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File:Tekken Hwoarang.png

Moves[edit | edit source]

Tekken 3[edit | edit source]

Left Stance
Motion Switch (to Right Stance)
Double Jab Low Kick
Home Surgery
One Two Punch
Rusty Knife
Middle Back Blow
to Left Stance
Body Blow
Hot Feet
Right Kicks to Left Stance
Hard Rocker
Right Kick Combo
to Right Flamingo
Right Kick Combo
to Left Stance
Da Bomb
Blizzard Kicks
Rude Boy
Axe Murderer
Doggie Lift
Grand Theft
Fire Cracker
Nose Bleeder
Faint Heel Drop
Torpedo Kick
Left Flamingo Feint
Cheap Shot Snap Kick
Flying Eagle
Public Enemy
Hunting Hawk
Jump Kick
Tsunami Kick (while rising)
Sky Rocket
Machinegun Kicks
Left Kicks to
Right Hook Kick
Left Kicks to
Right Middle Kick
Left Kick Combo
to Right Hook Kick
Total Outrage
Left Kick Combo Low
Left Kick Combo Low
to Right Hook Kick
to Society
Dynamite Heel
Disrespect (back to foe)
Right Stance
Motion Switch (to Left Stance)
Big Fists
Right Reverse Kick
Chainsaw Kick
Right Flamingo Feint
Grand Theft
Screw Kick
Nose Bleeder
Cheap Shot
Cheap Shot to Disrespect
Cheap Shot Low Spin
Disrespect (back to foe)
Left Flamingo
Trick Jab
Right Backhand
Step Kick
Cutter Right
Cutter Left
Snap Kick
Snap Spin Kick
Rocket Launcher
Flamingo Kick Combo
to Right Hook Kick
Cannon Kicks
Power Blast
Left Flamingo Step-in
Left Flamingo Back Dash
Left Flamingo Sidestep to Back
Left Flamingo Sidestep to Front
10 Hit Combo
(Left Flamingo)

Right Flamingo
Right Punch
Left Punch
Step Kick
Snap Kick
Snap Spin Kick
Right Kick
Right Flamingo Step-in
Right Flamingo Back Dash
Right Flamingo Sidestep to Back
Right Flamingo Sidestep to Front
10 Hit Combo
(Right Flamingo)

Bring it On (from left) or
Dead-End (from right) or
Slaughterhouse (behind foe) or
Reverse Throw (back to foe) or
Door Mat
Leg Hook Throw
Roll and Choke
Low Parry or

Tekken Tag Tournament[edit | edit source]

Left Stance
Motion Switch (to Right Stance)
Double Jab Low Kick
Home Surgery
One Two Punch
Rusty Knife
Middle Back Blow
to Left Stance
Body Blow
Right Flamingo Feint
Hot Feet
Right Kicks to Left Stance
Hard Rocker
Right Kick Combo
to Right Flamingo
Right Kick Combo
to Left Stance
Da Bomb
Blizzard Kicks
Rude Boy
Axe Murderer
Doggie Lift
Grand Theft
Fire Cracker
Nose Bleeder
Faint Heel Drop
Torpedo Kick
Left Flamingo Feint
Cheap Shot Snap Kick
Flying Eagle
Smash Low Right Kick
Public Enemy
Hunting Hawk
Jump Kick
Tsunami Kick (while rising)
Sky Rocket
Machinegun Kicks
Left Kicks to
Right Hook Kick
Left Kicks to
Right Middle Kick
Left Kick Combo
to Right Hook Kick
Total Outrage
Left Kick Combo Low
Left Kick Combo Low
to Right Hook Kick
to Society
Dynamite Heel
Disrespect (back to foe)
Plasma Blade (back to foe)
Right Stance
Motion Switch (to Left Stance)
Big Fists
Right Reverse Kick Combo
Right PK Combo
Right Jab Spin Kick
Right Reverse Kick
Chainsaw Kick
Right Side Kick
Right Flamingo Feint
Grand Theft
Screw Kick
Nose Bleeder
Cheap Shot
Cheap Shot to Disrespect
Cheap Shot Low Spin
Disrespect (back to foe)
Plasma Blade (back to foe)
Left Flamingo
Trick Jab
Right Backhand
Step Kick
Cutter Right
Cutter Left
Snap Kick
Snap Spin Kick
Rocket Launcher
Flamingo Kick Combo
to Right Hook Kick
Cannon Kicks
Power Blast
Left Flamingo Step-in
Left Flamingo Back Dash
Left Flamingo Sidestep to Back
Left Flamingo Sidestep to Front
Right Heel Lance
Flamingo Side Kick Combo
10 Hit Combo
(Left Flamingo)

Right Flamingo
Right Punch
Left Punch
Step Kick
Snap Kick
Snap Spin Kick
Right Kick
Right Flamingo Step-in
Right Flamingo Back Dash
Right Flamingo Sidestep to Back
Right Flamingo Sidestep to Front
10 Hit Combo
(Right Flamingo)

Falcon Dice Kick
Bring it On (from left) or
Dead-End (from right) or
Slaughterhouse (behind foe) or
Reverse Throw (back to foe) or
Door Mat
Leg Hook Throw
Roll and Choke
Human Cannonball
Low Parry or

Tekken 4[edit | edit source]

