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11:13pm[edit | edit source]

Go back the way you came until you reach Sausage Head's spoon. The toilet bell rings and Sausage Head goes up. A guard wearing goggles emerges from the darkness and spots him. The prisoner is taken away.

11:14pm[edit | edit source]

Head left into Jowd's cell. Sissel sees a "hunter" in the darkness whose eyes seem to glow red. He's not kidding when he says escape isn't going to be easy, but we'll get to that in a minute. Jowd is underneath his bunk. Talk to him. Sissel and Jowd work on an escape strategy. A button will appear in the top right corner to call Jowd to wherever you are.

11:16pm[edit | edit source]

For now, just focus on getting Jowd to the bunk in the next cell. Wait until the guard next to him is looking away before calling him over to the bunk. Possess the bulletproof vest on the other guard and hitch a ride to the other side of the cell. Go up and open the hatch to drop the guard in the ceiling.

The next part is more complicated. You can call Jowd over to the stairs and get him in the ceiling from there, or have him go straight to the ceiling from the bunk. My personal strategy is to close the hatch again, then ring the toilet bell while one guard is in the cell. It will get his attention. Keep ringing it while the other guard is going upstairs. Once he's walked past the top hatch, open the hatch and call Jowd to the valve. If done right, he will climb into the ceiling without getting shot. The hard part is over!

Close the hatch again and go over to the cell above Jowd's (the rock star's cell) Call him to the guitar. Play the drum to get the guard's attention and open the hatch. The guard falls through. Call Jowd to the guitar again then close the hatch for him when he asks. Lastly, call him to the bunk.

It looks like we've successfully made it. The lights come back on and the cell bars slam shut. Whew, that was close. Sissel suggests Jowd go to see Lynne. Jowd runs off.

11:28pm[edit | edit source]

Go to the phone and head to the guards' office. A call comes in. It's Jowd and he wants Sissel to come over immediately.

11:31pm[edit | edit source]

Go on through the phone line to the new number. Jowd is there in a courtyard and he's not alone. Cabanela is pointing a gun at his back. Talk to Jowd. Before he gets taken away, Sissel would like to ask him about himself. However, Jowd can't talk about that right now because he doesn't know Sissel's true face and can't talk about what he isn't sure of. He suggests Sissel look at what's inside the music box he gave Lynne. They talk about Cabanela, and then the execution. Jowd was sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, Alma, but he also feels responsible for another death. Ten years ago, when Lynne was taken hostage, he drew his gun and he was going to shoot the man who took her hostage. The man died.

After that, Jowd makes one more call to the justice minister. Lynne is there and seems to be awfully troubled about something. Cabanela gives Jowd a pocket watch as a gift then the two of them leave. Sissel can no longer help Jowd so he goes to the justice minister's office to help Lynne out.