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All information to get the rare items is already in the game, if the Stranger talks with every character. Although the NES remake has shorter dialogues, most information is still found in the same towns and also at the same pubs.

Shepherd items

If you are playing the NES remake, and in particular if you are playing as the shepherd, this is the first side quest you will do.

In the NES remake the party can include up to four companions, while the other ones can be left at the hostel in Castle Britannia. Because of this, some items were created to upgrade two characters (the shepherd and the fighter) considered weak, otherwise players would have seldom used them.

  • The sheep flute for the Shepherd: it allows to cast "Sleep" on all opponents unlimited times with no MP consumption;
  • the humble robe for the Shepherd: it is an armor upgrade excleusive to the shepherd class;

The flute and the robe are found in Magincia ruins. First of all, you need a companion who can cast the "cure poison" spell, then you also need to purchase the magic key that costs 2000 GP. In other words, if you are playing as the shepherd, it is impossible to obtain these items since game start. When you come back to the ruins, talk to the skeleton in the north-east, and it will give you permission to take them (otherwise, your virtue score will be lowered). Both items are in chests, in two different basements: the flute is at the centre of the ruins, and the robe is in the south-west.

Magic reagents

Nightshade fungus

Virgil/Basil reveals the coordinates of the nightshade fungus.
See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Nightshade fungus

In the NES remake, all characters have been "shifted forward by one town". The first clue about the fungus comes from a fighter in Vesper (Presto); he directs you to the pub in Trinsic (instead of Vesper), then the companions are directed to a mage in Moonglow (Virgil, rendered as Brazil/Basil[1]), instead of Trinsic.

All the thread can be followed by moongates: start in Vesper, take the Minoc moongate to Trinsic, then the Trinsic moongate to Moonglow, eventually get back to mainland using the Moonglow moongate to Britain.

  1. When the NES remake was developed in Japan, Virgil was rendered something like "Vai-ru-dji-lu" or "Ba-ru-dji-lu" (in Japanese, V=B). Then, when the remake was localized in English, "Ba-ru-dji-lu" became "Brazil" or "Basil".

Five spells (two more than in the original version) require Nightshade fungus:

  1. Jinx: useful against large numbers of enemies;
  2. View: useful, but it might be more convenient to buy magic gems instead;
  3. Destroy (Kill): not useful, ranged weapons are more reliable;
  4. Reflect: a spell exclusive for the NES remake;
  5. Life (Resurrect): absolutely necessary, although hopefully used seldom; in the original version, the poisonous fungus was excluded from the recipe.
    Does this new recipe make sense? Yes: often the difference between poison and medicine is just the quantity.

Mandrake root

Calumny reveals the coordinates of the mandrake root.
See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Mandrake root

In the NES remake, too, the mandrake root thread starts near the end of the fungus one. Go from Moonglow to the Lycaeum: a druid in the library (Swindrik from Trinsic) directs the party straight to Calumny of Yew, without need to tip 100 GP tip at any pub.

Calumny tells you the exact coordinates of the only one spot where mandrake root grows: in the plains south of Minoc. As the nightshade fungus, mandrake root can only be found "on the darkest of nights".

Purchase a good stock of ginseng and blood moss (not garlic!), for a good number of "Cure" spells. Even better: purchase reagents for just 8 Cure spells, overpay the apothecary, and restock after every trip to the Blood Plains, so to improve Honesty and Justice.

Nine spells (two more than in the original version) require mandrake root:

  1. Jinx: useful against large numbers of enemies;
  2. Negate: useful against enemies that cast disabling spells (sleep) on the Companions;
  3. Life (Resurrect): absolutely necessary, although hopefully used seldom;
  4. Gate travel: use sparingly, because walking allows to fight and earn experience and gold;
  5. View: useful, but it's more convenient to buy magic gems instead;
  6. Tremor: not useful, ranged weapons are more reliable;
  7. Iceball: not useful, ranged weapons are more reliable;
  8. Defeat: a spell exclusive for the NES remake;
  9. Squish: a spell exclusive for the NES remake.

The sextant

See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/The Strongholds of the Principles#The sextant

In order to reach the exact coordinates where the rare reagents are located, you need a sextant. Sailor Sam of Trinsic said to ask to the barkeep in Jhelom (Celestial). Leave a 100GP tip, and she reveals how to obtain it from a guild shop.

