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2:55am[edit | edit source]

Sissel is in for yet another shock. He sees "himself" pointing a gun at Inspector Cabanela's corpse. The "other Sissel" makes a phone call to Commander Sith, that eyebrowed blue man from before, telling him he'll be there soon then hangs up. The room the commander and his servant are in is revealed to be on a submarine. "Other Sissel" salutes the dead inspector then walks out, leaving Sissel alone with the corpse.

2:56am[edit | edit source]

Possess Cabanela's corpse. The inspector is still unconscious so we'll go on ahead and view the last four minutes of his life.

Rewind Time

2:50am, Maint. Building - Super's Office[edit | edit source]

Cabanela was just finishing off the phone call and hung up, crouching over in pain. It turned out he was making that phone call because the "other Sissel" asked him to. Cabanela asks him why he's doing this and he replies that it's revenge against the people who took his life away. He's adamant that he was murdered - by Jowd, who chased him down, Lynne, who was there when he was running for it, and Cabanela, who did something though he didn't specify. He then accused Cabanela of deliberately hauling Jowd in to protect his spotless record. Cabanela whipped out his gun and shot the man in red. He fell on the stepladder and it rolled back forward. The man then slowly stood up, appearing unharmed by the bullet, and took Cabanela's gun from him, using it to shoot him dead.

Be very careful. Don't use your ghost tricks in front of the man in red because he knows about them too. Sissel will notice the strange waves coming from his body again. We saw them before at the bottom of that crater where Missile died. Are they really the signs of having powers of the dead? Well, maybe not exactly. Possess the kettle and wait for him to bang on the stove, knocking the kettle down. Go down into the room below. It looks like an explosion took place here and there's another death lying hidden in the room. Move the hoist and it falls down. Go to the toolbox and open it up. Jump across the cores to the pigeon man's corpse and possess it.

The pigeon man is awake and he hasn't lost his memory. He wonders why Cabanela would bring the guy who blew the place up along but Cabanela tells him it was a different guy. There isn't a way to save the inspector yet, so let's go back in time to before the pigeon man's death and see what we can do from there.

Rewind Time

2:42am, Maint. Building - Basement[edit | edit source]

The pigeon man, or professor, was inspecting the man in red's corpse while Cabanela was sitting down nearby. Cabanela warned him that they should get out of there but the professor wasn't about to do so. Cabanela pointed out that the manipulator's true form was actually a spirit and he just wasn't there. Actually, he was, and it soon became very apparent. The manipulator got up from the table and talked about how he manipulated the justice minister and even Lynne. He made her shoot his "shell", knowing the camera would capture the "murder", and Lynne would be found guilty of murder. He then informed the professor it was time to die. He would be leaving the country tonight but before he did that, he had to wipe out all evidence of his powers. He then set off the contraption. Cupid rose up and fired its arrow without turning around. There was dynamite on the table. Cabanela jumped in to save the professor but it was too late and the professor was killed in the explosion.

Sissel actually can't do very much. Possess the measuring device, sit there and wait for the four minutes to run out. As the seconds start counting down, a dialogue bubble pops up. Read it. They hear someone crying out to Sissel to help him. Better find them. Move the screen to the bottom right corner near the bin with the rats and a leaf comes floating by. It's Missile and he readily agrees to help out. Now we can actually get somewhere.

Missile can do the rest from here, because Sissel's useless right now. Swap the two newspaper piles and the rats come scampering over to the bin, knocking off the lid. As it's rolling away, swap it with the tire. The lid will fall down. When it's still, swap it with the trapdoor. The pigeon man falls down and avoids getting killed in the explosion.

While the manipulator oh so kindly manipulates the injured Cabanela up the stairs, the pigeon comes down to check on the professor. Missile goes up ahead to wait for Sissel. The pigeon man asks the pigeon to carry the measuring device up to the top. When the pigeon's close enough, jump onto the hoist. Go to the room above and Missile greets you. Now we have to save Cabanela somehow, without the man in red noticing.

