Mappy Kids/Stage 5

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Main stage

Note: In two-player mode, this stage is called "Stage 3B", as it is one of three choices for the third stage (the other two being Stage 4 and Stage 6, which are "Stage 3A" and "Stage 3C" respectively); however, you would only have had the choice of playing "Stage 3A" if you chose to play "Stage 2A" earlier.

Once Happy has dropped down to the ground (and Rappy with him in two-player mode), you will have to jump onto atoilet filled with brown urin and kidney stones . (which resembles the small red ones from the original Mappy's bonus rounds) comes flying towards you; once you have kicked it away, you shall have to jump onto the top of a stack of two more building blocks as a second balloon comes flying towards you. Once you have kicked this second balloon away you shall be catapulted back to the left onto the step of a thirteen-block platform with two chests on it - and once you have kicked both of the chests to open them, a ring and a crystal will emerge from them. You will then have to jump down onto a fourth building block to collect five coins; once you have done so you will have to jump back to the left onto the second block to be catapulted to the right up to another platform with two more chests on it. Once you have kicked both of the chests to open them, two more rings will emerge from them - and you'll then have to drop down onto a third platform, turn back to the left, jump up and kick the second block in a four-block stack to destroy it (because once you've done so, a money bag shall emerge from it). You shall now have to jump onto a chair as you come to a crab who is walking back and forth; once you've kicked him away you will have to jump over to a fifth building block on another chair while facing to the left, to get catapulted over to a fourth platform as you come to another crab who is walking back and forth. Once you have kicked this second crab away, you will come to two more chests - and once you have kicked both of them to open them, two more crystals will come flying towards you. A third balloon will then come flying towards you; once you have kicked it away you will have to drop down onto a fifth platform as you come to two more chests. Once you've kicked both of them to open them, two more rings will emerge from them - and you then have to jump up, turn back to the left, and drop down onto a sixth building block to get catapulted over two more building blocks and onto a ninth one. You will now be catapulted over a sixth ten-block platform and onto a tenth building block; once you have landed you will be catapulted up to the fourth step of a sixth nine-step platform. You'll now have to jump up to the platform's fifth step to collect twelve more coins - and once you've done so, you shall have to jump over the platform's ninth step to collect six more coins and land on the right side of its seventh step. You will then have to drop down onto the platform's first step as you come to four more chests; once you have kicked each of these to open them, three more rings and a fourth crystal will emerge from them. You'll then have to jump back up to the right side of the platform's seventh step and its eighth step in turn to collect six more coins as you come to a third crab who is walking back and forth - and once you kick him away you shall have to jump over to a third chair while slowing your descent. Once you've landed, you'll come to a thirteenth chest - and once you have kicked it to open it, a rollerskate will emerge from it. You'll then have to jump over to a three-block platform, as a fourth balloon comes flying towards you; once you've kicked it away, you'll have to jump onto another three-block platform and jump back to the left onto the top of the third chair to collect six more coins. You now have to jump back to the right over to the first three-block platform, jump up, and kick the first and second blocks in the second three-block platform to destroy them (because once you do it, a P-Shirt will emerge from the second one) - and Happy (or Rappy) will also start flashing at this point to indicate their invulnerability. Before the P-Shirt's effect wears off you will have to drop down onto a fourth chair as you come to a fourth crab who is walking back and forth; once you've kicked him away, you will have to jump onto a table and the top of a fifth chair in turn, and drop down to the ground as an alarm clock comes walking towards you. Once you kick this clock away, two more balloons will come flying towards you - and once you jump up and kick both of these away, you must jump onto an eleventh building block to be catapulted back to the left onto a twelfth building block (which is on a seventh five-block platform). You'll now be catapulted back to the left over to the second step of an eighth ten-block platform to collect four more coins; once you have landed, you'll come to two more chests. Once you've kicked both of these to open them, two more rings will emerge from them - and you must then proceed to jump back to the right over to the seventh platform, jump up, turn back to the left, and drop back down to the twelfth building block to be catapulted up to the second step of a ninth twenty-six-block platform. You must now jump onto the platform's fourth step as you come to four more chests; once you've kicked each of them to open them, two more rings, a fifth crystal and another rollerskate will emerge from them. You'll now be required to jump over to a tenth platform, as a seventh balloon comes flying towards you - and on kicking it away, you'll come to a fifth crab who is walking back and forth. Once you've kicked this fifth crab away, you will come to two more chests - and once you've kicked both these chests and opened them two more rings shall emerge from them. You must now drop down onto an eleventh platform under a poster of "Mr. Sweetness" (the running back Walter Payton, 1954-1999), as you come to a sixth crab who's walking back and forth; once you have kicked him away, you shall be required to jump up to a twelfth platform, fall down onto a thirteenth eleven-block platform's fourth step, then jump up and kick a four-block stack's second block to destroy it (because once you do it a Rally-X Special Flag will emerge from it). You must now jump back to the left onto the twelfth platform and the thirteenth platform's sixth step in turn as an eighth balloon flies towards you - and once you've kicked this one away, you shall be required to drop down onto the right side of the platform's fifth step and collect four more coins. You must now drop back down to the left onto the ground as you come to four more chests; once you kick each of them to open them, four more crystals shall emerge from them. You shall now be required to jump up and turn back to the left, then drop down onto a thirteenth building block which shall catapult you over a fourteenth four-block platform as a ninth balloon comes flying towards you) - and once you kick it away, you must drop down onto another table (which has three more building blocks on it), jump onto the sixteenth building block and a fifteenth platform in turn, fall down to the ground to collect four more coins and (depending on where you have landed) walk either to the right or left into the mousehole in order to proceed to that slot machine for the fifth time.

