Star Wars: Battlefront II/Mustafar

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki
Map of Mustafar

Command Posts[edit]

  1. This CP gives you easy access to CPs 2 and 5, and a last resort should the enemy capture your other CPs.
  2. Don't worry if this gets captured, it will change hands several times during the game. Most of the fighting is in here.
  3. It can be hard to see outside, so watch yourself when capturing this CP.
  4. This place is easy to defend, with the only entrances being ramps.
  5. At the beginning of the battle, this CP will be under attack, and it's wise if you start here first.
  6. Actually CP 0, this CP is easily accessed by bridges, which can be lowered by destroying the bridge control panel.


  • Your faction:Republic
    • Easy reinforcements: 150
  • Opposing army:CIS
    • Easy reinforcements: 150
  • Vehicles on map:None
  • Jedi heroes:Republic - Obi-Wan CIS - Darth Maul


Enter Mustafar, a map with one of Battlefront II's strongest 'massacre' areas (this being CP 2). It can get pretty dark on this map, giving your enemies an advantage. Mustafar is mainly a CQC battle, favoring those who utilize a shotgun.


Spawn at CP 5 as a Clone Trooper and get ready for enemy forces from CP 0 to enter. Open one of the two doors, chuck a grenade, the do the same to the other side. Once there is a break in the fighting, run over to CP 0 and capture it. Go down the hallway to reach the dark outdoors. Continue moving forward until you find a ramp. Go up it and take over CP 4. On the other side of the ramp (opposite the side you came up it) are probably a lot of CIS troops hiding in the dark. Destroy them, and make your way to CP 2 to defend it, or to capture it if it was taken. Now, prepare to attack CP 3. CIS forces will be storming out, but their reinforcements should be considerably low. Your choice is to defend your CPs, or capture CP 3 and quickly end the fight.