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Mainland shrines

Shrine of Sacrifice

All information about Sacrifice can be learned in the town of Minoc, north-east of Britain.

Rune of Sacrifice:

File:Ultima IV Sacrifice Rune.png
NES location of the rune: Minoc forge

LOOK? You see a fading man.
NAME? I am Gimble.
HEALTH? I am barely conscious.
CONSCIOUS? I will soon sleep forever.
Could you spare a gold piece, so I may buy a last drink?
Y: Remember Azure knows of the Rune!
N: ...
JOB? I shall die soon.
DIE? I suffer from a tsetse bite!

LOOK? You see a tinker at the table.
NAME? I am Azure.
JOB? I carve runes.
CARVE RUNES? I carve runes for passage into the Shrines!
Dost thou seek a rune?
N: I see.
Y: Which?
SACRIFICE? Ask my sister, Mischief.

LOOK? You see a happy tinker.
NAME? I am Mischief.
HEALTH? O.K. I guess.
JOB? This and that.
THIS? And that...
RUNE? The rune of sacrifice is hard to get. It lies within the fires of the forge!
Hast thou the Rune?
N: ...
Y: Then ask Alkerion of the Stone!

Mantra and Shrine of Sacrifice:

LOOK? You see a wandering tinker.
NAME? I am Merida.
HEALTH? Been better.
JOB? I seek the wisdom of the Shrine of Sacrifice.
SHRINE? But first I need the mantra!
Know ye the mantra?
N: The shrine is on a lake to the east!
Y: Good!
MANTRA? I am told that a hidden shepherd knows the mantra.

LOOK? You see a meek shepherd.
NAME? I am Damon.
JOB? I stand here and think.
THINK? Oh, just about things.
Can't a man just think to himself?
Y: Well I hope so!
MANTRA? Listen to the bard's song for in its verse lies the key!

LOOK? You see a cute bard.
NAME? I am Singsong.
HEALTH? Very well indeed!
JOB? I sing songs!
SING? I sing songs!
SONGS? Very well: "The raven sings/ the raven saw/ and in the corn/ he sayeth 'CAH'.
Dost you like it?
N: Too bad...
Y: Thanks.

Shrine of Justice

File:Ultima IV Justice Rune.png
NES location of the rune: search this jail cell in Yew

All information about Justice can be learned in the town of Yew, north-west of Britain.

Shrine and Rune of Sacrifice:

LOOK? You see a wandering druid.
NAME? I am a druid.
JOB? I seek justice.
JUSTICE? Learn at the Shrine!
SHRINE? The shrine is to the east then north!
Dost thou have the rune?
N: Ask Talfourd for he knows of the Rune.
Y: Now learn the Mantra, and seek the Green Stone in 'Wrong'!

LOOK? You see a wise judge.
NAME? I am Talfourd.
JOB? I decide justice.
JUSTICE? Justice is Truth in action!
RUNE? It is hidden well!
Can honestly claim to be guilty of no crime ever?
N: Then do thy penance in a cell and, with the felon, search ye well.

LOOK? You see a big guard.
NAME? I am a guard.
JOB? We guard the jail.
Hast thou come to turn thyself in?
N: Just visiting, eh.
Y: In which cell dost thou belong, felonies of misdemeanors?
MISDEMEANORS? That'll be the left cell.
FELONIES? That'll be the right hand cell. Careful in there!

LOOK? You see a poor beggar.
NAME? I am a poor beggar.
HEALTH? Well treated.
JOB? I have sinned.
SINNED? I have gotten chests in the townes and killed non-evil creatures.
Should thou be in with the felon?
Y: Thou art in the wrong cell.
FELON? He is a mean, nasty, ugly villain!

LOOK? You see a mean nasty ugly villain!
NAME? I am Vorpal.
VILLAIN? That's me alright!
HEALTH? Hungry!
JOB? I eat people who bug me!
PEOPLE? Like thee!
Art thou here to bug me?
N: Well thou art!
Y: Eat death, scum puppy!

