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Crossbone Isle is an optional and secret dungeon-style location in Golden Sun and is easily viewable as that game's primary "super-dungeon", much like how many Role-Playing Games feature one or more dungeons more challenging than the normal "final dungeon" that game features. It is filled with powerful and unique enemies and equipment within its ordered series of ten floors of puzzles, and is most notable for having the most powerful monster in the game that aspiring players can fight, Deadbeard.

Getting there

There are two ways to reach Crossbone Isle. The first way to get there is by event on the Tolbi Bound Ship. You must select passengers in a certain order in order to get there. If you want to get there via this method, you wouldn't get very far due to your party members lacking certain psyenergy to bypass certain areas. The other way to enter Crossbone Isle is riding the pinkish Tornado in Suhalla Desert. The Pink Tornado is reachable by entering the cave behind Flash, the Mars Djinni. To those who do not know how to reach the djinni, enter the second map in Suhalla Desert and travel on until you come across a area where you climb down into the desert sand (right before fighting the Storm Lizard boss). DO NOT climb down, instead head left and use reveal to reveal a hidden log and some shining footprints. Follow the footprints and you'll find Flash. Enter the cave before you and follow the path to find the Pink Tornado, enter it but do not use douse, instead let it carry you and you'll be transported to the world map on a remote island. If you do happen to use Douse on the pink Tornado, you'll end up fighting the Tempest Lizard.

Tempest Lizard (Optional Boss)

HP: 3000

PP: 45

Weak to: Venus

Resistant to: Jupiter


  • Attack: This is this monster's standard physical attack.
  • Wing Stroke: A Monster Skill that shoots out wide sets of massive glowing yellow feathers through multiple Adepts dealing a Jupiter-based attack with a range of 3.
  • Sonic Slash: A 3rd level Psynergy spell that projects huge glowing swaths of energy through the party of Adepts, dealing a Jupiter-based attack with a range of 5.
  • Storm Ray: A 2nd level Psynergy spell from the 'Ray' series.
  • Tempest: A 3rd level Psynergy spell from the 'Whirlwind' series. It summons four large, electrically charged tornadoes to cycle through the positions of the party of Adepts. It is by far the strongest attack from the Tempest Lizard.
  • Impact: A Psynergy spell that buffs up 1 target on the user's side of the field by increasing the target's current Attack rating by 25%.
  • Ward: A Psynergy spell that buffs up 1 target on the user's side of the field by increasing each of the target's Elemental Resistances by 40.

EXP: 1360

Money Gained: 6400

Drops: Potion

So kill or ignore Tempest Lizard if you want here, if you do happen to kill it though, the tornado will disappear and you'll be trapped on the island FOREVER!!! Just Kidding. To make the tornado reappear, enter the centre of the island and exit back to the world map and it'd be back.

Crossbone Isle


Now, to begin with, the dungeon entrance is located on the centre of the island, enter there and there should be a cliff. Use 'Growth' (get this by giving a mars djinni to Isaac or a Venus Djinni to Garet) on the vines. Ignore the nearby whilwindable bushes and continue climbing up. At the top there should be a tree with a Nut acquirable with catch and three slides, the one on the far right will take you to a chest containing a mint, the centre will take you to a chest with 1 coin and the one on the far left will take you to the enclosed ground with a bush. Use whirlwind and the entrance to Crossbone Isle is revealed.

Basement 1

When you enter, go downstairs and there you should arrive at a floor where there's a big gap and a pillar on the other side. Ignore that for now and prepare yourself for a battle before entering the door:


Hobgoblin x1

Virago x2


HP: 650

PP: 0

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Venus

  • Abilities:

Attack: The Hobgoblin can only use the attacking skill.

