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8:04pm[edit | edit source]

Now we have to find a way out of this apartment. At least Missile can be of some help. Operate the remote control and the star ornament. The power of these two objects combined will cause Missile to bark so energetically that the woman next door practically pounds the wall down and creates a new path for Sissel.

8:05pm[edit | edit source]

Cross the room and possess the bottle that the lady set down on the table. Sissel and Missile will exchange farewells then the little doggie races off to go and make a new path for himself.

Sissel is now in a new room, occupied by the lady, Emma, and her sick little daughter, Amelie. After Emma has a talk with Amelie, she will sit down to type away at her typewriter. Sissel's objective is to get across the room to that telephone.

8:06pm[edit | edit source]

Go up to the latch in the ceiling and open it, then use the drinking bird to knock the rat onto the shelf. Read Emma's thought bubble. She will get up to find her dictionary. When she is coming to the bookcase, manipulate the windmill to knock the rat to the floor. Emma will then discover the dictionary. Possess the dictionary and she will carry it over to the table.

Listen to the conversation between Emma and Amelie. Emma will then return to the table and start typing again. While she is typing, turn the knob on the lamp and the light will go out. Emma will freak out about making a typo and pull out the paper from the typewriter. Immediately possess the paper she is holding and she will throw it across the room to land on top of the wastebasket. If you don't manage to jump to the phone in mid-air, simply lift the lid of the wastebasket and try again.

The second Sissel jumps into the phone, it rings. It's her husband, asking her to return home to him. Emma is unwilling to do so unless he changes his mind, it seems. The conversation comes to an end and we get a new phone number, but there's no need to go over there at the moment.

8:16pm[edit | edit source]

Head to the junkyard. Two detectives and a medical examiner are now present and they are looking into Sissel's murder. Lynne has been taken into custody. Listen to the detectives' conversation. Then move closer to the medical examiner and read his thought bubble. A moment later, Inspector Cabanela turns up. He comes down and immediately makes a phone call.

8:18pm[edit | edit source]

Jump into the phone to listen in. Cabanela gets a surprise when a decidedly strange individual answers the phone, but the person he meant to speak to quickly turns up. Seems the guy is performing a stake out tonight. Anyway, after that phone call is over, Cabanela tells the medical examiner to do his job well before asking where Lynne is. He leaves to go and see her.

8:19pm[edit | edit source]

Listen to the detectives' conversation.

8:20pm[edit | edit source]

Listen to the medical examiner's thought bubble. He will put down the gun that is suspected of being the murder weapon. Turns out it's the same model that detectives use... and Lynne herself is a detective. This isn't looking good.

8:22pm[edit | edit source]

Examine the pistol. Sissel fires it, getting a few angry reactions. Seconds later, there's another gunshot and the phone rings right away. Go to the phone. It's Inspector Cabanela, demanding the medical examiner head up to the superintendent's office immediately.

8:23pm[edit | edit source]

Head to the superintendent's office through the phone.