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Function Hotkey
Game Menu  Alt  +  M  ,  F10 
Save Game  Alt  +  S 
Load Game  Alt  +  L 
Help Menu  Alt  +  H  ,  F1 
Options Menu  Alt  +  O 
Increase Game Speed  + 
Decrease Game Speed  - 
Exit StarCraft  Alt  /  Ctrl  +  X 
Quit Mission  Alt  /  Ctrl  +  Q 
Toggle Music On/Off  Ctrl  +  M 
Toggle SFX On/Off  Ctrl  +  S 
Center on Last Transmission  Space Bar 
Assign Group (1-0)  Ctrl  + ( 1  -  0 )
Select Assigned Group ( 1  -  0 )
Center on Assigned Group ( 1  -  0 ) again
Recall Group  Alt  + ( 1  -  0 )
Set Waypoint  Shift  + Issue Command
Center on Selected Unit  Alt  /  Ctrl  +  C 
Hide/Reveal Terrain in Minimap  Tab 
Toggle Diplomacy Colors in Minimap (Green: You; Yellow: Allies; Red: Enemy)  Shift  +  Tab 
Send Message  Enter 
Send Message to All  Shift  +  Enter 
Send Message to Allies  Ctrl  +  Enter 
Add/Remove Unit from Current Selection  Shift  + Select Unit
Selects all units of that type on the Main Screen  Ctrl  / Double Click + Select Unit

Terran[edit | edit source]

Terran units[edit | edit source]

Build[edit | edit source]

Builder Build Icon Key
Command Center SCV  S 
Factory Vulture  V 
Siege Tank  T 
Goliath  G 
Starport Wraith  W 
Dropship  D 
Science Vessel  V 
Battlecruiser  B 
(Brood War)

Train[edit | edit source]

Trainer Train Icon Key
Barracks Marine  M 
Firebat  F 
Ghost  G 
(Brood War)

Commands[edit | edit source]

Units Command Icon Key
All Move  M 
Stop  S 
Common Attack  A 
All but SCV Patrol  P 
Hold Position  H 
Unit Command Icon Key
SCV Repair  R 
Gather  G 
Return Cargo  C 
Build Structure  B 
Advanced Structure  V 
  • All but Medic (Brood War), Dropship and Science Vessel can Attack

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Unit(s) Abiity Icon Key
Marine, Firebat Use Stim Packs  T 
Ghost, Wraith Cloak  C 
Ghost Lockdown  L 
Nuclear Strike  N 
(Brood War)
Heal  A 
Restoration  R 
Optical Flare  F 
Vulture Use Spider Mines  I 
Unit Abiity Icon Key
Siege Tank Siege Mode  O 
Tank Mode
Dropship Load  L 
Unload All
Battlecruiser Yamato Gun  Y 
Science Vessel Defensive Matrix  D 
EMP Shockwave  E 
Irradiate  I 

Terran structures[edit | edit source]

Build[edit | edit source]

Build Structure  B 
Builder Build Icon Key
SCV Command Center  C 
Supply Depot  S 
Refinery  R 
Barracks  B 
Engineering Bay  E 
Missile Turret  T 
Academy  A 
Bunker  U 
Command Center Comsat Station  C 
Nuclear Silo  N 
Build Advanced Structure  V 
Builder Build Icon Key
SCV Factory  F 
Starport  S 
Science Facility  I 
Armory  A 
Factory Machine Shop  C 
Starport Control Tower  C 
Science Facility Covert Ops  C 
Physics Lab  P 

Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
Armory Vehicle Weapons  W 
Ship Weapons  S 
Vehicle Plating  P 
Ship Plating  H 
Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
Engineering Bay Infantry Weapons  W 
Infantry Armor  A 

Research[edit | edit source]

