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Dota 2 has a very vast selection of items, each having their own effects. Most items can be bought from the Main Shop by the fountain, but some items can only be bought from the Secret Shop.


These items will grant basic effects and usually serve as components for better, more expensive items.


Name Picture Cost Effect Use
Clarity 50 Restores 100 mana over 30 seconds. Effect stops if user is attacked A good starting item for mana-heavy heroes, especially if you will be spamming abilities in lane.
Tango 90 Eat Tree - Consume a tree to restore 115 hp over 16 seconds. Comes with 3 charges. A good starting health regen item for any hero. It isn't interrupted by attacks or cost as much as a Healing Salve, but takes longer to heal and heals less.
Healing Salve 100 Regenerate - Restores 400 hp over 10 seconds. The effect will be lost if the user is attacked. Another starting health regen item. Heals more health quickly than the tangos, but the effect can be easily cancelled. It's usually a good idea to buy one of both at the start to get some versatility in health regen.
Smoke of Deceit 100 Makes the user and every nearby allied heroes will become invisible as well as gaining 15% movement speed for 40 seconds. Moving within 1025 range of an enemy hero or tower will drop the invisibility. Has a cooldown of 90 seconds. An item usually picked up by gankers to slip by Observer Wards and gain the element of surprise when ganking. Also commonly used on the whole team when trying to force a teamfight or eliminate an important hero like the enemy carry.
Town Portal Scroll 135 Teleport - Teleports the user to a targeted friendly building. Has a cooldown of 65 seconds and costs 75 mana. It's a good idea to always carry a TPS wherever you are, as it reduces the time taken to go back to the fountain to heal then returning to the lane. You can also switch lanes at a moment's notice, either to farm or push an undefended lane or to help defend a tower.
Dust of Appearance 180 Reveal - Reveals invisible heroes in a 1050 radius AoE for 12 seconds. Has a cooldown of 60 seconds and costs 5 mana. Usually bought by supports to counter an enemy hero that relies on invisibility, like Bounty Hunter or Riki. Also bought if you suspect the enemy is going for a smoke gank.
Animal Courier 150 Carries items from your base to you and your allies. It also has an inventory of 6 slots and can use some items that don't require mana like Healing Salves on enemy heroes. It is magic immune, but only has 45 hp. If it dies, it will give an 175 gold to every enemy hero. It will respawn in 3 minutes, during which your team cannot access the items that the courier was carrying. The courier is one of those items your team simply can't do without. The trip from a lane to the fountain's main shop or the secret shop is very long, so running all the way back to buy something will mean you are missing a lot of farm in the lane. If you're a support buy either this or wards at the start of the game.
Flying Courier 220 Upgrades an existing Animal Courier. The courier can now fly across terrain and trees, letting it reach your allies faster. It also gains a new ability called Speed Burst which makes it move at the maximum movement speed for 20 seconds, but has a cooldown of 40 seconds. It's recommended to get a Flying Courier after the game has progressed for some time as the reduced time for the courier to travel between the fountain and your team is very helpful.
Observer Ward 200 Places a ward that grants vision of a 1600 radius of area. These wards last for 6 minutes, have invisibility and has a restock time of 6 minutes in the shop. Comes in pairs. The Observer Ward is absolutely crucial to victory. Vision of an area is an extremely powerful tool as it can detect enemy heroes entering your jungle going for a gank. It can also be used to guard rune spots or block neutral creep camps. If you are playing the support, either get this at the start or the courier, and always remember to buy a new pair of wards once the previous one expires.
Sentry Ward 200 Places a Sentry Ward that grants true sight, which reveals invisible units, in a 950 radius area around it. They are invisible, lasts only 3 minutes but doesn't have a limited stock. Sentry Wards are usually used for counter-warding, which is the tactic of revealing enemy Observer Wards so your team can destroy them. Since vision is so important for either team, denying them vision by taking out their Observer Wards can give your team an immense advantage. While it can also be used to reveal invisible enemies, usually a Dust of Appearance will be enough.
Bottle 600 Regenerate - Refills 135 hp and 70 mana in 3 seconds. Comes with 3 charges which can be replenished when near a fountain. It can also be used to store runes for later use, which will also fully replenish the charges in the bottle. Almost always picked up for the hero soloing mid. It helps them stay in lane against constant harssment as well as granting your team rune control, which a solo mid hero can easily do as they are close to both rune spots. Bottled up runes can come into handy when going for a gank or a push.