Mantra of Sacrifice:

LOOK? You see a thin man.
NAME? I am Pinrod.
JOB? I take council.
COUNCIL? On justice.
Fight ye for Justice?
Y: Good, the druids chant the mantra!
ON JUSTICE? Justice is hardest to find at the point of a sword, the steel is an agent of Justice, humanity the perpetrator!

LOOK? You see a chanting druid.
NAME? I am Silent.
HEALTH? Beh... Beh...
BEH? Beh... Beh...
JOB? Beh... Beh...

Oversea shrines & swamp shrines

The ship is necessary to get to any of these shrines.

Shrine of Compassion

File:Ultima IV Compassion Rune.png
NES location of the rune: Britain Hotel

Shrine of Honor

File:Ultima IV Honor Rune.png
NES location of the rune: Trinsic in the fields

Shrine of Valor

File:Ultima IV Valor Rune 1.png
NES location of the rune: use the Key on this door in Jhelom
File:Ultima IV Valor Rune 2.png
NES location of the rune: first secret passage
File:Ultima IV Valor Rune 3.png
NES location of the rune: second secret passage
File:Ultima IV Valor Rune.png
NES location of the rune: search this room for the Rune of Valor (a ghost is in here until you speak with him)

Shrine of Honesty

File:Ultima IV 4 Honesty Rune.png
NES location of the rune: three steps south of the brick tile near Mariah in Moonglow

Hidden shrines

These two shrines are more difficult to find. Not only their location is an obstacle, but also the fact that information about them is found in more than just one city, unlike the other shrines.

Shrine of Humility

Mantra of Humility:

LOOK? You see a small ghost (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Casperin.
HEALTH? Feeling a bit translucent.
JOB? To haunt this shop.
HAUNT? A lot of haunting goes on around here.
Know thee why?
N: Pride!
Y: Pride is the surest measure of goals never attained!
PRIDE? Seek ye the Mantra for Humility, ask ye Heywood!

LOOK? You see a tall ghost (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Heywood.
HEALTH? As well as can be expected.
JOB? Haunt eternally.
HAUNT? Pride goeth before, shame cometh after!
Art thou proud?
N: A proud soul surely knows not its worth!
Y: ...
MANTRA? Faultless knows the mantra of pride, ask him!

LOOK? You see a tall ghost (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Faultless.
HEALTH? Been better.
JOB? Oh, I just hang around!
HANG AROUND? I was hung for my sin of pride!
Art thou proud?
Y: A grave sin!
N: Pride is evil's favorite sin!
MANTRA? The mantra for pride, being the antithesis of humility, is 'MUL'.

LOOK? You see a fair woman (in Vesper).
NAME? I am Gem.
HEALTH? I am doing well.
JOB? I do humble works.
HUMBLE WORKS? I can help thee with the Mantra!
MANTRA? Since Humility is the opposite of Pride, so is its Mantra!
Know ye the mantra of Pride?
N: When thou dost, reverse it!
Y: Then reverse it for Humility!

Rune of Humility:

File:Ultima IV Humility Rune Door.png
NES location of the rune: use the Key in Paws
File:Ultima IV Humility Rune.png
NES location of the rune: search here to get the rune

LOOK? You see a blue ghost (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Ruskin.
HEALTH? Not well.
JOB? I now try to understand Humility.
HUMILITY? The first test of a great soul is Humility!
Dost thou seek to know Humility?
N: ...
Y: Thou shalt need the Rune!
RUNE? Ask the snake of the Rune, just before it strikes!

LOOK? You see a weeping skeleton (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Splot.
HEALTH? Been better.
JOB? I regret.
REGRET? I was proud; strip thyself of conceits, only the humble are pure!
HUMBLE? The root from which all virtues grow!
Dost thou seek purity?
N: ...
Y: Then ask the snake of the Rune and Stone!

LOOK? You see a mean looking viper! (in Magincia ruins)
NAME? I am Nate.
HEALTH? Bloodthirtsy!
JOB? I bring death to all life in Magincia!
STONE? Those who seek the Black Stone need ask at the pub in Britain!
RUNE? The sacred Rune of Humility vanished from this city. Ask Barren in Paws!

