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Box artwork for BS The Legend of Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban.
Box artwork for BS The Legend of Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban.
BS The Legend of Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban
Year released1997
Preceded byBS The Legend of Zelda
SeriesThe Legend of Zelda
Japanese titleBSゼルダの伝説 古代の石盤
ModesSingle player
LinksBS The Legend of Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban ChannelSearch
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BS The Legend of Zelda: Inishie no Sekiban (BSゼルダの伝説 古代の石盤 BS Zelda no Densetsu: Inishie no Sekiban?) is like a "second quest" (ala The Legend of Zelda) for Nintendo's famous The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. It was only available via download for the Satellaview, a Japan-only add-on for the Super Famicom. It has the same basic overworld of A Link to the Past but it is far more than simply a Master Quest, as there are now rental shops and timed events, as well as altered interiors for all locations (not just dungeons).

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Table of Contents