When the kettle falls down, while controlling Sissel, use it to go up. When the manipulator's back is turned, quickly swivel the desk lamp and move to the hard hat then jiggle it. It will fall to the floor. Then put Sissel on the motor. After the manipulator is shot, possess the stepladder and roll it to the other end of the room and move up to the knit hat. Jiggle it and it falls down. Roll the stepladder back. Have Missile swap the knit hat with the book. It falls down and lands neatly on the hook. When the man in red shoots, swap the knit hat with the bullet.

The manipulator doesn't notice Cabanela being hit in the face with a knit hat and goes to the phone. Now both Cabanela and the professor have been saved. It turns out Cabanela and the pigeon man were working together to research the manipulator and his powers. They return to the present.

3:14am[edit | edit source]

Talk to Cabanela. Sissel mentions how the man in red swore revenge against those who took his life and brings up the part where he mentioned Inspector Cabanela as one of those he wanted revenge on. Cabanela talks about how the Special Investigation Unit was working on a certain big case and brought in a witness. He had just been accepted into the unit and wanted to impress them so he pressured the suspect even though he was only supposed to take his statement. He pushed him too far and made him lose all hope. On top of that, Cabanela was called away and left his gun in the room. The man used the gun to escape.

Cabanela then talks about the manipulator. They found out about his existence during an overseas communication. He was making a deal with a foreign country and wanted them to buy him and his powers. He gave them two predictions to prove his powers - he foresaw the cases at the Special Prison, namely the curry lover who would take the chief commissioner hostage and the rock star who would sing out national secrets. The SIU launched an investigation and managed to pinpoint the meeting place and staked it out tonight. They have been unable to find out where the submarine will surface and want to prevent the powers from landing in those foreigners' hands at all costs.

On the subject of Cabanela's spotless record, he reveals that it's because of his spotless record he could become head of the SIU and oversee all aspects of the manipulator case. All this was in order to try and prove that Jowd was innocent. Cabanela hauled him to the justice minister to try and hold off the execution. He couldn't simply let him escape because it would be a crime.

3:23am[edit | edit source]

Talk to the pigeon man. It turns out he wasn't always a junkyard superintendent. He was once a medical examiner who worked with the police. One day, he was asked to autopsy a strange corpse. The victim was hit by a meteorite fragment and died instantly. The corpse was unusual in that there wasn't a scratch on him and the professor was unable to even cut him with his scalpel. He was never able to file an autopsy report because the corpse vanished. There was only one way the corpse could have disappeared - it got up and walked out on its own. There was still a clue left behind - the strange radiation that emitted from it. The professor went to the crater where the meteorite fell and found the exact same radiation coming from the meteorite. He quit his job as a medical examiner to research Temsik in full and came to learn about the connection between his research and the manipulator case.

A year before, Cabanela arrived at the office. He was investigating the manipulator case at the time and heard about a man who quit the force to study the meteorite. At one point, while listening to the communications, he heard the manipulator state that the source of his powers was not of this world. It was then that Cabanela realised that the manipulator case and Temsik were connected. It's also revealed that the professor built the contraption in the room to try and help Jowd. There was a part he couldn't reproduce - the part that made Cupid turn around. And so, the existence of the manipulator was proven.

Lynne turns up and is shocked to see Inspector Cabanela. After some explaining goes on, she apologises now that she knows what's really going on. Cabanela didn't want her to be involved, which was why he had her arrested. Cabanela's pretty upset about getting hurt in the explosion. Then Jowd turns up. It seems that the minister called off the execution and let Jowd go free until the next morning. Jowd tells Cabanela to leave the rest to him. The professor hands Jowd his coat. He then goes off, thanking Cabanela for the gift. Lynne speaks to Sissel, asking him to wait until they can get the phone on the submarine hooked up, then leaves.