now, the shuttle is down below in the hangar, and if you're a Shock Trooper, you can just fire at it from above and be done with it. If you're still an Engineer, you'll have to actually go down there and use detpacks (note that detpacks set on the floor beneath the shuttle will not do damage; you have to make sure it sticks on the surface). Oddly, enemies will try very hard to kill you if you fire from above, but they seem to largely ignore you for some reason if you're out of their line of sight and blowing the shuttle up from close range.

Exterminate the Rebel leader

You need at least this much distance away from the Jedi to be safe.

And this leader just happens to be a Jedi. Wielding dual lightsabers. As you probably know by now, if you're a trooper and a lightsaber-wielder slashes you once, you're dead. This is because even if the attack doesn't kill you, it takes three to four seconds for you to recover and be able to run or fight... which is ample time for the Jedi/Sith to finish you off. To survive, you have to engage at a distance.

Pick either Shock Trooper, Engineer, or Dark Trooper. The Jedi doesn't come out of the hangar until he sees you (and if he kills you, he usually goes back), so this is your opportunity, as Shock Trooper or Engineer, to set mines or detpacks (mines work better because you can set up to three and each are more powerful than detpacks) so when you lure him in, he'll foolishly chase you down and get blown up. If he survives, use the rocket launcher or shotgun and attempt to finish him off before he closes in. With a Dark Trooper, you know what to do; charge the shot and blast him with a crippling blow of electricity.

Once the Jedi has been killed, the prison break is history.

The map of this mission. The command post marked "3" is the Detention Block, "4" represents the Fire Control Room, and "5" is the location of the shuttle and the Jedi. Note that the doors between the starting hangar and the final hangar are locked for this mission.