7:02pm[edit | edit source]
The protagonist, Sissel, awakens in a junkyard to see a woman whom he doesn't know. Also present is an unfamiliar blue man. The blue man suddenly aims his shotgun at the woman. As much as Sissel would like to help her out, he is unable to do so as he has the not-so-small problem of already being dead. Just when it looks like all hope is lost, a voice suddenly speaks to Sissel from out of nowhere and the entire world changes. After a brief explanation about souls and cores, the voice instructs Sissel to move to a nearby crossing gate.
Following the instructions is simple enough here as the game will guide you. Raising the crossing gate will knock the shotgun out of the man's hands. (His name is Nearsighted Jeego, by the way. Maybe he can't afford a pair of glasses.) The woman attempts to make a break for it but is quickly held at gunpoint again. Your next step is to move to the guitar since you are unable to reach the very useful-looking wrecking ball. Manipulate it and Jeego will proceed to riddle it full of bullet holes. His target starts running again, but her efforts are in vain, as she appears to be unable to run for her life.
The only core left to Sissel is that of his corpse lying right there. Jump in and attempt to "trick" it a few times. The terrible truth soon dawns on Sissel: he is in fact unable to manipulate corpses. Now he's run out of options and that woman is still in grave danger. At this point, the voice suggests that you take a look by sliding the screen around. Simply slide the screen until she is in your sights. A scene plays out in which the hitman fires his weapon, taking the woman's life. After disposing of his target, the phone rings and he goes down to answer it, kicking Sissel's body down on the way.
Jeego will inform whoever is on the other end that "it's done" and then leave. Sissel doesn't have long to despair over the woman's death as the desk lamp next to him proceeds to start speaking to him. It turns out that this lamp was in fact the voice speaking to him earlier. After a brief conversation, the lamp informs him that there is more to learn about these "ghost tricks".
Read the dialogue bubble that pops up. Then enter the Ghost World and make your way across the cores to the folding cot. The desk lamp will quickly talk to you about the top screen. Exit the Ghost World and manipulate the folding cot. Enter the Ghost World again and move over to the lamp. After solving that puzzle, Sissel is rewarded with a new power. The desk lamp will then invite him to possess the woman's corpse. Go ahead and do so.
Sissel now finds himself in the world of the dead. He sees the soul of the mysterious woman, which seems to be unconscious. The desk lamp tells Sissel that he can now go back to a time shortly before she died…and ultimately change her fate. Get ready...it's time to save her life!
7:01pm, Zone D Waste Center[edit | edit source]
On the upper level, our unlucky redhead is currently shaking the body lying before her. The hitman turns up and we already know how the rest of it goes. Fortunately, it seems that Sissel will be able to change that using his ghost tricks.
Sissel will find himself all the way down on the lower level and he'll have to make his way up to where the two.
Hop into the desk lamp, then move to the mannequin. Jump to the tire and manipulate it, which will make the mannequin stand upright. Return to the mannequin, move to the refrigerator then manipulate it. A blender will fall out. Close the refrigerator door. Move to the blender and turn it on, then jump over to the fan and manipulate it. Quickly jump to the flag and Sissel will be lifted up to the top level.
Jump to the bicycle. The last few seconds of the woman's life will begin counting down. Before that happens, move to the bike's bell and ring it. Jeego will turn to shoot it, giving her a chance to run for it. Unfortunately, it seems the bridge is up, making escape very difficult. Jump to the pedal and manipulate it. Next, go to the lever and lower it. The crane will swing around. Go to the ladder and extend it, then make your way to the claw holding the wrecking ball. Open it.
This in turn causes the wrecking ball to fall... right on top of the hitman. Needless to say, he's gone and the woman is safe for now.
The alarming truth dawns on Sissel... he's actually lost his memory and can't even remember who he is. The desk lamp is back and introduces himself as Ray. He tells Sissel that he will disappear when the day breaks. Before Sissel disappears however, he wants to learn his lost story, right up until the moment of his death. Ray suggests that he starts with the young woman who is currently sneezing in the rain.
7:21pm[edit | edit source]
Move to the bicycle and shimmy it. Go down to the umbrella and open it. Read the woman's thought bubble. She will pick up the umbrella and walk downstairs. A brief scene involving a cat follows.
7:27pm[edit | edit source]
(Good lord, just how long did it take to walk down those stairs?!)
Read her thought bubble again. She will take a note from Sissel's jacket and look at it. Jump over to the note and examine it. The phone will ring before Sissel has a chance to read it and Lynne will go to answer the phone. Ray will remind Sissel of when the phone rang before - the call was for the hitman himself, meaning the person on the other line may well be the one who ordered Sissel's murder.
Possess the telephone. After listening to the brief conversation, Ray tells Sissel that he has the ability to possess telephones and travel through phone lines. When the conversation is over, select the number for the new location and you're off.