Researcher Research Icon Key
Academy U-238 Shells  U 
Stim Pack Tech  T 
(Brood War)
Optical Flare
(Brood War)
Caduceus Reactor
(Brood War)
Machine Shop Ion Thrusters  I 
Spider Mines  M 
Siege Tech  S 
Charon Boosters
(Brood War)
Science Facility EMP Shockwave  E 
Irradiate  I 
Titan Reactor  T 
Researcher Research Icon Key
Control Tower Cloaking Field  C 
Apollo Reactor  A 
Physics Lab Yamato Gun  Y 
Colossus Reactor  C 
Covert Ops Lockdown  L 
Personnel Cloaking  C 
Ocular Implants  O 
Moebius Reactor  M 

Commands[edit | edit source]

Structures Command Icon Key
Common Set Rally Point  R 
Command Center
Engineering Bay
Science Facility
Liftoff  L 
Move  M 
+ Missile Turret Stop  S 
Structure Command Icon Key
Missile Turret Attack  A 
Comsat Station Scanner Sweep  S 
Nuclear Silo Arm Nuclear Silo  N 
Bunker Load  L 
Unload All
  • Set Rally Point for Command Center, Barracks, Factory and Starport

Zerg[edit | edit source]

Zerg units[edit | edit source]

Morph[edit | edit source]

Morpher Morph to Icon Key
Larva Drone  D 
Zerglings  Z 
Overlord  O 
Hydralisk  H 
Mutalisk  M 
Scourge  S 
Queen  Q 
Ultralisk  U 
Defiler  F 
Morpher Morph to Icon Key
Hydralisk Lurker
(Brood War)
Mutalisk Devourer
(Brood War)

Train[edit | edit source]

Trainer Train Icon Key
Infested Command Center Invested Terran  I 

Commands[edit | edit source]

Units Command Icon Key
All Move  M 
Stop  S 
All but Overlord, Queen Attack  A 
All but Drone Patrol  P 
Hold Position  H 
Unit Command Icon Key
Drone Gather  G 
Return Cargo  C 
Basic Mutation  B 
Advanced Mutation  V 

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Unit(s) Ability Icon Key
Drone, Zergling, Hydralisk, Lurker (BW), Defiler, Infested Terran Burrow  U 
Defiler Consume  C 
Dark Swarm  W 
Plague  G 
Mutalisk Guardian Aspect  G 
Devourer Aspect
(Brood War)
Unit Ability Icon Key
Queen Infest Terran Command Center  I 
Parasite  R 
Spawn Broodlings  B 
Ensnare  E 
Overlord Load  L 
Unload All

Zerg structures[edit | edit source]

Mutate[edit | edit source]

Basic Mutation  B 
Mutator Mutate into Icon Key
Drone Hatchery  H 
Creep Colony  C 
Extractor  E 
Spawning Pool  S 
Evolution Chamber  V 
Hydralisk Den  D 
Advanced Mutation  V 
Mutator Mutate into Icon Key
Drone Spire  S 
Queen's Nest  Q 
Nydus Canal  N 
Ultralisk Cavern  U 
Defiler Mound  D 
Mutator Mutate into Icon Key
Hatchery Lair  L 
Creep Colony Spore Colony  S 
Sunken Colony  U 
Mutator Mutate into Icon Key
Lair Hive  H 
Spire Greater Spire  G 

Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
Evolution Chamber Melee Attacks  M 
Missile Attacks  A 
Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
(Greater) Spire Flyer Attacks  A 

Evolve[edit | edit source]

Evolver Evolve Icon Key
Hatchery, Lair, Hive Burrow  C 
Evolution Chamber Carapace  C 
Spawning Pool Metabolic Boost  M 
Adrenal Glands  A 
Hydralisk Den Muscular Augments  M 
Grooved Spines  G 
Lurker Aspect
(Brood War)
Lair, Hive Ventral Sacs  V 
Antennae  A 
Pneumatized Carapace  P 
Evolver Evolve Icon Key
(Greater) Spire Flyer Carapace  C 
Queen's Nest Spawn Broodling  B 
Ensnare  E 
Gamete Meiosis  G 
Defiler Mound Plague  G 
Consume  C 
Metasynaptic Node  M 
Ultralisk Cavern Anabolic Synthesis  A 
Chitinous Plating  C 

