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m (→‎Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido: Refix that sentence. Makes me wanna scratch my head on that.)
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Present the '''Karuta Cards'''. Note how the original dying message was "OWEN 4th". Knowing about the three personalities, is it possible that there may have been a secret fourth by the name of "Owen?" No one outside the Toneido School knew about Uendo's multiple personalities, so a fourth would not have existed. Furthermore, Nahyuta claims that the accused left the cards to frame the witness, leading the witness to rearrange them. And considering the short time of two to three minutes, there wasn't enough time for Uendo to commit the murder himself. When brought into question about the victim being deceased before his "discovery", Simon's testimony from earlier verifies that the sound of rakugo was heard from within, leaving an indication that he was still alive then, which leaves Uendo with an alibi.
Present the '''Karuta Cards'''. Note how the original dying message was "OWEN 4th". Knowing about the three personalities, is it possible that there may have been a secret fourth by the name of "Owen?" No one outside the Toneido School knew about Uendo's multiple personalities, so a fourth would not have existed. Furthermore, Nahyuta claims that the accused left the cards to frame the witness, leading the witness to rearrange them. And considering the short time of two to three minutes, there wasn't enough time for Uendo to commit the murder himself. When brought into question about the victim being deceased before his "discovery", Simon's testimony from earlier verifies that the sound of rakugo was heard from within, leaving an indication that he was still alive then, which leaves Uendo with an alibi.

Nahyuta tries to silence you using his beads to "punish" you. The second time Simon he tries to make you give up with his beads, Simon stops them.
Nahyuta tries to silence you using his beads to "punish" you. He tries again the second time, but Simon stops his beads in his tracks. Time to continue to cross examine Uendo's testimony.

==Uendo's Testimony: Uendo's Alibi==
==Uendo's Testimony: Uendo's Alibi==

Latest revision as of 06:05, 8 February 2024

Defendant Lobby No.6[edit]

Having just finished a guilt-defying turnabout in the Kingdom of Khura'in, this tradition-themed court case is a sudden reprieve to a tale of rakugo, sake, and soba. Up through "Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Justice for All" there's been very few women to play as throughout the series: Maya, Mia and now currently Athena. This is perhaps the last time in the series you get to play as a female defense attorney.

Unluckily for you, Phoenix Wright is still over the Kingdom of Khura'in, while Apollo Justice is stuck with Trucy Wright, getting ready to set up the magic show with Apollo acting as her assistant. That leaves you with Simon Blackquill, a samurai-psychologist-prosecutor who first appeared in the last game, "Dual Destinies". He goes way back with Athena, both specializing with psychology in the courtroom. As far as Ace Attorney goes, psychology is a simple matter of observing the witnesses and inferring their thoughts to influence them and get to the truth.

But back to the present, you have to defend Bucky, the 4th generation chef who does deliveries for Whet Soba Shop. Unfortunately, there are many problems you have to face: you're under-prepared because (as always) you just got here, Nahyuta is back in the States to prosecute against you yet again, and the defendant is, well, an aloof, possibly drunk skater who has a proclivity to vomit off-screen.

Enough of this! It's time to give Bucky a not guilty verdict!

District Court - Courtroom No 4[edit]

The judge is shocked that Nahyuta has returned again. Edgeworth is simply busy so Nahyuta has to take over for him. He'll hand the evidence over to be put on the Court Record.

  • Backstage Diagram
  • Crime Scene Report
  • Autospy report: Taifu Toneido died between 2pm and 5pm. He died from suffocation but the reason behind is not known yet.
  • Whet Soba Deeds

Simon Blackquill, who is a regular at the Whet Soba Shop, will be the first to testify.

Simon's Testimony: What Simon Saw[edit]

Simon Blackquill
Simon Blackquill
Simon Blackquill's Testimony
- What Simon Saw -
  1. I went to the theater yesterday, and arrived at... approximately 4 PM.
  2. I went straight to Master Toneido's dressing room to say hello.
  3. Bucky went into the dressing room thereafter, only to come storming out a while later.
  4. Master Toneido's junior disciple, Uendo, apparently then entered the room soon after.
  5. That's when Uendo discovered Master Toneido's body.

Cross-Examination: What Simon Saw[edit]

Press all statements. The first statement has "Invitations" and after you finish gathering info, Simon's Statements will also be added to the Court Record.

After being scolded out of the bench, Geiro Toneido will take the stand. Geiro's character is quite unusual. She is a clown with a balloon motif (whose "balloons" also happen to catch the eye of the judge). She will give her account on the crime scene she's involved in.

Geiru's Testimony: Before The Murder Was Discovered[edit]

Geiru Toneido
Geiru Toneido
Geiru Toneido's Testimony
- Before The Murder Was Discovered -
  1. From 4 PM to a little after 4:20 PM, when Shisho's body was found...
  2. ...Simon and I were standing in the hallway in front of the dressing room.
  3. Before Uendo discovered the body, the only person who had gone in there was Bucky.
  4. Come to think of it, a little while before Bucky showed up, Jugemo was barking like mad!

Cross-Examination: Before The Murder Was Discovered[edit]

Press the 4th statement. Simon's Statement will then be updated in the Court Record, and a new statement will be added to Geiru’s testimony.

  • I was in the yard, but the door was wide open, so I could keep watch on the dressing room.

Present the Backstage Diagram. You want to point to the circular door area near where the dog (Jugemo) is standing and the hallway to dispute that she can't "see" the dressing room she claims to watch.

Nahyuta manages to rally the audience to his side and is driving hard to push you to go home because of your inexperience. Athena tries to counter that having a non-eyewitness testimony is not enough to convict Bucky of murder. But Nahyuta submits the "Crime Scene" evidence, showing a photo of karuta cards with his dying message that reads "Buck Whets No.4". The "Crime Scene Report" has been updated.

It's tough if you've got someone like Nahyuta calling you out because of his driven nature of kicking you out of court, getting the audience to agree that you need a professional defense attorney for this case. Fortunately and for the first time, Prosecutor Simon Blackquill is now your aide and will help you with his professional psychology. After all, he likes going to the Whet Soba Shop and hates to see it closed.

So after a colorful exchange in which Simon calls Nahyuta a "sad monk", Geiru will leave and the next witness will come up to the stand. Uendo Toneido is one of the most unique characters in the series: put simply, it's hard to cross examine the traditionally Japanese dressed character with a split personality, as you will see in a few moments. It is now time to dissect his testimony to see where it leads next in this trial.

Uendo's Testimony: Shisho's Dying Message[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido's Testimony
- Shisho's Dying Message -
  1. I noticed Shisho's dying message right away.
  2. The stiff cards were right there next to the stiff, you see.
  3. Hey now, enough with the silly puns already! Hee hee!
  4. Anyway, I got the meaning right away. I knew it must've been talking about Bucky!
  5. That was the master's final message, left as he was drowning in soba broth.
  6. It's so like Shisho not to write Bucky's name outright. "Plain and simple" wasn't his style.

Cross-Examination: Shisho's dying message[edit]

Present Taifu's Autospy Report on statement 5. She points out that he hasn't suffered from drowning, as his lungs were empty. So that leads to a question you have to answer.

Question: Taifu's Tonaido's face was thrust into the bowl...

  1. Before the murder.
  2. During the murder.
  3. After the murder.

Choose "After the murder", explaining that the victim doesn't have broth in his lungs. Simon will ask Nahyuta about the kurata cards which you will see in the photo which will be updated to the Court Record. You can look at the photo up close but something's wrong since the broth covers most of the cards.

Question: These cards...

  1. Were rearranged.
  2. Contained a contradiction.
  3. Are kind of a riddle.

Choose "Were rearranged". Now to solve this puzzle, the next question comes about and you have to answer it.

Question: Where exactly should we be looking, Ms. Cykes?

  1. The pictures on the cards.
  2. The soba broth stains.
  3. The size of the cards.

Choose "The soba broth stains". Because of the stains, you have to decipher what the message truly says. When you finish the puzzle, the karuta cards which will be updated, should read "Owen 4th". But what could that mean? Nahyuta wants Uendo to stay quiet, but Simon uses some trademark psychological suggestion to get Uendo to open up so we'll get another testimony from him.

