Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Restoration of Erathia/Controls

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Basic[edit | edit source]

Control Action
Mouse Moves cursor.
Mouse left click Selections/Actions
Mouse right click Display Information
Mouse double click Focus and Action
 F1  Help
 F4  Toggles between window and full screen modes.
 Esc  Cancel, exit, or no.
 Enter  Okay, accept, or yes.

Adventure Map[edit | edit source]

Control Action
Numpad or  ↑  ↓  Move selected hero in that direction (note that the Numpad can move the hero diagonally while the arrow keys cannot).
Numpad or  ↑  ↓  +  Ctrl  Move the viewing window.
 A  Display adventure options. Note that the sub hotkeys do not have to be preceded by  A  to work.
 C  Displays the spellbook of the selected hero.
 H  Selects next hero on the list, downward scroll.
 T  Selects next town on the list, downward scroll.
 K  Kingdom overview.
 M  Moves current hero (movement path must be chosen).
 O  Display system options. Note that sub hotkeys must be preceded by  O  to work.
 U  Switch between surface and underworld views.
 W  Selected hero is wakened.
 Z  Selected hero is put to sleep.
 E  End turn.
 Enter  Center the viewing window on the selected hero or town.
 Esc  (then  Enter ) Quit to desktop.
 Tab  Enable chat (multiplayer) or enter a cheat (single player).
Adventure options
 V  View world map.
 P  View puzzle map.
 D  Selected hero digs.
 I  View scenario information.
System options
 M  Main menu.
 L  Load game menu.
 R  Restart scenario.
 S  Save game menu.
 Q  (then  Enter ) Quit to desktop.
 Esc  Return to game.