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Moves[edit | edit source]

Tekken 7[edit | edit source]

File:Portrait Tekken7 Kazumi.png
Rage Art During Rage,
Rage Drive During Rage,
Burst Punch Combo
Demon Hunter
Binding Blows
Impaling Knee to Steel Slicer
Impaling Knee to Right Chop
Thunder Punch Combo
Thunder Punch Combo
to Fearless Warrior
Rolling Tiger
Lunging Tiger
Ki Charge
Soul Strike
Gut Crusher
Gut Crusher to
Fearless Warrior
Demon's Gate Kick
Fearless Warrior
Lightning God's Rage (Fearless Warrior)
Wind God's Fury (Fearless Warrior)
Oroshi (Fearless Warrior)
Hellfire Burst (Fearless Warrior)
Demon's Horn (Fearless Warrior)
Rising Mountain Kick (Fearless Warrior)
Bloody Demon's Horn (Fearless Warrior)
Last Warrior (Fearless Warrior)
Crimson Dawn
Tiger Wind Uppercut
Heel Thrust
Diamond Cleaver
Hellfire Spiral
Foot Breaker
Rolling Thunder
Deadly Crescent
Dragon Slice
Lightning Heel
Last Warrior
Fearless Warrior (Last Warrior)
Lethal Chop
Lethal Chop to
Fearless Warrior
Hell Blade
Axle Kick
Crushing Knee
Diamond Tiger Strike
Oroshi Heel
Tiger Demon's Gate
Tiger Demon's Breath
Lightning Flash
Diamond Flash
Diamond Cutter (while rising)
Demon Uppercut (while rising)
Impaling Kick (while rising)
Impaling Kick
to Fearless Warrior
(while rising)
Demon's Gate Crasher (while rising)
Divine Justice (downed foe)
10 Hit Combo
10 Hit Combo
Priestess Double Kick (or )
Side Circle Throw (or )
Slicing Shoulder Wheel (from left or right)
(or )
Reverse Circle Throw (behind foe)
(or )
Iron Side Strike (Fearless Warrior)
Lightning Wrath
Divine Guardian (time with enemy attack)