Uendo's Testimony: In The Dressing Room[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido's Testimony
- In The Dressing Room -
  1. After my performance, I went to visit Shisho.
  2. I call him from outside... but he didn't reply.
  3. When I entered the dressing room, I saw Shisho slumped over the table, motionless!

So there's nothing in this testimony, right? Athena senses discord in Uendo. Nahyuta tries to reject the therapy session but Uendo persists! Here's your chance to put Widget to work and unravel his testimony through emotions and evidence alike. After all, Uendo sure is a puzzling character to deal with.

Start by the last statement and choose surprise which is the yellow face icon. Uendo let slip about bumping into something. After the banter between Simon and Nahruta, you get a chance to point on the photo what Uendo bumped into: the TV on the top of the photo.

Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido
Noise Level: 100%
1. After my performance, I went to visit Shisho.
2. I called to him from outside the room...
3. ...but he didn't reply...
4. When I entered the dressing room, I saw Shisho slumped over the table, motionless!

Start by the last statement and choose Surprise. There's a lack of shock and surprise upon seeing Master Toneido dead; but why?...

Choose He knew about his master's death. Uendo will counter by saying that he thought Shisho was just sleeping when he first saw him. Nahyuta will then present evidence to support the witness's claims. Taifu's Note will be added to the Court Record.

Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido
Noise Level: 50%
1. After my performance, I went to visit Shisho.
2. I called to him from outside the room...
3. ...but he didn't reply...
4. When I opened the door, I thought he was sleeping.
5. But something seemed off, so I rushed over to him.
6. I was shocked to find him dead! I couldn't believe my eyes!

Pinpoint the Angry Sticker on the fifth statement. Uendo will let slip about bumping into something. It seems irrelevant, but...

Point to the TV on the top of the Crime Scene Report photo. It was originally by the door but was dragged to the wall. The discord level will drop to 10%. It will be revealed that the TV is a closed-circuit monitor that shows the stage. Crime Scene Report updated in the Court Record. Athena is at a loss, but thanks to Simon, it's revealed that the body was moved just as the TV was; that's when it's realized to Uendo that Shisho was dead.

Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido
Noise Level: 10%
1. After my performance, I went to visit Shisho.
2. I called to him from outside the room...
3. ...but he didn't reply.
4. When I opened the door, I thought he was sleeping.
5. I tried to enter the dressing room, but stubbed my toe on the TV.
6. When I put the TV back in its normal spot, I realized that Shisho was dead!
7. Seeing him slumped over that cluttered table... *sniff*... Oh, Shisho...

Pinpoint the Surprised Emotion on the last statement. He's somehow even more surprised than when he saw his late master. Being pushed too far, the discord level is back to 100%. Uendo's emotions are running rampant!

Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Mood Matrix: Uendo Toneido
Noise Level: 100%
1. After my performance, I went to visit Shisho.
2. I called to him from outside the room...
3. ...but he didn't reply.
4. When I opened the door, I thought he was sleeping.
5. I tried to enter the dressing room, but stubbed my toe on the TV.
6. When I put the TV back in its normal spot, I realized that Shisho was dead!
7. Seeing him slumped over that cluttered table... *sniff*... Oh, Shisho...

Probe on the last statement with the karuta cards being the root cause, which can only mean one thing: "OWEN 4th" means something to Uendo! And with that, the Discord level is back to zero! But that still leaves the question of how so many emotions can be switched around all at once...

Choose that Uendo Has multiple personalities. Considering the emotional rampage, it's possible that Uendo has dissociative identity disorder, which Uendo doesn't even deny. There are three in total: Uendo the rakugo storyteller, Patches the jester, and Kisegawa the courtesan. Nayuta believes that this only infringes upon the privacy of the witness. Thanks to the knowledge of the three personalities, a certain piece of evidence now makes sense!

Present the Karuta Cards. Note how the original dying message was "OWEN 4th". Knowing about the three personalities, is it possible that there may have been a secret fourth by the name of "Owen?" No one outside the Toneido School knew about Uendo's multiple personalities, so a fourth would not have existed. Furthermore, Nahyuta claims that the accused left the cards to frame the witness, leading the witness to rearrange them. And considering the short time of two to three minutes, there wasn't enough time for Uendo to commit the murder himself. When brought into question about the victim being deceased before his "discovery", Simon's testimony from earlier verifies that the sound of rakugo was heard from within, leaving an indication that he was still alive then, which leaves Uendo with an alibi.