Aside from it's offensive attack, it has items:

  • 1 Crystal Powder: An item that generates a 'Hail Prism' psyenergy that deals moderate Mercury damage.
  • 2 Nuts: Heals 200 HP
  • 1 Sleep Bomb: A chance that one Adept will be inflicted by the Sleep Status
  • 1 Smoke Bomb: A chance that one Adept will be inflicted by the Delusion Status

EXP: 223

Money Gained: 800

Drops: Lucky Medal (guaranteed)


HP: 185

PP: 0

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Venus


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Banshee Howl: A Monster Skill that launches rings of purple energy through a targeted Adept, dealing a Jupiter-based attack and a chance that the hit Adept will be inflicted with Stun.

EXP: 87

Money Gained: 120

Drops: Elixir

Room Puzzle

When you defeat the 'miniboss' enter the room and you'll discover a 'jumping' puzzle. The room is mainly focused on using the 'Move' Psyenergy and creating your own path through this jump puzzle. Furthermore, there are several chest littered throughtout this map. If you want to reset the pillars positions, simply exit and reenter the room. Most of the items here are worthless except for a chest containing the Hard Nut and the potion (which the chest is a Mimic). Once you exit the room via the left door, push the pillar on your right and head downstairs on the left.

Basement 2

Once you head down, the outside room is designed in a similar fashion to the previous one, however the door guards are different. Prepare yourself and enter the door to start the fight.


Grisly x2

Succubus x1


HP: 800

PP: 0

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Jupiter


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Bear Claw: A Monster Skill where the monster charges towards a targeted Adept and unleashes 5 red glowing claw swipes in rapid, brutal succession.
  • Berserk: A Monster Skill has the battle text read "Grisly erupts in a furious rage!" as the monster surrounds itself in a small fiery energy. This boosts the user's Attack by 25%, which for the Grisly means 52 attack points.

EXP: 243

Money Gained: 700

Drops: 1 Potion from both Grislys (guaranteed)


HP: 529

PP: 56

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Hail Prism: A level 2 Psyenergy skill from the 'Prism' series, deals moderate Mercury damage.
  • Wind Slash: A level 2 Psyenergy skill from the 'Slash' series, deals moderate Jupiter damage.

Heartrender: A Monster Skill has the battle text read "Succubus glowers miserably at you” as a group of glowing pinkish-white hearts converges on a single target, lowering their attack power by 25%.

EXP: 101

Money Gained: 143

Drops: Crystal Powder

Room Puzzle

This room requires no psyenergy, it does however involve a rolling pillar puzzle. There are 4 chests, one containing Lucky Pepper, 222 coins, Elixir and Mystery Blade, a light blade that gives 84 attack and unleashes Life Nourish. To bypass this room, push the rolling pillar to the left of the upper right chest left, then go to the center right chest and push up the rolling pillar near it. Then go to the bottom chest, push up the rolling pillar behind that, then go around to the rolling pillar just above that chest to the left and push it right. The upper-left-most pillar can now be rolled up, and after getting the Mystery Blade from the last chest, exit the room off the bottom left. As of the last floor, push the pillar on the right and head left downstairs.

Basement 3

Once again, prepare for the upcoming battle and enter the door to fight the door guards.


Lich x1

Fiendish Ghouls x2


HP: 900

PP: 52

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Glacier: A level 3 Psyenergy skill from the 'Frost' series, deals moderate high Mercury damage.
  • Revive: Revives a felled ally, in this case if either of the Fiendish ghouls are downed, it can be revived.
  • Curse: A Psynergy spell that briefly generates a candle icon at the target Adept's position, and the target has a chance to get inflicted with a 7-turn Death Curse status ailment. Being used a "boss"-style encounter that technically lasts more turns than a normal battle, this ability just might end up downing an Adept if cast first thing in the battle and the battle lasts over 7 turns.
  • Enfeeble: Psynergy spell that targets up to 3 Adepts, for each one attempting to temporarily lower all of that Adept's Resistances by 20 points, increasing the damage the party takes from any attack involving an element.
  • Haunt: A Psynergy spell that causes a mass of purple skull symbols to swirl into each party member, and each affected party member has a chance to get inflicted with the Haunt status ailment.
  • Debilitate: a Psynergy spell that targets up to 3 Adepts, for each one attempting to temporarily lower that Adept's current Defense rating by 12.5%.
  • Bind: A Psynergy spell that displays a holographic symbol onto a targeted Adept, attempting to Seal that Adept's Psynergy capabilities.

