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7:31pm[edit | edit source]

Sissel arrives in a strange room to find two people - a man with bushy eyebrows and his muscular servant. Sissel expresses the desire to read the file the man is holding, so let's move over to it. The man will close it before he can examine it, but that's okay because Sissel can simply open it. Examine it again and it pops open, giving the man a shock. The servant will reveal the woman's name - Lynne, and then the file gets put away. Jump over to the projector and manipulate it. Right as the painting turns around, jump into the ghost world and possess its core.

The servant will bring up another face on the screen - Sissel's. After a brief and cryptic conversation, Sissel will find himself back by the table. Jump to the control panel and manipulate it. This will bring the phone back up. At that moment, it rings and you'll learn that Lynne is in danger again. Hop into the phone to see another hitman on the end. His name is "One Step Ahead" Tengo and he is calling in from Lynne's apartment to tell him... that she isn't there yet. Well, it wouldn't be smart to go home right after an assassin tried to kill you.

7:42pm[edit | edit source]

Our next destination is of course Lynne's apartment. Head over there through the phone line. Tengo is not the only one in the apartment, it seems. A little girl is tied up and a little dog is lying dead nearby. It would be very bad if Lynne came home to a scene like this, so it's time to try and fix this bad situation. Possess the dog's corpse.

IT'S MISSILE! That is, the dog is a cute little Pomeranian by the name of Missile and he feels bad because he couldn't protect his lady, Miss Kamila. Let's help him out, shall we?

Rewind Time

7:33pm, Maison de Amida - Room 701[edit | edit source]

The last four minutes before the little dog's life play out. Kamila was unable to watch television since Missile's barking was irritating the lady next door and decided to listen to music through headphones while reading instead. She was blissfully unaware of Tengo storming into the apartment and proceeding to shoot Missile in the face. Those must be some incredible headphones, huh?

Jump into the folding umbrella and wait until Kamila comes to get the headphones. When she starts juggling them, extend the umbrella. This action causes the headphones to land in the fish tank, preventing her from being able to listen to her music. She will bring over the cart. Roll the cart over to the other side of the room then rock the bowl of donuts. Quickly move to the star ornament, then to the Santa ornament. Jump down to the lamp, then the door. A rat will have come over to examine the fallen donut. Open the door to send it flying underneath the sofa. Missile will follow it under the sofa and start barking. Kamila will then clamber underneath to join him.

At that moment, Tengo bursts into the room. Since nobody appears to be there, he sits himself down on the sofa and helps himself to the donuts. Kamila may still be shaking in fear underneath the sofa, but at least Missile's life has been saved. Sissel returns to the present and waits to see what happens next. The phone rings and Tengo goes to answer it, learning that Lynne is still at the junkyard. The hitman leaves and Kamila and Missile emerge from under the sofa. The phone suddenly rings yet again and Kamila answers it. Turns out it's Lynne calling.

7:49pm[edit | edit source]

Make your way back to the cart. Sissel will notice that the little dog has a core. Reach out to the core and Sissel will have a conversation with Missile. It turns out he can communicate with the living once they have been saved from death. Roll the cart and jump into the phone to listen in on the girls' conversation. Lynne warns Kamila to get out of there and asks her to meet her at the Chicken Kitchen. She also asks her to bring a wooden box, hidden in that very room. Before Lynne can even tell her where it is, she ends up getting freaked out by a pigeon. Kamila is also freaked out and drops the phone in the tank. Oops. Now she has to look for the box but she's going to need the help of a certain ghost.

7:54pm[edit | edit source]

Roll the cart across the room again. Jump up into the Santa ornament and make it spin faster. You will then be able to reach the latch. Open it, and a wooden box in the ceiling will fall out. Return to the ornament and make it spin slower to return to the star ornament on the tree. Play the ornament to get Kamila's attention. She will notice the box. Now that she has what she's looking for, it's time for her to leave. Unfortunately for Sissel, leaving the apartment isn't going to be so easy with the phone at the bottom of the fish tank.