Star Wars: Battlefront II/Tantive IV

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Tantive IV
World N/A
Environment Corellian Corvette
Empire Rebels
Hero: Darth Vader Hero: Princess Leia
CIS Republic
General Grievous Yoda

This map is not available in a Galactic Conquest game. It's setting is the enemy boarding action of the Rebel blockade-runner depicted at the start of Episode IV: A New Hope.

Heroes: This is one out of two (the other being polis massa) Battlefront II map featuring the hero Leia. Vehicles None


Tantive IV is a fairly small but balanced map for a conquest match, with victory going to the side that can most effectively concentrate fire-power and take advantage of limited cover in the narrow corridors and confined spaces of the ship.

Generally not a good map for snipers, but plenty of opportunities for grenades, det-packs and close-in fighting.

Capture the Flag[edit]

Because of the confined and channelling nature of the map, tending to concentrate the two sides at several choke-points, not a good choice for a fun CTF game.