There are two guild shops: one in Vesper and one in Buccaneer's Den. The former is easier to reach. Once a sextant is purchased (for 900 GP), you can see the party's coordinates by selecting it from the "Use" menu. Travel to align exactly with either latitude or longitude, then turn at 90° and go straight to the coordinates of your destination. Search the location and retrieve some rare reagents.

Spell recipes

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Original spell quests

See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Original spell quests
Gate travel
Jingles, a young mage (in Paws)
  • JOB? I seek the wisdom of magic.
  • MAGIC? My master knows the gate travel spell!
  • MASTER? My master is Mentorian. Dost thou know him?
    • NO? He lives in a hidden village in Lock Lake reachable only by ship, ask of the gate spell!
Mentorian, a tall wizard (in Cove)
  • JOB? I study the magical arts.
  • ARTS? There is truth in magic! Dost thou disagree?
    • NO? Good.
  • GATE? Since thou dost bear the ankh, I shall tell thee. A gate spell requires ash, pearl, and mandrake root!
A bearded mage (in Cove):
  • Ah, seeker, we meet at last. I am Mentarion, master of the Gates! Know now that sulfur ash, black pearl, and manroot are necessary for the Gate spell.

Shazom, a dying young wizard (in Moonglow)
  • JOB? I am apprentice to the great wizard Nigel!
  • HEALTH? I will soon die.
  • DIE? Pass on.
  • NIGEL? I will soon need to use the spell he calls 'recall'. Hast thou met Nigel?
    • NO? He lives at the Lycaeum.
    • YES? Seek him out for he will teach thee.
Nigel, a noble wizard (in the Lycaeum)
  • JOB? I teach magical spells.
  • SPELL? I have a specialty! Dost thou know what it is?
    • YES? What do I call the spell?
    • RECALL? Yes, resurrection! It takes ash, ginseng, garlic, silk, blood moss, and mandrake!
A bearded mage (in the Lycaeum):
  • I am Nigel, master of all wizards! My magic is strong enough to raise the dead! Life, thou knowest, is given only unto the highest of wizards, and it requires garlic, moss, fungus, and... hmph, well... and... and Marina of Empath Abbey will tell thee its final ingredient! I am quite busy right now, no time for chitchat!
N/A A beardless mage (in Empath Abbey):
  • Hello! I am Marina Mandracha, in the service of Lady Marcy.

Whenever the Companions learn a recipe from one or more characters, go to Moonglow. In the "Spells Unlimited" shop, they will be asked the recipe for that spell. If the correct recipe is given, the party becomes able to cast that spell.

NES exclusive spell quests

Spells Unlimited. Compound image: the original list was on two screens.
See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Improved spell mixes

In the NES remake, there are seven more spell recipes to be found.

Here is a quick tour of all the locations, starting near Britain and ending in Moonglow, where "Spells Unlimited" is located:

  1. Paws: talk to a mage (Jingles) for the Reflect spell and to a girl (Francesca/Teresa) for part of the Tremor spell;
  2. Vesper: talk to a black mage (Flatbush) for the Destroy/Kill spell;
  3. Sail north to Serpent's Hold: talk to a beardless mage (Garam) for the Jinx spell;
  4. Sail south to the Minoc moongate and travel to Skara Brae: talk to a beggar (Granted) for part of the Tremor spell;
  5. Enter the moongate to Yew: talk to a woman (Kansas ranger) for the Squish spell;
  6. Enter the moongate to Jhelom: talk to a fighter (Slithe) for part of the Tremor spell;
  7. Enter the moongate to Moonglow and the Lycaeum: talk to a mage (Lord Terence) for the Negate spell;
  8. Moonglow: talk to a mage (Cosima) for the Sleep spell.