Nahyuta tries to silence you using his beads to "punish" you. He tries again the second time, but Simon stops his beads in his tracks. Time to continue to cross examine Uendo's testimony.

Uendo's Testimony: Uendo's Alibi[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido's Testimony
- Uendo's Alibi -
  1. I was onstage until just moments before I went into the dressing room.
  2. The entire audience was my witness.
  3. But my performance was a huge bust. Not a single soul laughed!
  4. I'll never be able to live down how terribly I bombed during that very important show.

Cross-Examination: Uendo's Alibi[edit]

Press the third statement. What went so wrong that the performance would be so poorly received? Kisegawa says that this kind of bust just happens from time to time... Ask more about what Uendo performed. The story they performed was "Tokisoba". Nahyuta gives a brief performance of this "Time Soba" routine, to the amazement of the judge and confusion of the defense. With regard to Uendo's new statement, have it added to their testimony. Uendo states:

  • The story I performed is called "Tokisoba" -- otherwise known as "Time Soba."

Take another look at the Invitation to the show. The program notes state that Uendo was to perform a story called "Soba Glutton!" It doesn't get much more clear cut than this. Present the Invitation on the new statement. Uendo becomes flustered at the contradiction. Why did they perform "Tokisoba", their master's routine, at the show? Uendo explains it as a simple prank. But is that the whole truth? In fact, Uendo was intending to obscure something: select the time of the victim's death. In truth, Blackquill had only "confirmed" that Toneido was alive according to what he heard. Select the television when asked what prop Uendo used. It was used to monitor the stage, and so provided live audio and video of the performances. Blackquill's ears were tricked into thinking that "Tokisoba" performance was the Master's rehearsal, when in reality it was Uendo's act; they purposefully bombed on the jokes to preserve the illusion of their master rehearsing backstage. This opens the possibility that Master Toneido actually died before 4 PM. Furthermore, Uendo has confessed to altering the scene of the crime!

However, this foothold doesn't last for long. Uendo has no motive, and Bucky still has no alibi. With nowhere left to turn, your last lead remains: Uendo's mysterious, supposed 4th personality. Select Owen. Uendo is reluctant at first to testify, but thanks to in part to Blackquill, they eventually testify.

Uendo's Testimony: About Owen[edit]

Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido
Uendo Toneido's Testimony
- About Owen -
  1. I've never met any personality named "Owen."
  2. Patches was just blurting out nonsense in a panic.
  3. We're always aware, so we'd definitely notice if a personality like that showed up!
  4. How dare you treat me like a criminal based on mere conjecture?!

There aren't any outstanding contradictions — yet. You'll have to press some more in order to get key information.

Cross-Examination: About Owen[edit]

Patches once again lets slip a glimpse of the truth. Press the third statement. If they know about all of their personalities because each of them is aware, what if Uendo, Patches, and Kisegawa all somehow became unconscious? Athena's hypothesis is that Owen only appears under that condition — the other three personalities are incapacitated. Do you have proof to back up your theory? The answer is yes, of course. Point to the bottle of sake in the photo — the bottle on the table with an orange label and camel pattern. Our plan now seems to be to get Uendo dead drunk... That might be easier than expected, since according to Patches, they are rather sensitive — all it takes is "a tiny drop" to knock them out. However, it seems they didn't drink any sake. A new statement gets added:

  • I had a sweet manju bun, but I didn't drink any sake.

As far as Uendo knows, they didn't have any alcohol. That sweet manju bun is suspicious, however. Looking at the crime scene report, the wrapping paper on the box of manju buns has the same patterning as the scrap of paper Taifu's Note was written on. Could it be? Present Taifu's Note on this new statement. The bottle of camel sake shares this same patterning — Present the bottle of sake when asked about what matches the manju bun box wrapper. The defense asserts that the red bean buns were spiked with alcohol, which is what allowed Owen to emerge. Blackquill's hawk, Taka, is dispatched from the courtroom to retrieve the remaining buns so you can "test" this theory... of course, this has nothing to do with the proposition of a courtroom snack. Court enters recess.