LOOK? You see a hooded ranger (in Paws).
NAME? I am Barren.
HEALTH? I am well.
JOB? I travel the land.
LAND? Britannia.
Art thou dim?
N: We shall see.
Y: I thought so.
RUNE? Search the hills in the south-east corner of town!

LOOK? You see a meek shepherd (in Paws).
NAME? I am Wheatpin.
Art thou looking for something?
N: I see.
Y: What?
RUNE? Around there in the nook of the mountains!
JOB? I just sit here.

Shrine of Humility:

LOOK? You see a crubling skeleton (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Banter.
HEALTH? A bit bony.
JOB? I once held the Silver Horn.
SILVER HORN? The Silver Horn must be used to pass the daemon guard of the Shrine.
SHRINE? Wierdrum has been to the Shrine of Humility!
Seek ye the Horn?
N: ...
Y: Ask Demitry!

LOOK? You see rattling bones (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Wierdrum.
HEALTH? Haunted.
JOB? I haunt, and I haunt, and I haunt!
HAUNT? A haunting job takes more than a lifetime, it takes forever!
SHRINE? Yes, I have been to the shrine, it lies on the north bank in the isle of the Abyss!

LOOK? You see a thin skeleton (in Magincia ruins).
NAME? I am Demitry.
HEALTH? About the same as yesterday.
JOB? I rattle my bones.
BONES? Bones, them bones, them dry bones...
Art thou dead?
N: Watch out for Nate!
Y: ...
HORN? The queen of Love has a lady in waiting, she can tell thee more of the Horn!

LOOK? You see a lovely lady (in Empath Abbey).
NAME? I am Suzanna.
HEALTH? Overworked!
JOB? I am a lady in waiting.
LADY? I serve Marcy.
Art thou allowed to be in here?
N: Thou should leave!
Y: I doubt it! Thou should leave!
HORN? There is a paladin by the name of Malchor. He can lead thee to the Silver Horn!

LOOK? You see a bold paladin (in Empath Abbey).
NAME? I am Malchor.
HEALTH? Just now fully healed!
JOB? I solve quests.
QUESTS? My last quest took me near Spiritwood.
Art thou on a quest?
N: ...
Y: Best of luck to thee!
HORN? Some say that the Silver Horn is buried on a small isle off the tip of Spiritwood.

LOOK? You see a wise shepherd (in Vesper).
NAME? I am Joseph.
HEALTH? I am well.
JOB? I am but a humble shepherd.
SHEPHERD? I am on a pilgrimage unto the Shrine of Humility!
Did thou know that there is no Shrine of Pride?
Y: Very good.
SHRINE? It is on the dark island!

LOOK? You see a slender shepherdess (in Vesper).
NAME? I am Simple.
HEALTH? I am fine.
JOB? I seek the Shrine.
SHRINE? The Shrine of Humility!
HUMILITY? The Shrine lies on the north bank of the isle of the Abyss and is guarded by endless hoards of daemons!
Know the isle?
N: Southeast of Britannia!
Y: Good.

Shrine of Spirituality

File:Ultima IV Spirituality Rune.png
NES location of the rune: notice the different tile
File:Ultima IV Secret Wall 2.png
NES location of the rune: it's a secret to everybody!
File:Ultima IV Spirituality Rune found.png
NES location of the rune: search location in Lord British's Castle

LOOK? You see a stocky ranger (in Minoc).
NAME? I am Mike Ward.
HEALTH? Well enough.
JOB? I am trying to get a room.
ROOM? I have travelled clear from Skara Brae.
SKARA BRAE? The Rune of our city is missing!
Know thee of the rune?
N: It is not in Skara Brae.
Y: It is the key to the shrine of spirituality!

LOOK? You see a hungry beggar (in Skara Brae).
NAME? I am Granted.
HEALTH? I am not at all well.
JOB? I beg for food and money.
MONEY? To buy food!
FOOD? To eat!
Wilt thou give me food or money?
N: ...
Y: In return I will tell thee that the Ankh knows of the Rune
and my friend Ambule knows of the Mantra!

