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Box artwork for Fallout 2.
Box artwork for Fallout 2.
Fallout 2
Developer(s)Black Isle Studios
Publisher(s)Interplay Entertainment, MacPlay
Year released1998
System(s)Windows, macOS
Preceded byFallout
Followed byFallout Tactics
ModesSingle player
Rating(s)ESRB MatureELSPA Ages 15+
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Fallout 2 is a single player role-playing game developed by Interplay Entertainment, following as a sequel to Fallout. It takes place after a nuclear war that destroyed large parts of the United States.

Story[edit | edit source]

The grandchild of the Fallout protagonist lives in the settlement of Arroyo, which is suffering from a drought. The village is led by their mother, the Elder, who tasks the Chosen One with heading out into the wasteland to find a device called a Garden of Eden Creation Kit or, G.E.C.K. This technology transforms land into a viable ecosystem, saving those who live in Arroyo.

Table of Contents