Attributes are items that increase your Strength, Agility and Intelligence. They are also components for stronger items.

Name Picture Cost Effect Use
Iron Branches 53 +1 to all attributes Iron Branches is a very cost-effecient item. 3 branches give the same effect as a gauntlet, a slipper and a mantle for only about a third of the price. It gives you a good mix of survivability and damage. If you bought all your starting items and have leftover gold, and don't plan to save for any items, get iron branches. It is also a required component for making a Magic Wand or a Mekansm, the former a staple item for almost all heroes while the latter a very good support item. There's a reason it's nicknamed the GG branches.
Gauntlets of Strength 150 +3 strength Usually picked up by fragile heroes for more survivability or strength carries for damage. It can then be upgraded into a Bracer or an Urn of Shadows, both of which are items that increase your survivability.
Slippers of Agility 150 +3 agility A starting item for carries, especially agility carries. It can be used to make early-game carry items like a Poor Man's Shield or Wraith Bands.
Mantle of Intelligence 150 +3 intelligence Less common than other starting attribute items, it's usually picked up by mana-starved heroes or ability-reliant spellcasters. It can be used to make a Null Talisman, a common early game item for spellcasters.
Circlet 185 +2 to all attributes Usually picked up to finish a Bracer, a Wraith Band and a Null Talisman.
Belt of Strength 450 +6 strength Can be made into Power Treads which is a common boot upgrade or into powerful late-game items Sange, Necronomicon or Skull Basher.
Band of Elevenskin 450 +6 agility Can be made into Power Treads or into a Yasha.
Robe of the Magi 450 +6 intelligence Part of Power Treads recipe. Can also be made into a drum, a blademail, a diffusal blade, an oblivion staff or a veil of discord.
Ogre Club 1000 +10 strength Used to make the powerful late-game items Aghanim's Scepter, BKB or Sange.
Blade of Alacrity 1000 +10 agility Used to make an Aghanim's, a Diffusal Blade or a Yasha.
Staff of Wizardry 1000 +10 intelligence Used for making a variety of items, which are an Aghanim's, a Dagon, an Eul's, a Force Staff, a Necrobook or a Rod.
Ultimate Orb 2100 +10 to all attributes Used to make the potent late-game items Eye of Skadi, Scythe of Vyse, Linken's Sphere and Manta Style


Arnaments grant the user slight boosts in offense and defense, but is mostly used as components of other items.

Name Picture Cost Effect Use
Ring of Protection 175 +2 armor Picked up early by anyone who needs the armor, especially some junglers. Can be made into a Ring of Brassilius or Tranquil Boots.
Quelling Blade 225 Active: Destroy Tree - Cuts down a targeted tree. Has a 5 second cooldown.
Passive: Quell - Gives the wielder bonus damage when attacking non-hero units. 32% for melee heroes and 12% for ranged heroes.
Bought by carries and junglers early on to help with creep killing. Junglers can also use this to take shortcuts while in the jungle.
Stout Shield 250 Passive: Damage Block - Gives you a 60% chance to block damage depending on your attack type. Blocks 20 damage fore melee heroes and 10 damage for ranged heroes. Bought by carries to withstand harassment and also by anyone who needs survivability against physical attacks. Can be built into a Vanguard or a Poor Man's Shield.
Blades of Attack 450 +9 damage Can be used to make a Crystalys, an Armlet of Mordiggian or Phase Boots.
Chainmail 550 +5 armor Used to make an Assault Cuirass, a Blademail, a Medallion of Courage or a Buckler
Helm of Iron Will 950 +5 armor, +3 hp regeneration Gives a nice mix of stats. Used to make an Armlet of Mordiggian, a Helm of the Dominator or a Veil of Discord.
Broadsword 1200 +18 damage Can be used to make a Crystalys, a Battle Fury or a Blade Mail.
Quarterstaff 900 +10 damage, +10 attack speed Can be used to make a Force Staff, an Oblivion Staff, a Shadow Blade or a Butterfly.
Claymore 1400 +21 damage Used to make a Battle Fury or a Shadow Blade.
Javelin 1500 +21 damage
Passive: Pierce - Grants a 20% chance to do 40 bonus damage
Only 100 gold more expensive than the Claymore and it gives you a passive critical chance ability as well as the +10 damage. Used to make a Skull Basher or a Monkey King Bar.
Platemail 1400 +10 armor Used to make an Assault Cuirass or a Shiva's Guard.
Mithril Hammer 1600 +24 damage Used to make a Black King Bar, a Maelstrom or a Desolator.