LOOK? You see a grimy beggar (in Skara Brae).
NAME? I am Ambule.
HEALTH? So-so.
JOB? I beg but for a single gold piece!
BEGGAR? Oh, please... Oh, please...
Wilt thou please give me a gold piece?
N: ...
Y: Dear kind soul.
MANTRA? Ask the child named Barren.

LOOK? You see a small child (in Skara Brae).
NAME? I am Barren.
JOB? No job.
MANTRA? I know it well, it is "OM".

LOOK? You see a silver Ankh (in Skara Brae).
NAME? I am the Ankh of Spirituality.
HEALTH? Strong.
JOB? I keep the secret of the Rune.
OM? Search for the Rune of Spirituality in the treasure chamber of Britannia!
Hast thou found the shrine?
NO: Enter the gate of full moons!
YES: Good!

In the Sega Master System port, the Ankh does not reveal the location of the Shrine of Spirituality.

Practicing the Virtues

For most of these you must take 16 steps in the open world before you can earn credit again. For example, if you speak humbly to a man you earn credit for Humility; leave town, take 16 steps, then come back in town: you can then earn more credits by talking to the same man.

It is easy to lose progress on any of the virtues. However, gaining progress is much more difficult since you have to wait between attempts to get the full effect.

Once you have mastered the virtues, you will need to conquer the Great Stygian Abyss and view the Codex of Ultimate Wisdom.

Summary table
Virtue Actions to do Actions to avoid
Honesty Cheat not the merchants and peddlers for 'tis an evil thing to do! (i.e. pay their due to the merchants, give more than nothing to beggars) Take not the gold of others found in towns and castles, for yours it is not!
Compassion Give of thy purse to those who beg and thy deed shall not be forgotten! Kill not the non-evil beasts of the land and do not attack the fair people!
Valor Victories scored over evil creatures help to build a valorous soul! To flee from battle with less than grievous wounds often shows a coward!
Justice Kill not a non-evil beast for they deserve not death, even if in hunger they attack thee! (i.e. flee battle when attacked by non-evil creatures; let the Stranger be the last who leaves) Attack not a peaceful citizen, for that action deserves strict punishment!
To take the gold of others is injustice not soon forgotten. Take only thy due!
Sacrifice To give thy last gold piece unto the needy shows good measure of Self-Sacrifice!
To give of thy life's blood so that others may live is a Virtue of great praise!
For thee to flee and leave thy companions is a self-serving action to be avoided!
Honor Seek ye to solve the many quests before thee and Honor shall be a reward! Take not the gold of others for this shall bring dishonor upon thee!
To strike first a non-evil being is by no means an honorable deed!
Spirituality Seek ye to know thyself. Visit the seer often for he can see into thy inner being!
Meditation leads to enlightenment. Seek ye all Wisdom and Knowledge!
Humility Claim not to be that which thou art not. Humble actions speak well of thee! Strive not to wield the Great Force of Evil for its power will overcome thee!


Meditation at the shrine of Honesty:

  1. DON'T : Take not the gold of others found in towns and castles, for yours it is not!
    • Stealing from chests -1;
  2. DO: Cheat not the merchants and peddlers for 'tis an evil thing to do!
    • Giving reagent seller correct money +2; overpaying might give +3;
    • Underpaying the reagent sellers -10.
  3. Second, read the Book of Truth at the entrance to the Great Stygian Abyss!

Honesty is performed by being honest; by providing correct answers to questions and by not attempting to cheat shopkeepers. Make a tour of the four apothecaries buying every time a few reagents from each of them. For a list of the apothecaries, check the Britannian Yellow Pages.


Meditation at the shrine of Compassion:

  1. DON'T : Kill not the non-evil beasts of the land and do not attack the fair people!
  2. DO: Give of thy purse to those who beg and thy deed shall not be forgotten!
  3. Third, light the Candle of Love at the entrance to the Great Stygian Abyss!

Compassion involves donating gold to beggars and sparing the life of non-evil creatures. Giving money is in contrast with buying good equipment and magic reagents, therefore this Virtue is likely to be mastered late. Make tours of the beggars around Britannia. For a list of locations of the beggars, see the Britannian Yellow Pages.

