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You need to talk to Tao in Gola Highlands.

The Road to Sniff Master

Tao tells you that you have trained hard, and now you need to go and look for the Sniff Master Medal, which is deep inside Kunka Ruins. To get inside the ruins, you need a key. But he tells you not to worry, as he has it. He gives you the key, and then you need to go to Rune Canyon.

Go along the path (or along the side of the level, as the path is guarded by lots of Buffalo) and you will come to some steps. These lead to the Kunka Ruins. But before you go in there, turn left and go to the fishing pier over the pond, as you will need to catch an Ancient Fish. It will come in handy later.

The Mysterious Board

Upon arriving at "The Mysterious Board," Petasi will state that you should smell it. Note that it smells "fishy." If you haven't already caught an "Ancient Fish" and brought it with you, you'll have to leave the ruins to get one in the small pond nearby in Rune Canyon.

Upon placing the fish on the board, the door should open and you're free to go down to the first floor.

The Closed Door

First, a warning: Be very careful because there are cobras at every turn down here!

The hardest part about dealing with the cobras is that they don't have a pattern of turning unlike the other snakes we've faced so far. That leaves only three options: 1) Try to circumvent them by going around the other way. (This is difficult because in general, if you try going the *other* way, there's a cobra over there too.)

2) Wait for it to fall asleep. (This is time-consuming, but the safest bet.)

3) Run!!!

In each case, it would be a good idea to have a few medicinal herbs, because your pup is almost guaranteed to get bitten at least once!

The Closed Door is located at the far rear wall, which can be accessed via the two corridors next to the ramp going back up to the second floor. On either side of the rear wall is a carved pillar. You will learn two scents: "Silver Dog Statue" scent and "Gold Dog Statue" scent.

The Gold Dog Statue is far easier to find. It's along the right side of the map, in the farthest room back. If you look closely at the map, you're looking for the room that dead-ends. Sniff, and you'll find it!

The Silver Dog Statue is a bit more complicated. Take a good look at the other side of the map. You'll see another room on the left that appears to be a dead end. However, between that room (which is greenish in color on your map), and the corridor below, there's a black space. That black space is where the statue is found. What you'll have to do is run past the cobra guarding that green room through the vines on the wall into the secret room. There, you'll find the statue.

Whew! Now you can go back to the closed door, place each statue on their respective pedestals, and voila! The Closed Door is now open! Enter and find (sniff) your medal, proving that you are indeed, a Sniff Master!

After obtaining the medal, you will automatically be taken to Tao who will proclaim you a Sniff Master, and direct you to the next location, the Rune Caverns.

The Sniff Master

You will be taken to Tao's location automatically where he will designate you as a Sniff Master. Best of all, he finally raises your level, giving you an additional two hearts! Boo-yeah!

Where is the Legendary Flower?

If you sniff around the Ancient Grove for a while, you're bound to find it, but you first have to find the petals, which are pretty easy to find. There are many different fish which you could not get anywhere else along with the regular ones, and you can get every type of flower here as well. The Ancient Grove is also the spot of the last bug, the Morpho Butterfly.

Once you have done everything that you wanted to do in the Ancient Grove, report back to Tao.

To the Anc Road

After touching the big tree in Green Meadows, a Sky Whale will appear and cause havoc. But you go to Anc Road to find out the cause of all this. It is best to get the Potan's Medicine by the door first. Petasi will explain what to do and you will reach a large square of gray blocks. Sniff the tracks to get across safely. After running past the Pink Cobra, Petasi will ask you what that smell is. It is a Pretty Red Flower. Head toward the big cave, but be careful, because there are a few Bats there, and dig up the flower at the back. Place it on the pedestal, and you can teleport to the next area.

Here you will see four blocks and a slab of stone in the middle. Go to the stones and dig at them in this order:

  1. Northeast
  2. Northwest
  3. Southeast
  4. Southwest

Hop onto the transporter and you will arrive at a cave-looking area. Save time and run to the back, away from the steps, and sniff. You will find a switch to open the door. Flip it and run through the door at the front. Go down the path to the next teleporter.

Next you will be back where you started, but at the far ledge behind the Alligator. Hop onto the teleporter next to you and the door to the queen's room will open up! Now just jump down and swim over to the door and see what the Anc Queen has to say.