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That was… no accident… I was drugged… with sleeping pills… I was murdered… by that person… That’s why… I took… my revenge… It’s only fair… isn’t it… Ini?"

The Episode starts with this message and a scene with a freak car accident.

We then cut to a conversation between Phoenix and Maya. Maya seems to be in trouble again. Maya admits to have killed someone...

Case Information

  • Time of Crime: June 16th, 6:28pm
  • Location: Fey Manor, summoning room
  • Defendant: Maya Fey
  • Victim: Turner Grey
  • Cause of death: Stabbed, then shot
  • Murder weapon: A knife and a pistol
  • Defense Attorney: Phoenix Wright
  • Prosecution Lawyer: Franziska von Karma


Defense Attorney

Phoenix Wright

A defense attorney. Phoenix is reunited with Maya, only to defend her again. You were actually there when the murder occured. Can he win against a young offspring of a feared prosecutor you faced several months back?


Maya Fey

A young spirit medium in training. She is also your assistant. The murder occurred while Maya was channeling someone. Is it really her fault the victim was killed? She is referred to as "Mystic Maya" at her village.


Turner Grey

Grey is a surgeon. He went to the Kurain Village to speak with a late friend of his. He was killed during the channeling however.

Prosecution Lawyer

Franziska von Karma

Franziska is the daughter of the feared Manfred von Karma. Like her father, she aims for one thing in her family's life, perfection. So far in her five years of her career, she has a perfect winning record, thanks to her intelligence, aggressiveness, and her trusty whip. Let's see if you can break the perfect record.


Lotta Hart

Lotta dreams to be a photographic journalist. You first met Lotta about several months back as a witness of one of your cases, she is now a witness to this case.

Ini Miney

Ini Miney is quite a ditz, sleeping, being spacey, saying "like" every few seconds. Just why is she at Kurain Village in the first place?

Other Characters

Mia Fey

Mia is your former boss and mentor who was once a highly experienced defense attorney. She died as a murder victim early in your career. However, thanks to an incredible power her family holds, Mia can still aid you in desperate situations. Maya, being a spirit medium, can be able to channel her whether you both need help.

Dick Gumshoe

Gumshoe is absent minded detective and can be short tempered at times. Mostly he is a friendly and helpful character.

Pearl Fey

Maya's younger cousin, and a daughter of Morgan. Despite her young age, she already is a high ranking medium. Pearl is very shy and doesn't talk to strangers.

Morgan Fey

Maya's aunt, and Pearl's mother. She is the rival of Misty Fey, who won over the Master position. She watches over Maya.

Mini Miney

Ini Miney's older sister, and a former nurse, who was killed after an incident that killed 14 patients a year ago. This is the person Turner was trying to talk to when he was killed.

Director Hotti

A nutty man who claims to be a doctor at the Hotti clinic.

Ami Fey

The founder of the Kurain Village, also the one who invented the power the family now holds. There is a jar that is supposed to contain her spirit.


Day of the crime

Wright & Co. Law Offices

On a rainy day, you get a visit from Turner Grey, who claims to be a surgeon at the Grey Surgical Clinic. He says is visiting you because of two things. The first is about an incident just a year ago. The incident includes a mistake killing fourteen patients being cared for by a nurse, who was drunken with sleeping pills and died in a car crash the following night. Tabloids says rumors of Grey being the culprit and he wants you to prove otherwise, because the number of patients he has is dropping. He has heard of Maya and the special power she holds ad wants her to channel the said nurse so he could talk to her. To do that is the second reason. Maya would do so if Grey brought you along, so you decide to go with him.

Kurain Village

The first thing you'll see here is a little girl, being chased by guess who? Maya! You start your first investigation mode gameplay. Here you are given four choices one of them is Talk click on that and choose any of the topics you see.

Today's channeling: Maya heard about the incident at the clinic. She read that Grey is responsible for the incident and the nurse's death, but Grey told her otherwise.

Kurain Village: Here everyone in Maya's family are spirit mediums, but only the women.

The girl earlier: Maya says the girl you saw earlier is her cousin, Pearl Fey. Despite her age, she is a "genius" when it comes to channeling spirits. The reason she didn't talk to you is because her mother told her not to talk to suspicious-looking strangers (you don't seem related).

After you are done talking, Maya decides to start her channeling. You are given the menu again. Choose Move and choose Meditation Room

Meditation Room

You see Grey, who is given a map to the Fey Manor. The Fey Manor Map will be added to the Court Record. Talk to Grey:

Today's channeling: The reason he wanted to see the nurse is that so he can have her write a confession about the incident, that she is responsible for what happened.

Maya: Grey learned about Maya from an acquaintance of his, who happens to be a collage student. He also learned that Maya is the daughter of the "Master".

After talking, Grey mentions that beyond the door is the summoning room, where Maya's aunt is in. Let's go meet her. Move to the Channeling Chamber.

Channeling Chamber

There you'll meet a middle-aged woman, who calls herself Morgan Fey. "Mystic" Maya's aunt. Talk to Morgan.

Maya: In this village, Maya is referred to "Mystic Maya". Maya is the daughter of the "Master" of the village. Morgan is her sister, so she belongs to the branch family. Her power is quite weak compared to the Master.

Today's channeling: Maya is doing the channeling, because those who died in a traffic accident are usually easy to contact.

Channeling chamber: The channeling chamber is where the channeling takes place. People other than the medium and the client are not allowed to observe the process. In case anything goes wrong, a huge lock on the door will keep the ruckus from coming outside.

After talking, Morgan will reveal herself as Pearl's mother. Time to explore more of the house. Move to Winding Way. Available from the Meditation Room.

Winding Way

You see a lovely garden here, and an incinerator (what's it doing here)? Move to the Side Room.

Side Room

It look's like a resting room. There are two bed spreads and it looks like someone is sleeping in one of them. Better not disturb her. Move back to Winding Way.

Winding Way (2)

There, you will meet a familiar face. It's Lotta Hart, the person you meet a year back of one of your cases (if you recall the last game, unless you are a newcomer). She is here to get a "real scoop" (and boy does she look eager). The channeling is about to start, so Move to the Meditation Room.

Meditation Room (2)

Here Maya and Grey now walk in the channeling chamber. You are not allowed in (much to Lotta's anger), so Morgan hands Maya the key to the door. They lock the door and go inside to start the channeling, and then...

  • BANG*

You suddenly hear a loud noise, and then another. It sounds like they both came from the Channeling Chamber. Lotta recognizes them as gunshot's. Gunshots?! You have a choice on what to do, choose Break into the Chamber. Pray that Maya is safe.

Channeling Chamber (2)

Lotta takes a few pictures as you enter. You see Dr. Grey lying on a pool of blood. Maya is alright, and it looks like her channeling was a success and she now looks like a different woman (with the same hair and clothes), with blood on her. The woman says Grey murdered her, and she took her revenge. Morgan comes in and tells you to inform the police, and that she'll be in charge of what's happening. You move outside the house.

Kurain Village (2)

You call the police outside. Lotta will follow. Talk to Lotta: