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The terrifying 'Buzzers' constitute the Scrin's basic anti-infantry units. Buzzers are created in small swarms, with experiments with captured Scrin hardware demonstrating that they may be created quickly and cheaply. Swarms remain together and are guided by what seems to be a limited sentience. Each individual Buzzer is like a floating, high-powered buzzsaw capable of tearing through flesh and light infantry armor plating. Multiple swarms are able to horrifically rip through infantry units, and Buzzers are also able to clear garrisoned buildings. In addition, the Scrin are known to 'combine' their terrestrial vehicles with Buzzer swarms, so that the Buzzers travel with the vehicle and are able to move off and attack enemy infantry when necessary.

The Buzzer Hive, a Scrin base defense, is able to send swarms of Buzzers at attacking infantry. Buzzers have even been known to appear almost out of nowhere, right in the middle of the battlefield. Buzzers have also consistently been observed emerging out of destroyed Scrin buildings, leaving some researchers to conclude that they may operate the buildings.

While they are highly threatening Buzzers are, of course, quite lightly armored and particularly vulnerable to explosives and railguns. They are also completely useless against any form of vehicle, as their 'blades' are not capable of penetrating vehicle plating; however, their very nature means that they cannot be simply run down.


Disintegrators constitute the Scrin's anti-vehicle infantry. Moving around in packs of five (probably analogous to human infantry squads), Disintegrators appear to be bio-engineered for combat, with their weaponry integral to their bodies. Somewhat larger than a human and moving around on four insect-like legs, Disintegrators are armed with a powerful cutting beam weapon.

When they are crushed by vehicles part of the weapon's fueling mechanism is ruptured and Disintegrators explode. While not particularly damaging, this explosion has made human vehicle crews think twice about simply running them down. However, certain vehicles upgraded with Nod dozer blades can crush Disintegrators without harm, as the heavy blades are undamaged by the explosion.


Assimilators are bizarre-looking Scrin infantry units that perform functions that make them analogous to human Engineers. Assimilators have been clearly seen to capture and repair buildings. Any buildings captured are immediately converted to serve the Scrin. Assimilators may also recover fallen walkers, namely the alien Annihilator Tripod and human Avatar and Juggernaut, restoring them to combat functionality in order to fight for the Scrin.

The sole advantage that the slow-moving Assimilator seems to possess over our own Engineers (and Saboteurs) is its ability to become stealthed when not moving. This has been known to have certain tactical advantages for the aliens. If detected the Assimilator is easily killed by anything.

Shock Troopers

Shock Troopers are elite Scrin infantry units (deployed in packs of three) so-called as they launched devastating attacks on Earth's cities in the early stages of the invasion. Each Shock Trooper is a large, rounded, insect-like creature roughly the size of a small car. Like other Scrin infantry, Shock Troopers appear to have been literally created for combat using advanced alien bio-engineering technology.

Shock Troopers have been witnessed with different levels of weaponry; while even in their least well-equipped form they are able to take on our vehicles, those Shock Troopers armed with plasma disc launchers are even more dangerous than normal and are able to fire at aircraft. Furthermore, some Shock Troopers are known to possess 'Blink Packs' that allow them to teleport instantaneously from one point of the battlefield to another. This ability has proven lethal in combat. However, they do appear vulnerable to anti-infantry weapons as one may expect.

Following the immediate invasion Shock Troopers were only found in areas where the Scrin had a well-established base of operations. It is likely that in order to 'train' Shock Troopers, Scrin commanders need to have access to the relevant technology first. Battlefield analysis reports have indicated that both the Scrin's Stasis Chamber and Nerve Center need to have been constructed in the vicinity in order for Shock Troopers to be deployed.

They are comparable to the Zone Trooper in many ways. Their Blink Packs serve a similar purpose to the Zone Troopers' jump jets, and they are both the heaviest infantry unit that either side can deploy, effective against more resilient targets such as tanks and even buildings. However, while the Zone Trooper is merely protected against Tiberium, Shock Troopers heal from it. And when upgraded with plasma discs, Shock Troopers can easily down all but the most well armored air units and retain their devastating firepower against ground units.


In keeping with human Commando infantry, the alien Scrin appear to have their own elite units known to us as 'Masterminds'. Masterminds, like many Scrin units, resemble insects and have a rounded shape that makes them physically larger but no taller than a human. The name of these rarely-encountered alien units is derived from their unique abilities that are seemingly derived from extreme psychic acuity.

Once in range of an enemy unit - or even an enemy building, bar automated turrets - Masterminds are able to take control of it, no matter how many humans are inside, and turn it against its own side. This way Masterminds have induced panic among attacking GDI forces when their mighty Mammoth tanks have suddenly turned and fired upon their former comrades. It should be noted that Masterminds are only able to control a single unit at a time, and this command will be lost if the Mastermind itself is killed - however, the distance between the controlled unit and the Mastermind once the mind-link has been established appears to be of no consequence. The Manipulator Device is so effective that the foreman can take control of an enemy construction yard and build a Crane near their Drone Platform so they can use their own weapons against them.

In addition, Masterminds have also been witnessed teleporting small groups of Scrin units instantaneously from one point of the battlefield to another. This ability is apparently unhindered by the size of the unit being transported.

While not often seen on the battlefield, Masterminds quickly became recognized and feared by GDI and Nod alike. Although unverified, the destruction of Munich appeared to have been caused by erratically behaving engineers sabotaging the base prior to the arrival of invasion forces. Though most of Munich was leveled, there was evidence that a Mastermind possibly had been the cause.

Interestingly, they seem unable to control GDI or Nod commandos and during the GDI campaign in Italy they were spotted using a medium-range anti-infantry disintegrator weapon, which was strangely absent in other engagements.


Seekers are light Scrin hovertanks that are apparently designed for scouting and reconnaissance missions. Thanks to their ability to 'glide' over the battlefield, Seekers boast a high degree of speed and manoeuvrability. They are armed with plasma disc launchers that seem effective against vehicles (in particular light vehicles) as well as aircraft, but less effective against infantry, and are relatively lightly armoured, making them ill-suited at taking human heavy armour head on without considerably superior numbers, in spite of our inferior level of technology. To counter GDI and Nod's tanks the Scrin deploy their own Devourer Tank.

In addition, the Seeker possesses advanced detection systems, whether similar to the human radar systems or not, that have proven very effective in detecting even the most stealthy unit.

Gun Walker

'Gun Walkers' are among the more basic and common Scrin vehicles yet encountered. The bio-mechanical Gun Walker, like many Scrin units, resembles an enormous insect and moves around on six legs.

The energy weapons carried by these vehicles are quite low-intensity and appear to do the most damage to lighter targets such as infantry; however, it should be noted that Gun Walkers have also been seen to fire upon aircraft. Gun Walkers often accompany Seekers into battle to supplement them with anti-infantry capability. The Gun Walker is incredibly effective against Orca Gunships and Venoms, being able to blast them out of the sky at an alarming rate.


'Devourer Tanks' are apparently the Scrin equivalent of the human main battle tank (as opposed to the lighter Seeker). Unlike other Scrin armour, the Devourver appears designed after human tanks, albeit without a turret, but with higher firepower and speed. Because of this, some believe the Devourer was created as a sadistic mockery (improbable, if fitting).

Like Seekers, Devourers hover over the battlefield, but they are slower and more heavily armoured. Devourers are so called as they have been witnessed absorbing Tiberium in a similar fashion to the Scrin Harvester; they seem to do so to charge their main weapon, a long-range proton cannon capable of dealing significant damage to armoured targets. In terms of raw firepower the vehicle certainly stands up to Predator tanks, while consistently proving stronger than Scorpion tanks. They also have the longest range of any non-siege unit, able to fire upon human tank divisions well before they can respond, and when supercharged their range increases even further. Many Scrin Foremen exploit this advantage by firing on enemy tank divisions and moving back using their superior speed as the hostile tanks try to get within range. This tactic can destroy even Mammoth tanks and Avatar Warmechs if used properly, much to the disdain of the owners of said heavy and expensive assault units.

Devourers have no protection against aircraft and are ineffective against infantry; however the Scrin know this and rarely deploy them without support.


A Corrupter is a Scrin vehicle (?), deployed extensively during their invasion. It is equpped with a large tank at the back which contains a Tiberium sludge, which when spewed at an opponent through it's 'mouth' can eat through infantry armour and even clear and/or destroy structures. It has also been seen to spew the sludge at friendly units, the effect being the healing of the units beforementioned.

Rumours persist that occasionally, infantry sprayed by Corrupters do not die, but are horribly mutated into Visceroids. If true this is likely to be an unintentional side-effect for the aliens, as Visceroids are still hostile to them.

They are remarkably similar in operation to Nod's Flame Tanks, however they can fire while moving and also heal their own units, even if they lack the raw destructive power of the aforementioned Nod mainstay.

Annihilator Tripod

File:CnCTS Annihilator.jpg
The most dangerous Scrin unit.

This Terror Walker spreads fear to all ground foes even Mammoth Tanks.

Additional Notes

The Annihilator Tripod is considered the Scrin's most dangerous terrestrial unit. While slow, this apparently bio-mechanical walker can sustain a considerable amount of damage before being toppled. Referred to as an 'Annihilator' with good reason, the Tripod sports three articulated 'arms' tipped with high-powered laser weapons. These weapons, combined with the Tripod's sheer durability, mean that it can lay waste to vast numbers of smaller units. The armour protection of the Tripod appears to be supplemented on occasion by some form of energy shield, similar to that notably present on some other Scrin units, including their Devastator Warships; this is likely to be an upgrade. Units with these shields are even more dangerous than normal, and are considered priority targets in battle. Owing to their sheer size, Tripods have been known to literally walk over smaller vehicles, often destroying them outright.


However, as has been proven by both GDI and Nod, the Annihilator Tripod is by no means invincible. A well-trained Commando can run up to a Tripod and disable it almost instantly with an explosive charge applied to the vulnerable underside of its 'body'. Once disabled Engineers, Scrin Assimilators, and Nod Saboteurs can take control of the Tripod for their respective factions. Tripods also have no defence against aircraft especially Gunships. Other than this, large numbers of anti-vehicle units or very heavy vehicles such as Mammoth Tanks are required to take them on.


Stormriders are Scrin fast-attack aircraft designed for extended operations in a combat zone, produced at the Gravity Stabilizer, which is the Scrin equivalent of an Airfield. Fast and versatile, the Stormrider has an exceptionally strong airframe, and is armed with a single, omni-directional plasma cannon with an unlimited power supply. This weapon is capable of engaging both ground and airborne targets but suffers from a relatively weak power output. Therefore Stormriders are free to pursue their targets across the battlefield for an unlimited duration, but to little effect, and have proven to be more an annoyance than threat to GDI and Nod forces, unless utilized in large numbers.

The Stormrider's name is derived from observations made by GDI field operatives, who noticed that the craft operated more effectively in an ion storm. The Scrin possess the technology to generate a localized ion storm at will, which is outfitted on board their Planetary Assault Carriers (PACs) and Storm Column base defenses. While human technology is disabled or even destroyed by ion storms, all Scrin air units, including the Devastator Warships, can utilize these storms to gain a tremendous boost in protection as well as self-repair. Because of this, groups of PACs and Warships escorted by groups of Stormriders are an exceptionally powerful combination.

The Stormriders bear a striking resemblance to the now retired Nod Banshee, which was known to have been based on reverse-engineered Scrin technology. Therefore, there are those who assume that the Stormrider was the basis upon which the Banshee was developed.

Devastator Warship

One of the more advanced Scrin airborne units yet encountered. Fitting the name given to it, the Devastator Warship is capable of causing grievous damage to units on the ground. Resembling a gigantic floating lobster, every Devastator is armed with 'Zeus' plasma disc batteries that possess an impressively long range.

Owing to its slow movement and long-range weaponry the Scrin seem to employ this most as a support or siege weapon, capable of laying waste to structures and clustered ground units alike. While vulnerable to anti-aircraft weaponry and unable to defend itself against air attack, the Devastator is impressively durable, and its durability is often seen to be further increased by some form of energy shield, a presumed upgrade also witnessed on units such as the Annihilator Tripod.

Intel has indicated that they are responsible for much of the destruction in the Earth's Blue zones. It must only return to the Gravity Stabilizer for repairs like most air units.

In terms of size and its purpose as a siege weapon, the Devastator is analogous to human battleships. Of course, its ability to fly grants it greater flexibility, even if it is comparatively fragile.

Planetary Assault Carrier

Planetary Assault Carriers are among the most fearsome and powerful Scrin aircraft witnessed. Resembling giant, floating, legless stag beetles, each Carrier arrives above the battlefield armed with a contingent of smaller Scrin fighters, which immediately detach from it and swarm around their target, firing plasma weapons. When working together these fighters are able to deal significant damage, and if destroyed the Carrier is able to 'grow' a replacement.

However, Carriers are perhaps most dangerous when generating an ion storm, as they are apparently able to do at any time. While harming human forces, ion storms actually enhance the fighting capability of Scrin aircraft in particular. Carriers have also been witnessed possessing an energy shield, similar to that seen on the Annihilator Tripod and Devastator Warship, which greatly enhances their durability.

Known weaknesses of the Planetary Assault Carrier are its slow movement speed (particularly for an aircraft) and the fact that the Carrier itself actually possesses no defences once all its fighters are shot down. It must return only for repairs. Nevertheless these hovering behemoths are a frightening component of the Scrin arsenal capable of terrorizing even Mammoth Tanks.

These are considered analogous to our aircraft carriers in that they both transport vessels for combat aircraft, that they are the main ships of a fleet, and that they have very few defenses of their own. However they can fly, carry twice as many aircraft as the current aircraft carrier, can utilize shields, and can create ion storms which distinguishes them greatly from the aircraft carriers of GDI.


  • Armour Very thick use Firehawk Jets to fight it
  • Weapon powerful Cannon similar to the Alien Mothership in Independence Day
  • Speed slow
  • Cost 5000

The Mothership is something you wont want to mess with

Additional Notes

The Mothership is the Scrin's most powerful unit encountered to date. It is a heavy, slow moving disc-shaped aircraft that is capable of leveling whole bases in a short time. Its primary (and, to the extent of our knowledge, only) weapon is the Catalyst cannon, an energy weapon with effects not dissimilar to Nod's catalyst missile in that it causes a tremendous chain reaction. However, it is significantly more dangerous and destructive than Nod's missile, as the chain reaction is triggered between structures. The destructive effect of this weapon was evident when a single Mothership incinerated Berne in Switzerland with a single blast that leveled the dense city center.

While their ponderous speed has ensured that many of the small number of these units yet encountered have been destroyed, they are evidently capable of absorbing a tremendous amount of anti-aircraft fire, more than any aircraft ever manufactured by humans.

In addition to housing a weapon of massive destructive power, Motherships also appear to serve at least some command and control functions for the Scrin. Indeed, GDI InOps report that a Mothership was used during a Scrin retreat from Earth in the closing stages of the Third Tiberium War.


Powerful but its speed makes it destroyable with Pitbulls which speed is fast enough to avoid its powerful weapon. Even slow Mammoth Tanks can outrun it.