Unreal Tournament 3/Defiance

From StrategyWiki, the video game walkthrough and strategy guide wiki


Type of Map Deathmatch/Team Deathmatch
Size Medium
All Normal Weapons Yes
Redeemer No
Superhealth No
U-Damage Yes
Shield Belt Yes
Armor Chest, Thigh, Helmet
Jump Boots No
Berzerk No
Special Features No


Abandoned city block near a river, in broad daylight.


Mixed zones consisting of inside and outside areas. Lots of scaffoldings, bridges, and ramps that run overhead in some areas.

Environmental Hazards


Special Features


Important Item Locations

Strategies & Tactics

  • There aren't many tight corridors here, so the stinger (for long range) and rocket launcher (for medium range) should be your staple weapons
  • The shock rifle is good to have for enemies that attack from above; run under their position and use shock combo
  • All of the powerups are really easy to get, so set up a movement pattern that takes you past their locations often