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12:25am[edit | edit source]

Sissel has returned to the justice minister's office where Lynne is giving the justice minister a hard time. Sissel tells her about what he found out at the hideout. The justice minister is still unwilling to even believe anything he hears, whether it's Sissel being a ghost or the kidnapping victim not really being his daughter. He can't even call home to check because his wife won't answer and he can't send the police over. Anyway, the hostage is still in danger, whether it's his daughter or not.

At that moment, Cabanela turns up, with Jowd in tow. He thought the justice minister would like to see the escaped prisoner so he brought him into the office. Lynne starts apologising for being unable to do anything and is deeply upset. Read the dialog bubble. Lynne talks to Cabanela, who doesn't seem to really believe Jowd is innocent. She gets mad at him, believing that he only brought Jowd in to brag about his accomplishment and lays into him about the rumours surrounding him. Jowd comes forward and tries to tell her this is how it should be. Jump across the cores to talk to Jowd.

Sissel and Lynne talk to Jowd about the kidnapping and reveal it was in fact his own daughter who was kidnapped. Sissel then repeats to Jowd what Kamila told him about the murder five years ago. Sissel gives Jowd a brief lecture about mistakenly believing Kamila's pain will be eased. Now that the truth is out, Jowd talks about that day. Two very strange things happened involving the contraption. The gun was an antique that he had on display for years and wasn't part of the original design. Then there was the movement of the Cupid. It was supposed to fire its arrow without turning around. He made some adjustments to the scene, including replacing the gun with a painting, and turned himself in. The gun was put inside a certain music box. Tonight, Jowd learned of the powers of the dead and found a new explanation on what happened that day. The powers of the dead must have been responsible for what went on in that room.

Now that they know someone else was responsible for that death, Lynne is determined to solve the case and Jowd has come round at last. Now he's willing to be saved from execution. Lynne hurries off to Temsik Park to get the gun.

12:35am[edit | edit source]

Read the dialog bubble. Cabanela is quite puzzled about what's going on. Jowd replies he can't simply sit back while his daughter's been kidnapped. Since it seems he's determined to be proven innocent now, Cabanela asks the justice minister what he'll do. Since the minister still doesn't believe his daughter is safe, he asks for Jowd to be returned to prison and the execution to be carried out. Cabanela asks one of the minister's servants to send for a prison van. Before the van gets here, we have to get the justice minister to realise his daughter hasn't been kidnapped.

12:49am[edit | edit source]

Head over to the lady's red apt. through the phone. The justice minister's daughter is safe and sound in bed, coughing.