EXP: 263

Money Gained: 1200

Drops: Psy Crystal (guaranteed)

Fiendish Ghoul

HP: 609

PP: 0

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Cannibal Fang: A Monster Skill where a glowing orange holographic image of a pair of jaws chomps at the position of a targeted Adept three times while energy is siphoned into the monster, dealing a Venus-based attack that siphons around 24 HP from the target to the user.
  • Bacteria Rush: A Monster Skill where the monster bolts forward and deals seven brutal glowing green claw swipes in a row against a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-based attack equal to its normal physical attack with an additional 16 damage points, and the struck Adept has a chance to get inflicted with Poison.

EXP: 87

Money Gained: 109

Drops: Antidote

Room Puzzle

This room is similar to the one on the 1st floor basement except the psyenergys Reveal and Catch are needed instead of Move. 4 Blue Keys and 1 hidden Red Key is littered in the room on square pillars, the only way to retrieve them is by using the Psyenergy 'Catch'. The Blue Keys can be used to open the blue doors on the top of the room with chests containing from left to right: 333 coins, the Fairy Ring, a Cookie, and a Smoke Bomb. The Fairy Ring acts like an Elixir in battle. To find the red key, hop onto the pillar below the chest containing the smoke bomb and cast Reveal to reveal a platform with a red key in the middle of the pillar circle, use ctach to retrieve the key and head left to open the red door on the left side of the room. Exit this room via the right and move the pillar on the right side and head downstairs.

Basement 4

Again, prepare yourself and head towards the door for the upcoming battle.


Gryphons x2


HP: 1100

PP: 36

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Venus


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Wing Flutter: A Monster Skill that shoots out small sets of sharp glowing yellow plumage through multiple Adepts dealing Jupiter based damage.
  • Twin Beaks: Monster Skill has the monster shooting 2 purple projectiles at a targeted Adept, dealing a Jupiter-based attack equal to the user's normal attack with an additional 30 damage points, and there is a chance that the resulting damage will be doubled.
  • Sonic Slash: A 3rd level Psynergy spell that projects huge glowing swaths of energy through the party of Adepts, dealing a Jupiter-based attack with a range of 5.
  • Tornado: A 2nd level Psynergy spell from the 'Whirlwind' series. It summons two large, electrically charged tornadoes to cycle through the positions of the party of Adepts.
  • Impact: A Psynergy spell that buffs up 1 target on the user's side of the field by increasing the target's current Attack rating by 25%.
  • Bind: A Psynergy spell that displays a holographic symbol onto a targeted Adept, attempting to Seal that Adept's Psynergy capabilities.
  • Ward: A Psynergy spell that buffs up 1 target on the user's side of the field by increasing each of the target's Elemental Resistances by 40.

EXP: 303

Money Gained: 1900

Drops: Potion (guaranteed)

Room Puzzle

After defeating the Gryphons, you'll enter into a dark room. To those who arrived by the Tolbi Bound ship, I'm afraid that this is the furthest you can go as you are lacking the Cloak Psyenergy (unless you somehow hacked the Cloak Ball of course), however if you do have 'Halt' you can reach 1 chest containing a measly Sleep Bomb. If you do happen to have the Cloak psyenergy, you can bypass the statue in the darkness, simply stay in the shadows and sneak past the statue. However if you do happen to come across a statue in the lighted area (where you cannot cloak), use 'Halt' on it and it will freeze allowing you to bypass it. There are 4 chests in the room containing a Sleep bomb, Smoke bomb, a Psy Crystal and a Storm Gear. The chest containing the Storm Gear is on the top right corner of the map. Once you've done with this room, exit via the right, push the pillar on the right once again and head down another floor.

Basement 5

Once again, prepare yourself and head towards the door for the upcoming battle.


Lizard King x1

Harridan x1

Stone Soldiers x2

Lizard King

HP: 2000

PP: 52

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Ice Blessing/Breath: A Monster Skill that has the monster generating a mass of air filled with pieces of ice at the party of Adepts dealing a Mercury-based damage. Essentially this monster's main form of attack.
  • Debilitate: A Psynergy spell that targets up to 3 Adepts, for each one attempting to temporarily lower that Adept's current Defense rating by 12.5%.
  • High Impact: A Psynergy spell that buffs up each monster on the user's side of the field, including itself, for each one raising its current Attack rating by 12.5%.
  • Hail Prism: A level 2 Psyenergy skill from the 'Prism' series, deals moderate Mercury damage.
  • Blunt: A Psynergy spell that targets up to 3 Adepts, for each one attempting to temporarily lower that Adept's current Attack rating by 12.5%.
  • Ward: A Psynergy spell that buffs up 1 target on the user's side of the field by increasing each of the target's Elemental Resistances by 40.

EXP: 535

Money Gained: 1200

Drops: Psy Crystal (guaranteed)


HP: 231

PP: 29

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Venus


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Banshee Howl: A Monster Skill that launches rings of purple energy through a targeted Adept, dealing a Jupiter-based attack and a chance that the hit Adept will be inflicted with Stun.
  • Wind Slash: A level 2 Psyenergy skill from the 'Slash' series, deals moderate Jupiter damage.
  • Crazy Voice: A Monster Skill that generates a batch of small glowing purple musical note symbols that floats into a targeted Adept and shatter, lowering the Adept's PP meter by roughly 10 points.

EXP: 150

Money Gained: 164

Drops: Nut

Stone Soldier

HP: 179

PP: 6

Weak to: Mercury

Resistant to: Mars


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Headbutt: A Monster Skill where the monster charges forward shrouded in glowing red aura and rams a targeted Adept, dealing a Venus-based attack equal to its normal physical attack with an additional 60 damage points.
  • Blast: A low level Psynergy spell from the 'Blast' series that creates a small explosion dealing Mars-based damage.
  • Mad Blast: A low-mid level Psynergy spell from the 'Blast' series that creates a medium sized explosion dealing Mars-based damage. However since this skill costs 9 PP, the Stone Soldier could never use this skill against you, but this won’t stop the Stone Soldier from attempting to cast it in vain...
  • Dynamite: A Monster Skill where the monster leaps forward into the party and disappears in a massive explosion, dealing heavy Venus-based damage. This attack removes the user from the battle in a way that it is not counted as "felled" (you don't get its EXP and coins).

EXP: 98

Money Gained: 98

Drops: Elixir

Room Puzzle

Once you've taken care of the guardians, you'll find yourself in a room similar to the Kolima Forests Floodgate Puzzle. There are 4 chests in this room each containing 555 coins, a Potion, a Lucky Medal and a Ninja Garb, a moderately defensive armor with a huge agility boost and some Jupiter resistance. The chest containing the Ninja Garb is located in a spot enclosed by rocks.

Getting the Ninja Garb:

The positions the logs should be in to obtain the Ninjas Garb

There are six logs in the area, but two of them are permanently fastened in place, so only the four logs between them are to be moved. There are essentially two horizontal logs rollable up-and-down and two vertical logs rollable left-and-right. First, head counter-clockwise around the room's perimeter to a chest with 555 coins. Then go down to where the rolling logs are. To get to the lower left-most chest, roll the lower vertocal log left, then roll the left horizonal log down, then the right horizontal log down, then the lower horizontal log right, and finally the right horizontal log back up, creating an effective path to one particular chest that will be traversable once the floodgate switch at the elevated bottom of the room is flipped. The chest contains the Ninja Garb. If you're confused with the description above, the image on the right might help you.

Once you're done here, exit this room and once again, push the pillar on your right and head down.

Basement 6

Still more to come, the door guardians strike again.


Chimeras x2


HP: 1350

PP: 48

Weak to: Mercury

Resistant to: Mars


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Rabid Fang: A Monster Skill where a glowing red holographic image of a pair of jaws chomps at the position of a targeted Adept once, dealing a Venus-based attack equal to its normal physical attack with an additional 36 damage points, and having a chance to inflict Deadly Poison on the Adept.
  • Fire Blessing: A Monster Skill has the monster generating a mass of fire at the party of Adepts, dealing Mars-based amage.
  • Flare Storm: A level 3 Psyenergy spell from the 'Flare' series that deal moderate Mars damage to three Adepts.
  • Guard: A Psyenergy spell that buffs up the user, increasing the user's current Defense by 25%.
  • Impair: A Psynergy spell that attempts to debuff a targeted Adept and lower its current Attack rating by 25%.
  • Bind: A Psynergy spell that displays a holographic symbol onto a targeted Adept, attempting to Seal that Adept's Psynergy capabilities.

EXP: 465

Money Gained: 800

Drops: Potion (Guaranteed)

Room Puzzle

This room is one giant Puzzle, there are four chests in this room along with one Venus Djinni. First up, move the two pillars in front of you so you can create a path. Next head upwards and move the pillar with the chest so it enters the wall gap. Now go back to the area with the two pillars and climb up one level and jump across the pillars to reach the chest containing an Elixir. Continue following the path until you reach the Venus Djinni which would hop down one level to avoid you. Continue along the edge of the wall until you reach a single pillar, push it down a level. CLimb to the bottom floor and freeze the puddle, jump across to reach a chest cointaining 666 coins. Continue along your path and you'll reach the Djinni and he'll jump up a level and run to the right. Push the pillar ahead down and move it until the big ladder is blocked. Climb up two floors and climb down the now blocked ladder onto the pillar and hop right to obtain the chest containing the cursed Demon Axe. Follow the Djinni once again and he'll run again once more. Follow the path until you see the Djinni nearby the three block obstacles. Unless you want to play an endless game of tag with the Djinni, use Halt on it and you can finally nab it. Once you grabbed the Djinni Bane, head to the left side of the room to where the frozen pillar is, move the pillar to the right side of the frost puddle but make sure you're on the upper area before moving the pillar. Now climb up a floor and move down to the pillar and hop your way to the centre of the room to obtain the chest containing the Water of Life. After you got all the items, you may exit from this room. Remember to push the pillar on the right before moving downstairs.

Basement 7

Guess that's going to happen next? More guardians!


Earth Lizards x2

Earth Lizards

HP: 1550

PP: 48

Weak to: Jupiter

Resistant to: Venus


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Acid Breath: A Monster Skill has the monster generating a cloud of pink gas at the party of Adepts, dealing a Venus-based attack with a power rating of 190 range of 3 (the Adepts at either side of the specifically targeted Adept will only take 50% of the attack's force, instead of the normal 80%, however). The attack also has a chance of lowering the affected target’s defense.
  • Clay Spire: A level 2 Psynergy spell from the 'Spire' series that causes a group of large stalactites to fall down from above onto the Adepts and shatter, dealing Venus-based damage.
  • Quake Sphere: A level 3 Psyenergy spell from the 'Quake' series that causes three rectangular sections of ground underneath the party jolt upward and retract into the ground quickly thrice in succession, bouncing each Adept three times, dealing Venus-based damage.
  • Mother Gaia: A level 2 Psynergy spell from the 'Gaia' series that strikes multiple Adepts with an eruption of earth-based energy and rocks from the ground, dealing Venus-based damage.
  • Cure Well: A level 2 Psyenergy spell from the 'Cure' series that heals an ally 150 HP.

