5:26pm, Temsik Park[edit | edit source]
Lynne was about to eat her baked potato when Jowd and Yomiel came running and Jowd fired the gun, making Yomiel take Lynne hostage. A kitten came and rubbed against Jowd's leg, mewing. Jowd told the kitten to get away because it was dangerous. Then the meteorite crashed down and the fragment hit Yomiel.
They may actually be able to save Yomiel from his fate of being hit by the Temsik meteorite, but Jowd isn't so sure. He's afraid he'll shoot Yomiel and he'll die anyway, but Yomiel can accept that. What he did was inexcusable and he can accept dying.
When Lynne is being held hostage, go across the cores to her headphones and turn them up. This causes Lynne to drop her baked potato. Head over to the basket and rock it. The sweet potato falls out. Now go to the nozzle and when the potato is floating close to it, spray. The jet of water should propel the potato in the air. Possess the potato before it's out of range and Sissel will land on the large fountain. Now put Sissel in the fountain and have Missile go over to the floating potato. Have Sissel spray Missile up into the air.
Up there, have Missile swap the potato with Mino, then swap Mino with the right post lantern. Don't exit the ghost world between steps as this will cause Mino to crash down and you'll have to restart. Now Mino is on top of the lamp post and should get in the way of the meteorite fragment.
The meteorite falls and the fragment glances off Mino. It sails over Yomiel and shoots through Jowd's leg. He collapses and the gun shakes in his hand. Ghost!Jowd yells at him to drop the gun even though he can't hear him. Then the gun goes off. Missile quickly stops time by going into the Ghost World, swearing he won't let Jowd become a murderer.
Swap the bullet with the baked potato. Yomiel is sent flying and ends up impaled on the lamppost. Sissel fears the worst, but Yomiel quickly assures him that he's still alive.
It's too soon to relax however as the lamppost starts bending over under the weight of Mino. Mino begins to fall and there's nothing that can be done. Sissel refuses to give up and freezes time before it can hit her. Yomiel wonders why he doesn't just let it play out and possess her corpse. Sissel doesn't want Lynne to have the memory of dying since she's so young. Yomiel comes up with a plan and has Sissel move over to the left nozzle. Spray, and the lantern goes flying over. Then it's Missile's turn. Swap Mino with the lantern.
Mino is still falling but Yomiel isn't bothered. He can manipulate living things and is going to manipulate his own body to save Lynne. He pulls himself off the lamppost then throws Lynne over to Jowd. Mino falls down on top of his legs.
Final fate averted[edit | edit source]
Lynne wakes up in Jowd's arms. He asks her to call the police for him and even gives her a toy badge. Lynne races off to do as he asked and Jowd approaches Yomiel, asking if he's still alive. Fortunately, he is and tells Jowd his body was moving all by itself like he was being controlled, but he's glad it happened. Lynne comes back and finds an unconscious kitten in the grass. It's the same kitten from earlier and Jowd offers to take it home.
Yomiel observes that his fate just changed in a big way. Sissel wonders whose fate he means and Yomiel replies he meant the kitten's of course, and gives his name - Sissel. Sissel remembers that is in fact his real name. Yomiel states that during those lonely ten years, Sissel was his only friend, and asks if he remembers now. It all comes back to Sissel.
Ten years ago, he was a lonely kitten who wandered into the park. After Yomiel died, he possessed Sissel's body and lived with him for a while before reclaiming his own body. He went to see his fiancée but she had committed suicide to join him. Yomiel named the kitten after her. Tonight, he was carrying Sissel in a bag since he had no intention of leaving him behind. He manipulated Lynne into shooting him and then left in Sissel's body, since leaving in his own body wouldn't make it look like a murder. When possessing Sissel, he came to realise something horrible. Sissel was dead. When Yomiel manipulated Lynne, the first shot was off and the bullet hit Sissel. He died in the presence of Temsik radiation and received his ghost tricks.
