10:55pm[edit | edit source]
Sissel arrives at the guards' office. The lights are out and Bailey is in a panic. A call comes in and the other guard answers it. It's Special Detention calling from the death chamber to let them know the internal phone is back up.
10:59pm[edit | edit source]
Go through the phone to Special Detention. Read the bubbles and enter the Ghost World. Sissel comments on the fact darkness doesn't really exist in the Ghost World. Now go over to the room to the right. Possess the light and wait for water to form on the ceiling. Possess the water and Sissel will fall down into the bucket. Open the nearby toolbox and the guard finds his wrench. He manages to get the generator running and the lights come back on.
11:04pm[edit | edit source]
Possess the grounding sphere on the generator and ride up. When the water forms on the ceiling again, jump across to the light. Return to the other room and read the bubbles again. It turns out Detective Jowd has already been executed but that's not really a problem.
11:06pm[edit | edit source]
Return to the right room and manipulate the power supply. Some lights will come on. Go back and read the conversation between the guards, then manipulate the lever. The chair will let off some shocks and the guard goes flying back. Possess the wrench he's holding. He'll return to the chair. Possess the water droplets and go up to the head piece. Rock it and it falls off. The other guard tosses it onto the cart. Rock the cart then follow the new path to the phone.
11:08pm[edit | edit source]
Possess Jowd's corpse. He doesn't remember much at first and doesn't really care, but soon recalls a few things. He doesn't remember who Sissel is though. Never mind, we'll just go back and save him from his execution.
10:46pm, Special Prison Cell Block[edit | edit source]
Jowd was in his cell, still eating that chicken he got about two hours ago (He took two hours to finish it?) The guards came to take him to the death chamber and flipped the lever to test the chair. It had a short out and exploded, killing Jowd in the process.
First thing to do is escape the death chamber. The phone will ring and the guard answers it but don't go just yet. A second call will come and then you can go over there. You will be in the cells. Head over to the clogged note in the rock star's toilet and open it up. The rock star will flush it down to Sausage Head's cell. Use the spoon to get into Jowd's cell. Go to the wastebasket. When Jowd holds his napkin over it, open up the wastebasket and the ketchup can goes flying to make a red mark on the napkin. Possess the napkin and Jowd will flush it.
It will be picked up by Sausage Head. Possess his spoon and he'll go down to dig. Follow the path down and go to the lever in the next room. Manipulate it and the chair explodes... with nobody in the room. Now the execution can't be carried out for the time being. Since the power's out, the cell bars have opened automatically. Now would be a good time for Jowd to make his escape from prison.