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Go through the left-hand door. Let the bee kill the tentacles while you lift the top-left pot to get a Small Key. The bottom-right pot hides a door-release button. The other two hold arrows so you might as well grab them while you're here. Go back down through the door you came in by.

Now go through the right-hand door. Once the tentacle monsters are destroyed, unlock the door and go through.

Here at last is your sword! Switch to the Bug-Catching Net and bottle your Gold Bee, otherwise you'll lose it FOREVER after opening the sword chest. Go through the door to the right.

Open the chest for 10 Bombs. Bomb the wall above you for 60 rupees. Lift the top-left pot for a Key and the bottom-left one for a Bomb. Go to the right and open the chest for the Map. The pots contain Bombs so fill up and bomb the top wall for 40 rupees. Go south, west, west, and bomb the wall to continue.

Open the chest for your Shield then go through the locked door. Open the chest for the Compass and bomb the western wall (40 rupees). Now go east, north, and bomb the left wall (40 rupees). Killing the Stalfos opens the door so go on in.

Go down the stairs to B1. Go through the top-right door and kill the tentacles to proceed. Lift the right-hand pot for a Key. Go down the stairs and through the door.

Go west, up the stairs, lift the pot, hit the button and get the Big Key!

Go to the left, up the stairs, and open the Big Chest for the Bow! Now go down the stairs and bomb the top-left wall (40 rupees). Go back and unlock the door and lift the central pots to restock your arrows.

In the next room use arrows or pots to kill the Eyegore for a Key. Open the topmost door, fight *two* Eyegores and again collect the arrows. By now you should have 30, so unlock the Boss Door and go in. Bomb the right wall (40 rupees) and shoot the red cyclops (you can throw pots at the other if you wish).

In the next room lift the top-left pot for a Key. Open the chest to get the Pegasus Boots.

OPTIONAL: go through the door to the right and talk to the thief to trade 50 rupees for +10 max arrows.

HINT: if the clock's reached or passed 18:16 you'll notice an infinity symbol beneath the arrow icon. You have UNLIMITED so you don't have any boss worries.

Now unlock the door and fight the Armos Knights. They take 2 hits each instead of 3 (as in AlttP), but the final red one still takes 3.

Collect the Heart Container and Tablet and you can leave the dungeon.

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