Commands[edit | edit source]

Structure(s) Command Icon Key
Hatchery, Lair, Hive Select Larva  S 
+ Infested Command Center Set Rally Point  R 
Nydus Canal Place NC Exit  N 
Spore Colony, Sunken Colony Attack  A 
+ Infested Command Center Stop  S 
Structure Command Icon Key
Infested Command Center Liftoff  L 
Move  M 

Protoss[edit | edit source]

Protoss units[edit | edit source]

Warp[edit | edit source]

Warper Warp in Icon Key
Gateway Zealot  Z 
Dragoon  D 
High Templar  T 
Dark Templar
(Brood War)
Stargate Scout  S 
Carrier  C 
Arbiter  A 
(Brood War)

Build[edit | edit source]

Builder Build Icon Key
Robotics Facility Shuttle  S 
Reaver  V 
Observer  O 
Reaver Scarab  R 
Carrier Interceptor  I 
Nexus Probe  P 

Commands[edit | edit source]

Units Command Icon Key
All Move  M 
Stop  S 
All but HT, Shuttle, Observer Attack  A 
All but Probe Patrol  P 
Hold Position  H 
Unit Command Icon Key
Probe Gather  G 
Return Cargo  C 
Build Structure  B 
Advanced Structure  V 

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Unit Ability Icon Key
High Templar Psionic Storm  T 
Hallucination  L 
Archon Warp  R 
Dark Templar Dark Archon Meld
(Brood War)
Dark Archon
(Brood War)
Feedback  F 
Mind Control  C 
Maelstrom  E 
Unit Ability Icon Key
Shuttle Load  L 
Unload All
(Brood War)
Disruption Web  D 
Arbiter Recall  R 
Stasis Field  T 

Protoss structures[edit | edit source]

Warp[edit | edit source]

Build Structure  B 
Warper Warp in Icon Key
Probe Nexus  N 
Pylon  P 
Assimilator  A 
Gateway  G 
Forge  F 
Photon Cannon  C 
Cybernetics Core  Y 
Shield Battery  B 
Build Advanced Structure  V 
Warper Warp in Icon Key
Probe Robotics Facility  R 
Stargate  S 
Citadel of Adun  C 
Robotics Support Bay  B 
Fleet Beacon  F 
Templar Archives  T 
Observatory  O 
Arbiter Tribunal  A 

Upgrade[edit | edit source]

Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
Forge Ground Weapons  W 
Ground Armor  A 
Plasma Shields  S 
Upgrader Upgrade Icon Key
Cybernetics Core Air Weapons  W 
Air Armor  A 
Robotics Support Bay Scarab Damage  S 

Develop[edit | edit source]

Developer Develop Icon Key
Cybernetics Core Singularity Charge  S 
Robotics Support Bay Gravitic Drive  G 
Observatory Gravitic Booster  G 
Sensor Array  S 
Fleet Beacon Apial Sensors  A 
Gravitic Thrusters  G 
Disruption Web
(Brood War)
Argus Jewel
(Brood War)
Arbiter Tribunal Recall  R 
Stasis Field  S 
Khaydarin Core  K 
Developer Develop Icon Key
Citadel of Adun Leg Enhancements  L 
Templar Archives Psionic Storm  P 
Hallucination  H 
Khaydarin Amulet  K 
Mind Control
(Brood War)
(Brood War)
Argus Talisman
(Brood War)

Increase[edit | edit source]

Increaser Increase Icon Key
Robotics Support Bay Reaver Capacity  C 
Increaser Increase Icon Key
Fleet Beacon Carrier Capacity  C 

Commands[edit | edit source]

Structure(s) Command Icon Key
Common Set Rally Point  R 
Shield Battery Recharge Shields  R 
Structure Command Icon Key
Photon Cannon Stop  S 
Attack  A 
  • Set Rally Point for Nexus, Gateway, Robotics Facility and Stargate