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Lynne is waiting in the park when Sissel arrives and she doesn't seem very happy. Follow the cores to the left and manipulate the swing to make it go faster. Jump to the basketball inside the globe and then spin the globe to get across to the seesaw. Make your way over to Lynne. Talk to her. She didn't find what she was looking for, but found something else. Lynne then points out the corpse lying nearby. Possess the corpse.

It's that strange young man who answered Cabanela's phone call ages ago and he invites Sissel to come study his pamphlets... not that Sissel could anyway, if he wanted to. There are more important things to do right now like saving his life.

Rewind Time

8:25pm, Temsik Park[edit | edit source]

The reckless youth was left alone when Rindge went into the restroom and heard a scream. It was Kamila being kidnapped. He raced over to the scene and picked up the music box when Kamila shoved it into the bushes. Kamila pushed Dandy away and the blue man landed on top of a lever, pulling it down. A giant rock came falling down from above and came perilously close to crushing Kamila before moving through the air and crushing the youth instead.

The reckless youth identifies the rock as Mino, the mascot of the park, but Sissel's more interested in the way it moved aside. The youth declares the gods saved the little girl... and then mischeviously crushed him instead. Okay. Sissel thinks it might be someone with ghost tricks more powerful than his though. Yeah, that makes more sense. Jump into the Ghost World and Sissel sees another flame besides his. Go and talk to it.

IT'S MISSILE! Yes, the little dog is dead again and this time he has the powers of the dead. He finally caught up with Kamila in the park and went running after her but then Dandy came along on his moped, hitting Missile. Missile fell into the crater and died there. When he woke up, Kamila was already dead. Mino had crushed her. Missile went back to four minutes before her death. Follow the little tutorial and you'll learn how Missile used his powers of swapping to save Kamila. He tried to swap Mino agan with a nearby object so that the youth wouldn't have to die but couldn't reach. Now that Sissel's here, they may have a chance of saving him.

As Sissel, go to the dumpster lid and lift it then continue over to the far end of the seesaw by the globe climber. Have Missile swap the baseball with the basketball. The youth will come along and start spinning on the globe. While he's doing that, have Sissel move to the center of the globe and spin it faster. Go up the tree to the love letter and rustle it loose. Go across the tree to the umbrella and close it then open it again. The youth will run across the seesaw and the umbrella catches the basketball. Have Missile swap the basketball with the tire on the ground. This will cause the rugby ball to fall out of the tree. When Mino falls down, swap it with the rugby ball.

The youth gets knocked unconscious by the rugby ball but at least he's alive. Sissel offers to save Missile, but Missile would rather hold onto his ghost tricks since he's more useful with them. Sissel asks the youth to give Lynne the music box when they return to the present then he goes back. In the present, Missile speaks to Lynne before being blown away on the wind. The youth wakes up and approaches Lynne to present her with a pamphlet. Sissel reminds him about the music box and he hands it over to her. The reckless youth is suddenly struck silent and then asks if Lynne is the little girl from that time in the park, ten years ago.

1:35am[edit | edit source]

Talk to the reckless youth. He talks about the "rock of the gods" that he's so fascinated with. It's a meteorite that fell down in the park ten years ago on the day of the kidnapping and showed a "miracle". The youth was passing through the park on that day when he heard the scream of a little girl. He saw the hostage situation take place before him and noticed the meteorite fall down. One of its shards pierced the man's back, killing him. Ever since that day, the meteorite, named Temsik after the park, has lain at the bottom of the crater and the youth believes the gods were responsible for saving Lynne. Lynne had no idea about what happened since she was so traumatised by the experience that she avoided the news. The youth swore to protect the park and is trying to prevent it from being turned into a housing site.

Lynne picks up Missile's body to take with her. Sissel is wondering why Detective Jowd claimed to have taken the man's life when it was a meteorite fragment that did it. Lynne and Sissel head back to the minister's office. Lynne presents the box and Jowd opens it, taking out the gun. Based on the evidence, the minister believes he must call off the execution.

2:35am[edit | edit source]

Talk to Detective Jowd. Jowd thanks Sissel for his aid tonight and Sissel says he's no longer doing all this just for himself. He believes they are all connected somehow. Lynne wonders if she was a victim of manipulation. It seems likely that's the reason why she shot Sissel. She also wonders why that contraption seems so familiar and Sissel reminds her about the one in the basement. Jowd has never even heard of the junkyard and never told anyone about the contraption either. Sissel then talks about Temsik and points out Jowd claimed to have taken the man's life. Jowd blames himself for the death regardless of the meteorite because he was about to shoot that man. The moment he drew his gun, in his eyes, he was already a murderer. Lynne protests that he was just trying to save her but he doesn't think so. There was an incident in another place where a suspect escaped interrogation and Jowd chased him down. He fired the gun and made the man panic, driving him to take Lynne hostage.

Jowd believed that Alma's death was fate, punishment for the crime he had committed. He painted portraits of people's faces in his cell. Tonight, he painted his final face, the face of the man in the park that day. The very face Sissel is wearing. Sissel can't believe it. He couldn't really be the man from the park, could he? Jowd points out that the man's name wasn't Sissel and he's been wondering the whole time just who Sissel really is.

Before anyone can ponder on this issue much longer, the phone rings. It's Cabanela and he orders the minister to be quiet and listen to his demand. He wants the execution to take place tonight and then the hostage will be released. He hangs up, leaving the minister incredibly freaked out.