Items in the Arcane category grants bonuses related to health, mana and speed, with some items giving you special abilities. They are also used as components for better items.

Name Picture Cost Effect Use
Magic Stick 200 Active: Energy Charge - Gains up to 10 charges everytime an enemy nearby uses an ability. Restores 15 health and mana for each charge when activated. Has a cooldown of 13 seconds. A good early game pickup on almost every hero. It helps you keep your mana up while withstanding harassment from enemies. You can also make a Magic Wand if it if you want an improved Energy Charge.
Sage's Mask 325 +50% mana regeneration Called Sobi Mask in DotA. Gives you good mana regeneration. It is also a component for an Eul's Scepter, a Medallion, an Oblivion Staff, a Ring of Basilius, a Soul Ring or an Urn.
Ring of Regen 350 +2 hp regeneration Bought for the slight increase in survivability it gives. Also used to make a Headdress, a Hood of Defiance, Tranquil Boots, a Soul Ring or a Vladmir's Offering.
Boots of Speed 500 +55 movement speed. Doesn't stack with the passive movement speed bonus from other boots. Almost always a necessary early game item for most heroes, but don't make the mistake of most new players and buy it at the start. The movement speed it gives is very helpful for chasing or fleeing, especially since everyone else will also be getting a pair. Even if for some reason you don't need the bonus speed, the fact that it is a required component to make the other boots should be enough reason to get it.
Gloves of Haste 500 +15 attack speed Good item for carries. It is used to make an Armlet, a Hand of Midas, a Maelstrom or Power Treads.
Cloak 550 +15% spell resistance. Doesn't stack with other magic-resistance items. Bought if there are powerful spellcasters on the enemy team. It can be used to make a Hood of Defiance which can be upgraded to a Pipe of Insight if you need more protection.
Gem of True Sight 700 Passive: True Sight - Grants the ability to see invisible units and wards. Drops when the holder dies and can be picked up by other heroes or destroyed. Getting this makes you a walking Sentry Ward, letting you spot and destroy enemy wards as well as reveal invisible enemies. However, it needs 8 minutes to restock in the shop and costs 700 gold, so dying will mean you just wasted all that gold without the ability to buy it back and possibly giving the enemy the advantage of True Sight. And once an enemy realises you have a gem, they will be trying to kill you to drop it.
Morbid Mask 900 Passive: Lifesteal - Grants 15% lifesteal for every attack. It's a Unique Attack Modifier that doesn't stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. Picked up by carries and junglers for extra survivability. If you want a better lifesteal effect, you can upgrade it into a Helm of the Dominator, a Mask of Madness or a Vladmir's Offering.
Ghost Scepter 1600 +7 to all attributes
Active: Ghost Form - Enters ghost form for 4 seconds, during which the user cannot use his rightclick attacks or be harmed by physical damage, but take 40% more damage from magical damage. Using a channeled teleport ability will cancel it. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
Usually bought during the mid-late game by supports who can't survive many hits from carries. It can be upgraded into an Ethereal Blade.
Talisman of Evasion 1800 +25% evasion Bought by carries to make them harder to take down. It can be made into a Butterfly or a Heaven's Halberd.
Blink Dagger 2150 Active: Blink - Instantly teleport to an area up to 1200 units away. Cannot be used if the user has taken damage in the past 3 seconds. Costs 75 mana and has a cooldown of 14 seconds. A good item for almost any hero, and an almost necessary item for initiators. Blink can surprise enemies as you begin a teamfight, or to escape pursuing enemies.


These items are usually combinations of basic items. Some of them require you to purchase a recipe to complete the item.


Common items are upgrades that don't fit in any category.

