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12:10am[edit | edit source]

Sissel arrives at the kidnappers' hideout. Dandy arrives with the trunk in tow and Beauty leaves for a little while. Dandy sits down and falls asleep. Now we have to get to the trunk. There's something very strange about this room. It resembles that contraption in the basement of the super's office, but why? We'll find out later. Go to the candle and make it burn brighter. Jump to the decoration that came down and swing it. It will get stuck on the fan. Jump to the fan's motor then manipulate it. A ball goes rolling off the table. Jump to the door and manipulate it, which makes the ball roll away.

Return to the decoration on the fan and go to the other side. Lower the shade and jump to the crate. Sissel will notice the trunk is too far for him to reach. Go left until you reach the party poppers and set them both off. Go back to the fan's motor and manipulate it. Quickly return to the candle and manipulate that too. The streamer on the fan will catch fire and light the doll's candle. Head to the balance toy and spin it. The other streamers burn up, lighting the candlestick on the wall. Move to the candle sconce and move it. The shelf's cords breaks and the clock falls down. Go to the clock, then the trunk and open it.

Huh? There's a little girl inside the trunk but it's actually Kamila. How strange. Beauty returns and talks to Dandy. Kamila asks if she's been kidnapped and gets upset when Dandy calls the surroundings miserable and filthy (but they are) because she used to live there. Turns out it was the other party in the deal who chose that place. Dandy leaves to go and get Beauty her bread and milk.

12:21am[edit | edit source]

Jump into the Ghost World and Sissel sees that Kamila has a core of the dead. Talk to her. Sissel introduces himself. It seems Kamila doesn't remember dying too well, so he decides not to press her on that subject. It turns out Kamila got kidnapped on the way to the Chicken Kitchen when going through the park and she left the music box there. Sissel asks about her father. It turns out her father is not the justice minister... but Detective Jowd. Five years ago, something terrible happened. Kamila was left at home alone while her parents were out working and built a contraption to surprise her mother, since it was her birthday. Something went wrong and it set off the gun on the wall, killing her mother. Jowd ended up taking the blame for what happened to protect his daughter.

They stop talking and Sissel assures her he'll save her, but then Dandy returns and Beauty tells him they have to leave immediately. She can sense Sissel and warns him that if she senses him again, the child will die. Kamila drops the book Sissel is possessing when Dandy closes the trunk and he's left behind in the house, unable to do anything to help her further.