  • Giving money to the beggars +2;
  • Running away from non-evil enemies +2;
  • Letting non-evil enemies run away +1;
  • Fighting non-evil enemies -5;
    • Note: snakes, seahorses, bats, insects, rats, spiders are Non-evil;
    • NES Note: non-evil enemies don't run, but they might also not affect Compassion.


Meditation at the shrine of Valor:

  1. DO: Victories scored over evil creatures help to build a valorous soul!
  2. DON'T : To flee from battle with less than grievous wounds often shows a coward!
  3. First, ring the Bell of Courage at the entrance to the Great Stygian Abyss!

Valor requires you to stand your ground whenever possible and not to flee from combat.

  • Killing evil creatures +0 or +1;
  • Running away from evil creatures -2.


Meditation at the shrine of Justice:

  1. DON'T : To take the gold of others is injustice not soon forgotten. Take only thy due!
  2. DON'T : Attack not a peaceful citizen, for that action deserves strict punishment!
  3. DO : Kill not a non-evil beast for they deserve not death, even if in hunger they attack thee!

Justice requires you to perform just acts and to spare the life of non-evil creatures. Like Honesty, make tours of the four apothercaries and buy a few reagents from each of them. For a list of the reagents sellers, see Britannian Yellow Pages.

  • Running from non-evil enemies +2;
  • Paying reagent seller correctly +2;
  • Allowing non-evil enemies to flee +1;
  • Stealing from chests -1;
  • Fighting non-evil enemies -3;
  • Stealing from Reagent sellers -10.


Meditation at the shrine of Sacrifice:

  1. DO: To give thy last gold piece unto the needy shows good measure of Self-Sacrifice!
  2. DON'T : For thee to flee and leave thy companions is a self-serving action to be avoided!
  3. DO: To give of thy life's blood so that others may live is a Virtue of great praise!

Sacrifice involves self-sacrifice, such as donating blood or protecting other party members with your life. The Stranger can give blood to the healers if he is in quite good health. The cities of Skara Brae and Jhelom feature a healer and a cheap inn where the party can rest, making them suitable locations where to improve Sacrifice quickly.

  • Giving blood +5;
  • Stranger dying in battle +1;
  • Running from evil creature -2;
  • Refusing to give blood -5.


Meditation at the shrine of Honor:

  1. DON'T : Take not the gold of others for this shall bring dishonor upon thee!
  2. DON'T : To strike first a non-evil being is by no means an honorable deed!
  3. DO: Seek ye to solve the many quests before thee and Honor shall be a reward!

Just defeating evil enemies should be enough to master the Virtue of Honor. See the Side Quests page to fulfill the requirements for Honor even faster. Honor requires you to honor agreements.

  • Finding some of the special items +5;
  • giving gold to beggars +3;
  • Paying the reagent seller correctly +2;
  • Stealing from chests -1;
  • Fighting non-evil enemies -3;
  • Stealing from reagent seller -10.


Meditation at the shrine of Spirituality:

  1. DO: Seek ye to know thyself. Visit the seer often for he can see into thy inner being!
  2. DO: Meditation leads to enlightenment. Seek ye all Wisdom and Knowledge!
  3. (NES) The Great Mountain holds the white stone at its heart!

Spirituality requires you to complete spiritual tasks, such as meditating at shrines.

  • Meditating 3 cycles at a shrine +3;
  • Speaking with Hawkwind +3;
  • Saying the incorrect mantra at shrines -3.


Meditation at the shrine of Spirituality:

  1. DO: Claim not to be that which thou art not. Humble actions speak well of thee!
  2. DON'T: Strive not to wield the Great Force of Evil for its power will overcome thee!
  3. (NES) The black stone doth appear on the night of the new moons. Search beneath the moongates!

Humility requires you to avoid pride and answer questions humbly. Some of the characters you can talk humbly to are Flamis in Yew, Julio the Bard in Britain, Patric the Shepherd in Moonglow.

  • Speaking humbly with certain characters +10;
  • Speaking proudly -5.
  • In the Apple 2 version, if you continue say you are proud you can get humility 8th without the shrine.