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  • Name: Josie Rizal
  • Place of Origin: Phillipines
  • Height: Unknown
  • Weight: Unknown
  • Age: Unknown
  • Gender: Female
  • Fighting Style: Eskrima-based Kickboxing and Muay Thai
  • First Appearance: Tekken 7

Moves[edit | edit source]

Tekken 7[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait Tekken7 Josie.png
Rage Art During Rage,
Rage Drive During Rage,
Papilio Combo
Graphium Combo
One Two High Kick
to Switch Stance
Illigan Switch (Switch Stance)
Ormoc Switch (Switch Stance)
Sapu Switch (Switch Stance)
Side Strike Switch (Switch Stance)
Slide In (Switch Stance)
One Two Low
High Spin Kick
Sunrise Combo
Quick Graphium
High Kick Combo
to Switch Stance
Right Straight to
Low High Spin Kick
Double Thrust
Low Trick Kick
[ ]
Hollow Point Shot
Hollow Point to Slide In
Intercept Kick
Intercept Cannon
Spinning Scythe
Triaina Low & Jab to Switch Stance
Ki Charge
Albay Ring
Subic Ring
Panquil Ring
Piercing Needle
Step In Toe Kick
Step In Knee Combo
Flying Elbow
Heavy Knee
Liver Shot to Straight Punch
Liver Shot to Slide In
Liver Shot to
Flying Punch Combo
Liver Blow to Feint Knee [ ]
Sonic Upper
Cyclone Sweep Combo
Cyclone Sweep to Slide In
Triaina Middle to Switch Stance
Boost Knee Launcher
Kasawan Falls
Left Low Kick & High
Kick to Switch Stance
Triaina Low
Full Blast Kick
Middle Straight
Lexias Chain
Twin Rippers
Arnis Chain
to Slide In
Arnis Combo
Quick Elbow
└►Disarm Drop on counter hit
Tracer Kick
Streamline Combo
Streamline to Low Kick
Streamline to
Feint Knee
[ ]
Spinning Back Blow
Sway Back
Jaw Clipper (Sway Back)
Spine Hook (Sway Back)
Spiral Typhoon
Butterfly Edge
Carabao Horn
Rapid Double Knee
Needle Shot
Step In Tracer
Slide In
Slide In Tornado Combo (Slide In)
Slide In Elbow (Slide In)
Slide In Low Kick (Slide In)
Slide In Jumping Elbow (Slide In)
Target Slash
Interrupting Upper (while rising)
Double Boomerang (while rising)
Double Boomerang
to Sway Back
(while rising)
Vertical Knee (while rising)
Whip Kick (while crouching)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo
Suppressing Strike (or )
Neck Hold Slash (or )
Break Down (from left) (or )
Heart's Cry (from right) (or )
Lingayen Stomp (from behind)
(or )
Spirited Barrage
(time with enemy's right punch)