Fallout 2/Traits

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< Fallout 2
Revision as of 13:39, 22 March 2009 by Zaiqukaj (talk | contribs) (wikified + a bit of re-writing)

You can choose up to two traits. Traits have both good points and bad points. Be careful in choosing traits because after you select, there's no going back.

Name Description
Fast Metabolism Your body is much less resistant to poison and radiation, but it heals faster. Don't take this one: you'll want some poison resistance and you'll have to take two RadX's to get complete radiation resistance with or without this perk (unless you have the Rad Resistance perk or 10 endurance and Power Armor), and that there are plenty of stimpacks lying around. Don't take this one.
Bruiser Your strength is increased by two but your actions points are decreased by two. Not a good one... You'll need all the action points that you have.
Small Frame Your agility is increased by one but your carry weight drops by 30 pounds. It isn't too bad, but the carry weight decrease hurts in the beginning. It's worth it for the agility increase.
One Hander You are good with one-handed weapons but are bad with two handed weapons. Not a good choice, since the best weapons are two handed.
Finesse Your normal attacks do 30% less damage but your critical chance is increased by 10%. Not too bad of a tradeoff, but I didn't tag this one. And critical damage isn't affected.
Kamikaze Depletes your armor class to what you are wearing but increases sequence by 5. It isn't that great because 6 perception is adequate enough for sequence.
Heavy Handed Your melee damage is increased by 4 but criticals do 30% less damage. Good in the beginning, and criticals do heaps of damage anyway. But it isn't good in the end, where super mutants and deathclaws lurk around.
Fast Shot You can't aim, but your total cost is decreased by one. It isn't a bad tradeoff if you have high critical chance, and works really well with the perks 'Bonus Ranged Attack,' 'Sniper,' or 'Slayer.' The turbo plasma rifle will cost 2 AP's to shoot and the super sledgehammer will only cost 1 AP with those perks. Since most of the aforementioned perks come up in the end, it is good to pass this one by.
Bloody Mess You will always see a grotesque death animation whenever you kill a critter. There really isn't a downside to this, so you can take this one if you want to.
Jinxed Everybody makes more critical failures, but so do you! If you have 9 or 10 Luck, you'll make few critical failures. Only take it if you have 9 or 10 Luck. It happens a lot more to your enemies and NPC allies rather than yourself.
Good Natured Your combat skills are decreased by 10%, but speech, doctor, science, etc. are increased by 15%. Not that great... You'll need high combat skills while 70% or so in the non-combat areas will let you go through the game easily.
Chem Reliant Your addiction rate is increased by 200%, but your withdrawal rate is only 50%. Some drugs, like RadAway, have a 10% addiction rate and no withdrawal...so, it isn't worth it.
Chem Resistant Your addiction rate is 50% of normal, but chems only last for half as long. Not too bad, since combat doesn't take a long time on the Fallout clock.
Sex Appeal To NPCs of the opposite sex, your Charisma is increased by one. The inverse holds true for NPC's of the same sex.
Skilled You get 5 extra skill points per level, but you get a perk every four levels. You'll want those perks as early as possible... They are quite useful. Pass this one on.
Gifted All of your primary stats are increased by one, but you get 5 fewer skill points per level and your secondary skills are lowered by 10%. This is among the best traits, since there are only a few skills that you really need to work on.