Name Picture Cost Components Effect Use
Wraith Band 485 (150) 1 Circlet + 1 Slippers of Agility + 1 Wraith Band Recipe +3 strength, +6 agility, +3 intelligence, +3 damage Commonly picked up by agility carries who wants better damage and attack speed as well as a good mix of other stats. Used to make a Ring of Aquila.
Null Talisman 505 (170) 1 Circlet + 1 Mantle of Intelligence + 1 Null Talisman Recipe +3 strength, +3 agility, +6 intelligence, +3 damage Bought by spell-casters as well as mana-starved heroes for more mana and a good mox of stats. Used to make the powerful Dagon.
Magic Wand 509 (150) 3 Iron Branches + 1 Magic Stick + 1 Magic Wand Recipe +3 to all attributes
Active: Energy Charge - Gain a charge every time an enemy uses an ability, up to 15 charges. When activated, restores 15 health and mana per charge. Has a 13 second cooldown.
An upgrade from the Magic Stick, it can restore more health and mana in total. It is still a very cheap healing item that will remain useful until the mid-late stages of the game. A quick burst of 225 hp can mean the difference between escaping and dying.
Bracer 525 (190) 1 Circlet + 1 Gauntlets of Strength + 1 Bracer Recipe +6 strength, +3 agility, +3 intelligence, +3 damage Usually bought by supports and other fragile heroes as a cheap way to improve survivability as well as other stats. Used to make a Drum of Endurance.
Poor Man's Shield 550 1 Stout Shield + 2 Slippers of Agility +6 ability
Passive: Damage Block: - Blocks damage from physical attacks. Will block 20 damage for melee heroes and 10 for ranged heroes. Will always block damage from heroes but has a 60% chance of blocking damage from creeps.
An upgrade to the Stout Shield, it will now always block damage from heroes, so it serves as a useful and relatively cheap defensive item.
Soul Ring 800 (125) 1 Ring of Regen + 1 Sage's Mask + 1 Soul Ring Recipe +3 HP Regeneration, +50% mana regeneration
Active: Sacrifice - Exchange 150 for 150 mana for 10 seconds. If your mana pool cannot contain the extra mana it will not be lost. The hp lost cannot kill you. Has a cooldown of 25 seconds.
For heroes that like to spam abilities and can afford to lose some health. It also grants moderately good stats.
Phase Boots 1400 1 Boots of Speed + 2 Blades of Attack +60 movement speed, +24 damage. The passive movement speed bonus will not stack with other boots.
Active: Phase - Increases your movement speed by 16% and allows you to move through units for 4 seconds. It will be canceled when using another item or ability. Has a cooldown of 8 seconds.
The boot upgrade for heroes with poor mobility. The Phase ability helps you catch up to enemies or escape.
Power Treads 1450 1 Gloves of Haste + 1 Boots of Speed + 1 Belt of Strength/Band of Elevenskin/Robe of the Magi +60 movement speed, +8 selected attribute, +25 attack speed. The movement speed bonus it grants does not stack with other boots.
Active: Switch Attribute - The bonus attribute Power Treads initially grants is based on the attribute item used in the recipe. Using it will change the attribute bonus to other attributes. The order of the selected attributes are Strength to Agility to Intelligence.
A very versatile boot upgrade and a solid choice for most heroes. You can choose to get more survivability, damage output or mana at any time. This can be very useful for any fragile heroes or heroes with a poor mana pool, as they can switch between the attribute bonus they need most during the current situation on a whim.
Oblivion Staff 1675 1 Quarterstaff + 1 Sage's Mask + 1 Robe of the Magi +6 intelligence, +10 attack speed, +15 damage, +75% mana regeneration Gives you a good mix of stats and nothing else, it's more of a mid-game recipe item. It can be used to make a Rod of Atos or a Refresher Orb.
Perseverance 1750 1 Ring of Health + 1 Void Stone +10 damage, +5 hp regeneration, +125% mana regeneration Helps you stay in fights longer with its hp and mana regen boosts. It can be used to make a Battle Fury, a Linken's Sphere, a Bloodstone or a Refresher Orb.
Hand of Midas 1900 (1400) 1 Gloves of Haste + 1 Hand of Midas Recipe +30 attack speed
Active: Transmute - Kills a non-hero target for an extra 190 reliable gold and 2.5x the normal xp. Cannot be used on ancients. Has a cooldown of 100 seconds
Usually gotten by junglers and carries to improve their farm.
Boots of Travel 2500 (2000) 1 Boots of Speed + 1 Boots of Travel Recipe +100 movement speed. The bonus movement speed does not stack with other boots.
Active: Teleport - Teleports to an allied building or non-hero unit after a short channeling time. Has a cooldown of 60 and costs 75 mana.
Greatly improves your mobility. After all, it's not only the boot upgrade that gives you the highest movement speed bonus, but it makes TP Scrolls obsolete. However, it's also the most expensive of the boot upgrades and other boots will be more useful to you during the mid game. Only get it as a luxury item if you have a bunch of leftover money.