Tekken 5[edit | edit source]

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection[edit | edit source]

Tekken 6[edit | edit source]

Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion[edit | edit source]

Tekken Tag Tournament 2[edit | edit source]

Left Stance Attacks
Home Surgery
One Two Punch
Left Right to Left Flamingo
Left Right to Right Flamingo
Right Jab to Left Flamingo
Right Jab to Right Flamingo
Right Jab Side Kick
Right Jab to Spinning Back Kick
Left Kicks to Left Flamingo
Left Kicks
Left Kicks to Right Hook Kick
Left Kicks to Backslash
Left Kick Combo Low
Left Kick to Right Hook Kick
Flying Eagle [ ]
Right Left Kick Combo
Right Kicks
Right Kicks to Right Stance
Right Kick Combo to Chainsaw Heel
Right Kick Combo to Right Flamingo
Right Kick Combo to Right Stance
Right Kick Combo to Left Stance
Right Kick Combo Low
Right Kick Combo
Motion Switch
Rusty Knife to Right Stance
Left Flamingo Feint
Cheap Shot Snap Kick [ ]
Right Flamingo Feint
Right Hook Kick to Right Flamingo
Right Mid Kick Combo
Push Hands
Side Kick Middle Kick
Side Kick to Right Hook Kick
Side Kick to Backslash
Hook Kick & Front Kick
Body Blow
Overhead Kick
Smash Low & Quick Left Kick Combo
Smash Low Right
Firecracker (Can TAG)
Double Thrust
Triple Thrust
Triple Spin Kick
Sweep Kick
Ankle Biter
├►To Right Flamingo
├►To Crescent Kick
Dynamite Heel ( to cancel)
Bolt Cut
Left Plasma Kick (Can TAG)
Middle Claymore
Jump Kick to Left Flamingo
Scorpion Side Kick to Right Flamingo
Bloody Gullotine
Flashy Trident
Bone Stinger
Hunting Hawk
Air Raid
Spinning Axe Kick to Right Stance
Torpedo Kick
Sky Rocket (Can TAG)
Spinning Scythe to Axe Kick
Flying Nerichagi
Iron Heel (While rising)
Tsunami Kick (While rising)
Eruption to Left Flamingo (Sidestep)
Spinning Trip Kick (Sidestep)
Plasma Blade (Left Stance,back to foe)(Can TAG)
Right Stance Attacks
Motion Switch
Big Fists
Right PK Combo
Chainsaw Kick Combo
Right Reverse Kick Combo
Right Jab Spin Kick
├►To Right Flamingo
├►To Right Stance
Backslash [ ]
└►To Right Flamingo or
Chainsaw Kick
Right Reverse Kick
Right Flamingo Feint
Grand Theft [ ](Can TAG)
Cheap Shot to Left Flamingo
Cheap Shot to Disrespect
Cheap Shot Low Spin
Screw Kick
Right Sidekick
Heel Screw
Blast Fist
Nose Bleeder
Spin Kick
Hunting Heel
Screw Kick
Plasma Blade (Right Stance,back to foe)(Can TAG)
Spinning Scythe to Axe Kick (Right Stance, back to foe)
Spinning Low Kick (Right Stance, back to foe)
Left Flamingo Attacks
Flamingo Switch
Trick Jab
Right Backhand
Flamingo Side Lick to Left Flamingo
Flamingo Kick Combo Middle
Flamingo Side Kick to Right Hook Kick
Flamingo Side Kick to Backslash
Step Kick
Power Blast ( to cancel)
Left Viper Combo
└►To Left Sword (Can TAG)
Fire Storm Left
Snap Kick
Flamingo Low to Right Hook Kick
Cutter Right
Left Flamingo Slicer
Combat Low
Left Thunderbolt
Combat Middle
Flamingo Hunting Hawk
Switch Plasma Blade
Flamingo Flashing Trident
Right Flamingo Attacks
Left Punch
Right Punch
Big Fists
Right PK Combo
Chainsaw Kick Combo
Right Reverse Kick Combo
Right Jab Spin Kick
Step Kick
Right Kick
Fire Storm Right
Right Viper Combo
└►To Right Sword (Can TAG)
Snap Kick
Cutter Left
Cactus Shot
Cactus Cracker
Right Flamingo Slicer
Left Heel Lancer (Can TAG)
Right Thunderbolt
Pickpocket or(Can TAG)
Falcon Dice Kick or
Bring it On (From Left)or
Dead End (From Right)or
Slaughterhouse (From Behind)or
Roll and Choke
Human Cannonball
Door Mat
Jackknife (Right Stance)or
Overhead Kick (Approach Mid-air enemy)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo I (Left Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo II (Left Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo III (Right Flamingo)
10 Hit Combo IV (Right Flamingo)

Tekken 3D Prime Edition[edit | edit source]

Tekken 7[edit | edit source]

Tekken 8[edit | edit source]

Heat Engager
Heat Burst (Heat Activation) or R1 button
Ignition Barrage
Right Stance
└►Black Kite
Left Flamingo
└►Flamingo Rocket
Right Flamingo
└►Left Heel Lance
Heat Smash
Trinity Claymore (Heat) or R1 button
Rage Art
Sky Burial (Rage) or R2 button
Power Crush
Double Claymore