EXP: 545

Money Gained: 920

Drops: Water of Life (Guaranteed)

Room Puzzle

This room cannot be passable if the Player does not have the Psyenergy 'Carry'. This room may be a bit confusing at first but it's actually pretty easy.

First, run up over to where the stone cube that one can normally Carry is on the ground level in the general vicinity of three independent chests. Push it two spaces right and one space up, and use Carry to place it one space up beyond that. This lets you get the upper right chest which has a Lucky Medal. Exit and reenter the room so that the cube is reset in its original position. Now push it left two spaces and Carry it over left one space, then get over to where the cube now is by climbing up and down ladders and use Move to move the cube three spaces left so it falls off the other side of the elevated portion. Move it one space left more and one space down, and it will now construct a hoppable path to the chest in the bottom of the general vicinity. This chest contains the Wicked Mace, perhaps the best of the cursed weapons found at Crossbone Isle. As for the chest in the top central area of the vicinity, move the cube back up and right, Carry it onto the elevated portion right, and from there move it two spaces right and one space up, and Carry it one space up so that it allows Isaac to hop onto the cube to grab the chest in front of him, containing a Psy Crystal.

With the top three chests collected, head downward in the direction of the room's exit. A second Carry cube is there, and it is to be pushed down two spaces and left five spaces (don't push it more than that as it will fall into the pit), and then Carried over up one space. This bridges an elevated gap and allows you to head toward the exit. But you will notice an unopened chest to your right. While the bottom wall obscures the platform it is on somewhat, you can easily hop to an empty space in front of the chest and claim 777 coins before leaving for the exit.

Basement 8

Bet you're pretty sick of this already, time for another fight with the Guardians.


Poison Toad x1 Thunder Lizard x2

Poison Toad

HP: 2250

PP: 0

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Rabid Fang: A Monster Skill where a glowing red holographic image of a pair of jaws chomps at the position of a targeted Adept once, dealing a Venus-based attack equal to its normal physical attack with an additional 36 damage points, and having a chance to inflict Deadly Poison on the Adept.
  • Acid Blessing: A Monster Skill has the monster generating a cloud of pink gas at the party of Adepts, dealing a Venus-based attack with a power rating of 190 range of 3 (the Adepts at either side of the specifically targeted Adept will only take 50% of the attack's force, instead of the normal 80%, however). The attack also has a chance of lowering the affected target’s defense.
  • Rotten Blood: A Monster Skill where the monster lobs a mound of multicolored fluid at a targeted Adept, dealing a Mars-based attack with a power rating of 44 and that has a chance to temporarily lower the Adept's Defense rating by 25%.

EXP: 1732

Money Gained: 2200

Drops: Water of Life (Guaranteed)

Thunder Lizard

HP: 456

PP: 0

Weak to: Venus

Resistant to: Jupiter


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Storm Blessing: A Monster Skill has the monster generating a stream of purple lightning, dealing Jupiter-based damage. The attack also has a chance of inflicting Stun on the affected targets.

EXP: 422

Money Gained: 221

Drops: Blessed Mace

Room Puzzle

The puzzle room behind it is similar to floor 6 in that it is one giant puzzle that can be fully completed through a single specific linear path of progression. First, hop upward over the puddle and cast Frost on it, and use to cross into the top central area where there are two chests bordering each other. Opening the top chest obtains 888 coins, then slide down the nearby slide, go to where the two logs are bordering each other, and push a rock on the ground two spaces right. While you could exit at this point, the loot in this room is extremely useful, so continue by hopping over the left puddle and casting Frost on that as well, and that will allow you to the leftmost chest with a Potion inside it. Hop back right to where the dragon statue is, slide down, and cast Frost on the puddle underneath the white tile. The dragon statue will blow steam to melt the first frost pillar you froze while the tile on the third frost pillar rises up to allow access to the chest to the right of the statue, which contains a Smoke Bomb. Then roll the lower horizontal log downward one space. Hop back over the first puddle and cast Frost on it again to make it a pillar again, and make your way to the ground level of the left half of the room, and push the upper horizontal log downward one space. You will finally access the chest above the ladder, which contains the Cleric's Ring, a very important piece of equipment that allows one Adept to safely equip cursed items. Exit the room afterwards, push the pillar down outside and climb down.