Sissel realises now why he was unable to get his memories back. Yomiel's corpse was the only one he could see at the time. His true death was hidden in the bag all along. Sissel asks Yomiel why he never tried to stop him when he was saving Lynne tonight. Yomiel tells Sissel that he was unable to replay a death, let alone change fate. Had he been able to do so, he would have saved Sissel, as well as his fiancée.
Now that fate has changed, a new future awaits everyone. Yomiel reveals that he's glad his revenge failed. When Lynne told him she understood how she was feeling, he changed his mind about revenge. It's time to get back, but Yomiel points out the past won't disappear completely. The memories of those who are there in the past (Sissel, Missile, Jowd, Yomiel) will remain. After exchanging words, everyone sets off back to the new present.
Ray's story[edit | edit source]
Suddenly, Ray appears before Sissel. He's going to show his true self to Sissel but before that, he tells him a story. Had Sissel not saved Lynne tonight, she would have died in that lonely junkyard. Then Tengo and Yomiel (who took his body with him since Lynne was dead and it was useless to frame her for murder) broke into the apartment and stole the wooden box. In the process, two little dead bodies were left behind - Kamila's and Missile's. Missile reached out a paw to his mistress and activated his ghost tricks. It turned out he had died in the presence of the radiation coming from Yomiel's body. Missile was unable to save his mistress and chased after the men but was still unable to do anything and ended up in the control room with Yomiel's corpse. Then he went back ten years in time. There he waited until that night came round again.
Ray reveals his true form - an older Missile. Ten years is a long time in dog years. After those ten years had gone by, he had grown old and his powers were weak. He needed somebody else to help him, so he enlisted the aid of Sissel. Sissel points out that he manipulated the desk lamp and Missile tells him his powers changed over those ten years. His power to swap object faded, but he became able to manipulate objects. Sissel asks why he couldn't simply work with himself and Missile replies that he couldn't go through phone lines. It was a very important ability when chasing somebody.
Sissel wonders how Missile knew Sissel could use phone lines in the first place. It turns out that Missile met Sissel on that night the first time around. He heard that Lynne lost her life in the junkyard and made his way over there. There, he saw Sissel manipulating the desk lamp. That Sissel actually refused to co-operate with Missile, shocking Sissel. His self in the first timeline only wanted to find his lost memories then fled over the phone line. Sissel apologises for not helping him. The next time around, Missile decided he would use Sissel's desires to find his lost memory to their mutual advantage. Missile would guide him along the right path to Yomiel. On top of that, he would give him a time limit. The disappearing at dawn thing was in fact a lie. Missile only said that to make sure Sissel got to the submarine in time, otherwise Yomiel would have been trapped at the bottom of the sea forever and it would all have been over.
Now that the ten years will cease to exist, Missile will disappear along with them. He thanks Sissel for his work tonight and bids him farewell. Now it's time for Sissel to return to the present.
A new present[edit | edit source]
Lynne has come into Jowd's house and wonders why it's so dark. She flips on the light and the contraption is set in motion. At least this time, it does what it's supposed to do. Kamila comes running out from the cupboard along with Sissel and explains about the contraption. Lynne points out it's not her birthday. Jowd comes in and says it doesn't matter, since they are celebrating the birth of her position as detective. He introduces Lynne to Kamila, who congratulates her on becoming a detective. She notices Lynne's badge, saying she got one like it, but hers appears much older. Jowd asks how long Lynne is going to wear the toy badge and Lynne says it's the sign of being a real detective. Sissel mews to get her attention. Lynne wonders if it's the same kitten and Jowd confirms it. Kamila tells her that Sissel is a very special kitten who hasn't aged in the whole ten years. Upon hearing his name, Lynne thinks it sounds familiar. Kamila's mother comes over to say it's time for the celebration to begin. Lynne picks up Sissel and speaks to him. After a little monologue from Sissel, we see him enter the Ghost World and Temsik radiation flows from his body. It appears that the fragment hit him and now he's in the same state Yomiel was, minus the suffering and despair.
After that, the credits roll. We are treated to various scenes, including Cabanela arriving at the celebration party with Missile in tow. At the end, we see Yomiel being released from jail after a ten year long sentence.