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A new addition to Halo 3, and to the Halo series, is the ability to customize your avatar (Spartan II or Elite) with a variety of different armor types. You are able to customize your helmet, shoulders, and chest plate.

Spartan II Armor[edit | edit source]

MJOLNIR Mark VI Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: Available from the start
  • Shoulders: Available from the start
  • Chest: Available from the start

Close Quarters Battle Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: Available from the start.
  • Shoulders: Available from the start.
  • Chest: Available from the start.

Explosive Ordnance Disposal Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must complete the campaign mode on Legendary.
  • Shoulders: You must complete the 'The Ark' level on Legendary.
  • Chest: You must complete the 'Tsavo Highway' level on Legendary.

Extra Vehicular Activity Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must complete the campaign mode on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
  • Shoulders: You must complete the 'The Ark' level on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.
  • Chest: You must complete the 'Tsavo Highway' level on Normal, Heroic, or Legendary.

Scout Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock the 'Used Car Salesman' achievement.
  • Shoulders: You must unlock the 'Mongoose Mowdown' achievement.
  • Chest: You must unlock the 'Too Close to the Sun' achievement.

Hayabusa Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must claim all 13 hidden skulls.
  • Shoulders: You must claim 9 of the hidden skulls.
  • Chest: You must claim 5 of the hidden skulls.
  • Katana: You must unlock 49 out of the 49 achievements.

Mark V Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock the 'UNSC Spartan' achievement.

Orbital Drop Shock Trooper[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock the 'Spartan Graduate' achievement

Rouge Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Rogue Head: You must unlock the 'Spartan Officer' achievement.

Security Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock 49 of the 49 achievements. (Helmet is currently Glitched, no EXACT way of getting it.)
  • Shoulders: You must unlock 39 of the 49 achievements.

Recon Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: Completing all Vidmaster Challenges in Halo 3 or Halo: ODST
  • Shoulders: Completing all Vidmaster Challenges in Halo 3 or Halo: ODST
  • Chest: Completing all Vidmaster Challenges in Halo 3 or Halo: ODST

Elite Armor[edit | edit source]

Combat Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: Available from the start.
  • Shoulders: Available from the start.
  • Chest: Available from the start.

Assault Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: Available from the start.
  • Shoulders: Available from the start.
  • Chest: Available from the start.

Flight Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must complete the campaign mode on Heroic or Legendary.
  • Shoulders: You must complete the 'The Ark' level on Heroic or Legendary.
  • Chest: You must complete the 'Tsavo Highway' level on Heroic or Legendary.

Commando Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock the 'Overkill' achievement.
  • Shoulders: You must unlock the 'Killing Frenzy' achievement.(Unlocked for everyone in the autopatch.)
  • Chest: You must unlock the 'Triple Kill' achievement.

Ascetic Armor[edit | edit source]

  • Helmet: You must unlock the 'Steppin' Razor' achievement.
  • Shoulders: You must unlock the 'Overkill' achievement.
  • Chest: You must unlock the 'Up Close and Personal' achievement.