Basement 9

Once again, the guardians block your way.


Cerebus x2


HP: 2200

PP: 42

Weak to: Mars

Resistant to: Mercury


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Double Fang: A Monster Skill that where a glowing blue holographic image of a pair of jaws chomps at the position of a targeted Adept either once or twice, dealing a Venus-based attack equal to its normal physical attack with an additional 35 damage points, and there is a chance that it may do double the resultant damage.
  • Ice Blessing: A Monster Skill has the monster generating a mass of small chunks of ice at the party of Adepts dealing Mercury-based damage.
  • Restore: A Psynergy spell that removes the Sleep, Stun, Delusion, and Death Curse from either itself or one unit on its side of the field.
  • Wicked Howl: A Monster Skill that launches rings of dark red energy through a targeted Adept dealing Jupiter-based damage and may inflict Stun on that Adept.
  • Ice Missile: A Psynergy spell that shoots a mass of ice spikes down onto multiple Adepts dealing a Mercury-based.

EXP: 1863

Money Gained: 3200

Drops: Psy Crystal (Guaranteed)

Room Puzzle

In the last puzzle room of Crossbone Isle, roll the immediately visible left horizontal log up, roll the vertical log you arrive at right. Go down to where the lower right horizontal log is and roll it up, hop over to one of the two adjacent vertical logs and roll it left one space, hop down to the central vertical log below and roll that right, and rolling the lower right vertical log left will allow access to the small island with a chest containing 999 coins. Roll that log back right, roll the central vertical log left, and roll the above horizontal log up to be able to hop onto the area where there is a chest with a Sleep Bomb. Roll that log back down and arrive at the chest in the center of the room and the two lakes, the chest containing a Water of Life.

The second lake in this room has three horizontal logs neatly arranged along its bottom perimeter and three vertical logs arranged along its right perimeter. To reach the chest far up, roll up each of the horizontal logs on the bottom perimeter. Then roll the lower vertical log left, roll the central horizontal log down, roll the central vertical log left, roll the right horizontal log down, and roll the upper vertical log left one space. The chest contains the cursed sword Muramasa, and whether this weapon is better than the Wicked Mace or not depends on the player's taste. Exit the room now and all the puzzles on Crossbone Isle are now complete.

Pirate Ship

Now before you is a ruined ship which holds a final challenge awaiting you. On the bottom of the ship lies the strongest Mimic in the game.


HP: 1206

PP: 68

Weak to: None

Resistant to: None


  • Attack: The normal attacking skill.
  • Spark Plasma: A level 3 Psyenergy spell from the 'Plasma' series that strikes the field repeatedly with lightning. It is the strongest multitarget Jupiter psyenergy in the game.
  • Curse: A Psynergy spell that briefly generates a candle icon at the target Adept's position, and the target has a chance to get inflicted with a 7-turn Death Curse status ailment. Being used a "boss"-style encounter that technically lasts more turns than a normal battle, this ability just might end up downing an Adept if cast first thing in the battle and the battle lasts over 7 turns.
  • Condemn: A Psyenergy spell that targets one Adept and has a very small chance that will instantly down an Adept.

EXP: 1009

Money Gained: 643

Drops: Potion

Did you really think the Mimic was the final challenge? Well if you really thought that, then you should quit the game right now. Now prepare yourselves before moving up the ship to fight the strongest boss in the game, Deadbeard.


(To be continued)