Support, as its name suggests, are items bought that will benefit you allies.

Name Picture Cost Components Effect Use
Ring of Basilius 500 1 Sage's Mask + 1 Ring of Protection +6 damage, +1 armor
Passive: Basilius Aura - Grants 0.65 mana regeneration and 2 bonus armor to allied units in an area of 900 radius around the holder. Can be toggled so that it stops affecting non-hero units. Multiple instances of Basilius Aura does not stack.
A relatively cheap item that will benefit your allies during pushes and teamfights. Also sometimes bought by carries who just needs the bonus armor and damage. Can be upgraded into a Ring of Aquila or used to make a Vladmir's Offering.
Headdress 603 (200) 1 Ring of Regen + 1 Iron Branch + 1 Headdress Recipe +2 to all attribute
Passive: Regeneration Aura - Gives 3 bonus health regeneration to all allied units in an area of 500 radius around you. Multiple instance of Regeneration Aura does not stack.
Picked up by supports or anyone looking for survivability, as hp regen is always useful in battle. Can be used to make a Mekansm.
Buckler 803 (200) 1 Chainmail + 1 Iron Branch + 1 Buckler Recipe +5 armor, +2 to all attributes
Active: Armor Bonus - Gives 2 bonus armor to allied units in an area of 700 radius. Lasts 25 seconds on heroes and 30 seconds on creeps. Costs 10 mana and has a cooldown of 25 seconds.
Picked by by supports and heroes who want more armor. More armor effectively increases your teammates hp.
Urn of Shadows 875 (250) 1 Sage's Mask + 2 Gauntlets of Strength +50% mana regeneration, +6 strength
Active: Soul Release - Gains a charge anytime an enemy hero dies within 1400 units of the holder. Only the urn closest to the dead hero will gain a charge. Uses 1 charge upon activation which will heal an ally for 400 hp or damage an enemy for 150 hp over 4 seconds. The heal will be lost if the ally takes any damage from an enemy hero or tower. Has a cooldown of 10 seconds.
Usually picked up by gankers or any "in the fray" heroes. A 400 hp heal is pretty hard to come by, though the damage it deals to enemies is pretty lackluster. Only use it on enemies if they are critically wounded and you need to finish them off.
Ring of Aquila 985 1 Wraith Band + 1 Ring of Basilius +9 damage, +3 to all attributes, +3 agility, +1 armor
Passive: Aquila Aura - Grants 0.65 mana regeneration and 2 bonus armor to allied units in an area of 900 radius around the holder. Can be toggled so that it stops affecting non-hero units. Multiple instances of Aquila Aura doe not stack.
Basically a Ring of Basilius with improved stats.
Tranquil Boots 1025 1 Boots of Speed + 1 Ring of Protection + 1 Ring of Regen +80 movement speed, +3 armor, +3 hp regeneration. The movement speed bonus it provides does not stack with other boots.
Active: Heal - Restores 170 HP over 10 seconds to the wearer. Taking player-based or Roshan damage will stop the heal. Costs 25 mana and has a a cooldown of 40 seconds.
Passive: Break - Becomes Boots of Speed if the wearer takes 4 instances of damage within 10 seconds. It will revert to Tranquil Boots once the wearer has not taken 4 instance of damage in the last 10 seconds.
The cheapest boot upgrade there is. A 170 hp heal can be life saving sometimes. Usually bought by supports who aren't getting a lot of farm and need items to counter their fragility.
Medallion of Courage 1075 (200) 1 Chainmail + 1 Sage's Mask + 1 Medallion of Courage Recipe +6 armor, +50% mana regeneration