Mondain's skull

See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Mondain's skull
Sebastian, an injured person (Britain)
  • JOB? I know a terrible secret!
  • SECRET? Mondain's influence has not left the world!
  • MONDAIN? An artifact remains! I heard at Buccaneer's Den! Wilt thou find and destroy it?
    • YES? Then ask at the pub there of the skull!
An injured person (in Minoc):
  • Ungh... Oooh... Ohhh... Oww... The pirates' pub... Mondain... Ohhh...
A reaper (Castle Britannia, beyond locked door)
  • JOB? I kill adventurers!
  • KILL? There is a thing which can kill many!
  • THING? Knowledge of it is found at Buccaneer's Den! Will you seek this thing?
    • YES? It brings great power!
Reaper (Castle Britannia, beyond locked door):
  • Heh, heh! When the skull of Mondain is used in towne, it feels good! Dost thou also enjoy the destruction of pitiful innocents?
    • No? "Thou art a wimp!" (Humility +5)
    • Yes? "Heh, heh! Another friend of evil!" (Humility -5)
Servile, a meek shepherd (Vesper)
  • JOB? I can help thee!
  • HELP? I know of the skull of Mondain the Wizard!
  • SKULL? To use it for any reason is a sign of great evil, and no virtue! Hast thou heard of it?
    • YES/NO? It is an evil artifact!
Ragnar, a solemn ranger (Buccaneer's Den)
  • JOB? I travel.
  • TRAVEL? The lands of Britannia. Art thou here looking for information?
    • YES? On what?
  • SKULL? Be warned that if thou dost ever use the skull, except to destroy it, all thy virtues will be lost!
A pirate (in Buccaneer's Den):
  • Mondain's skull, ye say? Ye do not want it! East of serpent's Hold, in the midsts of three volcanoes. Ye do not want it. Now go away!
The Captain (Buccaneer's Den)
  • 99GP TIP, SKULL? ...
Jude, a ragged soul (Minoc)
  • JOB? To redeem myself!
  • REDEEM? I will not speak of my sin!
  • SKULL? I used it! If I help thee wilt thou swear to only use it at the mouth of the abyss to destroy it?
    • YES? It can be found at lat-P'F" long-M'F" on the darkest night!
A tinker (in Minoc):
  • Ah, to wield the Skull of Mondain! To level a city, to slay all within! Such power I can scarcely hope to claim!

Mystic arms

See also Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar/Side Quests#Mystic arms
Seesha, an injured fighter (in Castle Britannia).
  • HEALTH? I have a grievous wound.
  • WOUND? Deep.
  • JOB? I fight for my country.
  • COUNTRY? Britannia. Fight ye for Britannia?
    • NO? Hmm.
    • YES? Then seek out the smith named Zircon in Minoc for he made the mystic arms, only they will save thee in the abyss!
An injured person (in Minoc):
  • I can neither walk nor work, kind friend. Please, a single coin...
    • No? A good day to you, still.
    • Yes? Ah, my thanks. Zircon awaits the bearer of the scale!
Zircon, a seasoned blacksmith (in Minoc).
  • JOB? I forge weapons.
  • WEAPONS? I make the very best! Seek thee a weapon?
  • NO? Hmmm.
  • YES? Ask at the counter!
  • MYSTIC? Ah, yes, the mystic weapons and armour, my greatest work! Those I gave unto Sir Simon and Lady Tessa.
A tinker (in Minoc):
  • I am Zircon, a very busy smith! A very, very busy smith!
  • ...
Lady Tessa, a wise lady (in Paws).
  • JOB? I am the keeper.
  • KEEPER? I cannot say.
  • MYSTIC? Mystics can be found by an eight parts avatar! Hast thou attained enlightenment in all eight virtues?
  • YES? The mystic weapons lie in the training room of Serpent castle!
A woman in pink (in Vesper):
  • I am told the scale of a legendary snake is in the mountain!
Sir Simon, a wise lord (in Paws).
  • JOB? I am the keeper.
  • KEEPER? Of what I cannot say!
  • MYSTIC? Mystics can be found by an eight parts avatar! Hast thou attained enlightenment in all eight virtues?
  • YES? The mystic armour lies in the center of the oak grove!
A fighter (in Paws):
  • Hail, strong warrior! Dost thou fight for Britannia?
    • No? Then depart from my sight!
    • Yes? The mightiest arms lie in the castles of Truth and Love.
Scatu, a tall mage wearing strange armour (in the Lycaeum).
  • ARMOUR? I wear mystic armour. Art thou a partial avatar?
    • NO? Alas.
    • YES? When thou art eight parts avatar, seek Zircon in Minoc and ask of mystics!
  • JOB? I advise.
  • ADVISE? Thou would be well advised to visit the Seer often!
A druid (in the Lycaeum):
  • The Sword of Paradise lies atop the magical altar above. Only a master of the eight Virtues may claim it!

Legendary axe (NES exclusive)

  • The dragon scale to create the legendary axe for the Fighter: it is the second best melee weapon in the game, only inferior to the Mystic Sword.

The scale is found in the Serpent Spine mountains, that can only be reached by air. If it's brought to Zircon of Minoc, he will use it to create the legendary axe.