Slot machine

Note: If you spin a Maneki Neko, Nyamco head or Happy head on the slot machine in two-player mode, then win the bonus game, Nyamco shall ask whether you want to steal a part from (or trade one with) the other player or not; if you answer in the negative, you shall be given 20000 Yen instead.

The slot machine is much the same as it was on the previous stages (including Nyamco's dialogue), but spinning a skull on it can still cost you a house part if you had won one in a question box, or had bought one or more from the shop (in addition to the initial penalty of losing 20000 Yen, which is also the penalty for losing a bonus game); once you spin an item that is not a skull in one-player mode (after the possibility of spinning one more than once, which if done enough times may end up losing you all the Yen you collected) and Nyamco has described it, he shall speak the following Hiragana text:

げーむ は.... (Gēmu ha....)
しりおし げーむ にゃんにゃん (Shiri oshi-gēmu nya n nya n)
ミューキチがとくいだにゃあ (Myūkichi ga toku ida nya a)

You may remember that in Zynk Oxhyde's English translation the above text is translated to "I think Mewchi's good at sumo game." (Mewchi being the sinister-looking Mewky, whose head is displayed on a blue background); once you've pressed A button to continue, the images on the slot machine's reels will change to the three anthropomorphic Mewkies' heads (remember that the "normal"-looking one whose head's displayed on a green background is Mewta, while the happy-looking one whose head's displayed on a red background is Mew-mew), as Nyamco starts telling you who your opponent will be. Once you've spun the head of a specific Mewky, Nyamco shall finish telling you that this Mewky shall be your opponent - and once you've pushed A button to continue, the game shall proceed to the "Push Off" bonus game (refer to its section on Stage 2's page for a description). Once you've knocked the Mewky whose head you spun over three times Nyamco shall hail Happy as the winner and give him the prize you spun on the slot machine; once you have pressed A button to continue, the game shall proceed to the shop for the fifth time. However, once Nyamco has finished describing the item you spun in two-player mode he will speak the following Hiragana text instead (which you may again remember translates as "Next sumo bonus game!"):

つぎの... (Tsugi no...)
しりおし げーむ に (Shiri oshi-gēmu ni)
かったほうに あげるにゃあ (Katta hō ni ageru nya a)

Once you have pressed A button to continue, the game will proceed to the "Push Off" bonus game (only in this mode, you will be fighting against each other as opposed to a Mewky); after either mouse has knocked the other one over three times, Nyamco will hail him as the winner and give him the prize you spun on the slot machine. Once you've pushed A button to continue, the game shall proceed to the shop for a third time - and as mentioned on the previous page, if you should happen to buy the second part of the swing from the shop in one-player mode, the elephant shall speak the following Hiragana text:

おや ぶらんこ がそろったね (Oya buranko ga sorotta ne)
それじゃあほかのものを (Sorejāhokanomonowo)
まけてあげよう (Makete ageyō)

In the English translation, the above text is translated to "Swing bonus. Item prices dropped!"; the prices of the eight remaining parts will now be lowered:

Part Price after Flower Bonus Price after Swing Bonus
Sun 90000 Yen 85000 Yen
Fence 15000 Yen 14000 Yen
Wall 97000 Yen 94000 Yen
Glass 26000 Yen 24000 Yen
Door 44000 Yen 43000 Yen
Chimney 67000 Yen 66000 Yen
Car body 74000 Yen 72000 Yen
Car tires 59000 Yen 57000 Yen

The prices will remain at these values until you buy the second part of the car, at which point those of the six remaining parts will be lowered once again; however, if you spin a skull on the slot machine later and lose a car part, swing part, or flower, the prices will be raised back to the previous bonus value.


The shop is much the same as it was in the previous stages (including the elephant's dialogue); however, if you spun a skull on the slot machine in one-player mode earlier (and you did not win it back in a question box), the price for the part you lost shall have been returned to the wall. Once you (or both players in two-player mode) finish shopping, the screen will cut to the shot of the anthropomorphised Happy (and Rappy in two-player mode), looking at the pictures of their partially-built houses - and once the game returns to the overworld map, you'll have to push left on the D-Pad in one-player mode to proceed to Stage 6 or push up on the D-Pad in two-player mode to proceed to "Stage 4A" (which needs to be played as a result of choosing this stage).