Active: Valor - Gives 6 armor reduction to you and the target enemy for 7 seconds. Has a cooldown of 7 seconds.
The cooldown and duration means you can use it constantly as long as you don't mind the armor reduction you take. Usually bought by strong duelists or supports, though it is also bought by solo-Roshan heroes to help them take Roshan down.
Arcane Boots 1500 1 Energy Booster + 1 Boots of Speed +65 movement speed, +250 mana. The movement speed it provides does not stack with other boots.
Active: Replenish Mana - Restores 135 mana to allied units in an area in a 600 radius around the wearer. Costs 25 mana and has a cooldown of 45 seconds.
Very commonly bought by supports and any heroes that relies on their spells or simply have a small mana pool. 135 mana might not seem much, but it might just be enough to give an ally enough mana for a stun or escape move.
Drum of Endurance 1725 (750) 1 Bracer + 1 Robe of the Magi +9 all attribute, +9 damage
Active: Endurance - Starts with 4 charges and uses 1 charge every time it's activated. Gives 10 bonus attack speed and 10% movement speed to all allied units in an area of 900 radius around the holder for 6 seconds. Charges must be replenished by buying the recipe again. Has a cooldown of 30 seconds
Passive: Swiftness Aura - Gives 5 bonus attack speed and 5% bonus movement speed to all allied units in an area of 900 radius around the holder. Multiple instances of Swiftness Aura does not stack.
Occasionally referred to as Janggos. The bonus speed is useful offensively and defensively, offensively to buff up your carries and defensively to help your allies escape.
Vladmir's Offering 2050 (300) 1 Ring of Regen + 1 Ring of Basilius + 1 Morbid Mask +2 hp regeneration
Passive: Vladmir's Aura - Grants a variety of bonuses to allied units in an area of 900 radius around the holder. Grants a stackable 16% lifesteal effect that only affects melee units, 15% bonus damage, 5 bonus armor and 0.8 bonus mana regeneration. Multiple instances of Vladmir's Aura does not stack.
A helpful item that is rushed by a lot of heroes. It is usually bought by junglers and carries for the lifesteal, but all the other effects are also quite useful.
Mekansm 2306 (900) 1 Headdress + 1 Buckler + 1 Mekansm Recipe +5 to all attributes, +5 armor
Active: Restore - Heals 250 hp and gives 2 bonus armor to allied units in an area of 750 radius for 25 seconds. Costs 150 mana and has a cooldown of 45 seconds.
Passive: Mekansm Aura - Grants 4 bonus health regeneration to allied units in an area of 500 radius around the holder. Multiple instance of Mekansm Aura does not stack.
One of the two must-have support items. It is a good idea to have one player with a Mek on your team, but no more than that, as its aura doesn't stack. The aura and heal will make your team much more survivable during large skirmishes.
Pipe of Insight 3628 (900) 1 Hood of Defiance + 1 Headdress +11 hp regeneration, +30% spell resistance. The magic resistance does not stack with other items.
Active: Barrier - Gives allied units in an area of 500 radius around the holder a shield that blocks 400 magical damage for 10 seconds. Costs 100 mana and has a cooldown of 60 seconds.
The other must-have support item. The magic barrier is very useful, especially if there are a lot of damaging spellcasters on the enemy team. Using Barrier as abilities start to be casted can let your team tank a lot of magic damage during a teamfight.


The caster category includes items that come with powerful spells.

Name Picture Cost Components Effect Use
Force Staff 2200 (300) 1 Staff of Wizardry + 1 Quarterstaff + 1 Force Staff Recipe +10 intelligence, +10 damage, +10 attack speed
Active: Force - Pushes any target 600 units in the direction they are currently facing. Can be self-cast by double-tapping. Costs 25 mana and has a cooldown of 20 seconds
While it is only slightly more expensive than a Blink Dagger, it also offers a boost in mobility. The difference is that you don't have the element of surprise that you get for blinking, but you can force units other than yourself. The Force ability can help your ally escape enemies, or to force them straight into your team.
Necronomicon 2700 (1250) 1 Staff of Wizardry + 1 Belt of Strength + 1 Necronomicon Recipe +15 / 21 / 24 intelligence, +8 / 12 / 16 strength. Buy the recipe again to level it up.
Active: Demonic Summoning - Summons a Necronomicon Warrior and a Necronomicon Archer to fight for you. Their power increases with each level. Lasts 35 seconds. Costs 50 mana and has a cooldown of 80 seconds.
If you are good at micro-management, you can make use this item very effectively. The summoned units' mana draining abilities can be really annoying to spellcasters. The Warrior can be used as a suicide unit to do great damage to enemies or to scout, while you can let the Archer stay near your team for its aura.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity 2800 (600) 1 Staff of Wizardry + 1 Sage's Mask + 1 Void Stone + 1 Eul's Scepter of Divinity Recipe +10 intelligence, +150% mana regeneration, +30% movement speed. The movement speed bonus does not stack with other Eul's Scepters.
Active: Cyclone - The targeted unit is swept up in a cyclone for 2.5 seconds, disabling it but making it invulnerable. Double tap to self-cast. Costs 75 mana and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
The Cyclone ability can help save an ally or youself or just to buy you some time, as you are invulnerable when in the air. It can also be a decent disable against enemy heroes, though be sure your team knows who you're going to Cyclone, or else you might end up wasting their spells on an invulnerable target.
Dagon 2850 (1300) 1 Staff of Wizardry + 1 Null Talisman + 1 Dagon Recipe +13 / 15 / 17 / 19 / 21 intelligence, +3 to all attributes, +9 damage. Buy the recipe again to upgrade it.
Active: Energy Burst Does a burst of 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800 damage to the target. Costs 180 / 160 / 140 / 120 / 100 mana and has a cooldown of 40 seconds.
A great source of burst damage. The damage can become very strong at higher levels, matching the power of ultimates. However, leveling it up is expensive, and at level 5 it woul have costed you more gold than to buy any other item in the game.
Veil of Discord 2650 (1250) 1 Helm of Iron Will + 1 Robe of the Magi + 1 Veil of Discord Recipe +5 armor, +12 intelligence, +5 hp regeneration
Active: Magic Weakness - Emits a blast of magic that weakens enemies in a 500 radius area around the user, making them take 25% extra magical damage for 20 seconds. Costs 75 mana and has a cooldown of 30 seconds.
An excellent item to soften up your enemies before your team's casters start throwing spells. Since every hero has a base magic resistance of 25%, you're effectively negating that magic resistance, making then take full damage from magical attacks.
Rod of Atos 3100 2 Staves of Wizardry + 1 Vitality Booster +25 intelligence, +250 health
Active: Cripple - Slows the target's move speed by 50% for 4 seconds. Costs 50 mana and has a cooldown of 20 seconds.
A useful slow that you can get for heroes that don't have any natural slows. 50% is a pretty significant amount, and might just be enough to catch up to and finish off a target.
Aghanim's Scepter 4200 1 Point Booster + 1 Staff of Wizardry + 1 Ogre Club + 1 Blade of Alacrity +10 to all attributes, +200 health, +150 mana
Passive: Ultimate Upgrade - Upgrades the ultimates of certain heroes.
Since it grants different effects to different heroes, its usefulness varies depending on who you get it for. The ultimate upgrades will be detailed on the hero page of heroes who benefit from it.
Orchid Malevolence 5025 (775) 2 Oblivion Staves + 1 Orchid Malevolence Recipe +25 intelligence, +30 attack speed, +30 damage, +150% mana regeneration
Active: Soul Burn - Silences the target and amplifies all damage it takes by 25% for 5 seconds. Costs 100 mana and has a cooldown of 18 seconds.
Can render an enemy spellcaster defenseless, while your team shreds the target. It also gives you a great mix of stats that helps intelligence and agility heroes.
Refresher Orb 5300 (1875) 1 Oblivion Staff + 1 Perseverance + 1 Refresher Orb Recipe +5 hp regeneration, +200% mana regeneration, +40 damage, +6 intelligence
Active: Reset Cooldowns - Resets the cooldowns of the holder's abilities and items. Costs 375 mana and has a cooldown of 160 seconds.
While its effect is pretty powerful, it isn't very commonly picked up except for when your team is completely stomping the other team. Being able to reset all your cooldowns is very useful, and can let you pull off amazing ability combos such as double ultimates. It does cost a lot of mana to use. Don't try to have infinite reset cooldowns by buying multiple orbs, since Refresher Orbs all share the same cooldown, so you can't just refresh the cooldown of another orb.
Scythe of Vyse 5675 1 Mystic Staff + 1 Ultimate Orb + 1 Void Stone +10 strength, +10 agility, +35 intlligence, +150% mana regeneration
Active: Hex - Turns the target into a harmless piglet for 3.5 seconds, rendering them unable to attack or cast spells while slowing them to minimum movement speed. Instantly destroys illusions. Costs 100 mana and has a cooldown of 35 seconds.
Hex is perhaps the best disable in the game. It makes the target completely helpless against attacks, and 3.5 seconds should be enough for your team to take any hero down.

The stats for the necronomicon units:

Necronomicon Warrior
Health 400 / 600 / 800
Damage 25 / 50 / 75
Armor 6 / 8 / 10
Magic Resistance 40%
Move Speed 330 / 360 / 390
Sight Range 1300/1300 (+100 every level)
Attack Range 100
Bounty 100
Abilities Passive: Mana Break - Burns 25 / 50 / 75 mana per hit, 60% of which is dealt as bonus damage.
Passive: Last Will - Does 400 / 500 / 600 damage to the unit that kills the Necronomicon Warrior.
Passive: True Sight - Reveals invisible units in an area of 1000 radius around the warrior. Only available in level 3
Necronomicon Archer
Health 400 / 600 / 800
Damage 40 / 80 / 120
Armor 6 / 8 / 10
Magic Resistance 40%
Move Speed 330 / 360 / 390
Sight Range 1300/1300 (+100 every level)
Attack Range 350 / 450 / 550
Projectile Speed 900
Bounty 100
Abilities Active: Mana Burn - Burns 125 / 175 / 225 mana from the target unit. Has a range of 600 and a cooldown of 20 seconds
Passive: Attack Speed and Movement Aura - Increases the attack and movement speed of allied units by 3% / 6% / 9% in an area of 900 radius around the Necronomicon Archer.




Secret Shop Items

These items can only be gotten at the secret shop, and are components for making powerful late-game items.

Name Picture Cost Effect Use
Demon Edge 2400 +46 damage Usually bought as a component for a Daedalus, a Divine Rapier or a Monkey King Bar, all of which increases your damage output.
Eaglesong 3300 +25 agility A good pickup for agility carries. It is also a component for an Ethereal Blade or a Butterfly, both of which are good agility carry items.
Reaver 3200 +25 strength Increases your durability. Also required to make a Heart of Tarrasque or a Satanic, both of which improves your survivabiliy.
Sacred Relic 3800 +60 damage The most expensive item that's not made from a recipe, it is used for making a Divine Rapier, a Radiance and an Abyssal Blade, all of which are powerful late game weapons.
Hyperstone 2100 +55 attack speed Bought by carries to increase their damage per second. It's also a component for an Assault Cuirass or a Mjollnir.
Ring of Health 875 +5 hp regeneration The regen it gives could be useful for heroes needing some more survivability, but is usually bought as a component for a Hood of Defiance, a Perseverance or a Vanguard.
Void Stone 875 +100% mana rageneration Picked up by heroes that already has good mana regen with their intelligence stat, as Void Stone is better the higher your normal mana regen is. Usually bought when going for a Eul's Scepter, a Scythe of Vyse or a Perseverance.
Mystic Staff 2700 +25 intelligence Bought as a component for a Scythe of Vyse or a Shiva's Guard.
Energy Booster 1000 +250 mana The raw mana it gives you is useful for ability-reliant heroes. It's usually only bought when going for an Arcane Boots and is a component for making a Soul Booster.
Point Booster 1200 +150 mana, +200 health Point Booster is a mix of an Energy Booster and a Vitality Booster, and all three are required for a Soul Booster. It's also needed to make powerful offensive items like an Eye of Skadi and an Aghanim's Scepter.
Vitality Booster 1100 +250 health For heroes that simply want more durability. It's used for making other tanky items like the Heart of Tarrasque and Vanguard. Also a component for a Rod of Atos or a Soul Booster.
Orb of Venom 350 Poison Attack - Wielders attacks passively poisons their target, dealing 3 damage over 4 seconds as well as slowing enemies by 4% for ranged heroes and 12% for melee heroes. Poison Attack is a Unique Attack Modifier, and doesn't stack with other Unique Attack Modifiers. Usually picked up to be built into an Eye of Skadi. It is a pretty cheap item that gives you a slow, though it's almost worthless for ranged heroes.