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Box artwork for Sonic Adventure 2.
Box artwork for Sonic Adventure 2.
Sonic Adventure 2
Developer(s)Sonic Team USA
Year released2001
System(s)Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo GameCube, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows
Preceded bySonic Adventure
Followed bySonic Advance
SeriesSonic the Hedgehog
Genre(s)Platform, action-adventure
ModesSingle player, multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+CERO All ages
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Developer(s)Sonic Team USA
Year released2001
System(s)Nintendo GameCube
Rating(s)ESRB EveryoneELSPA Ages 3+CERO All ages
Sonic Adventure 2
Year released2012
System(s)PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows
Rating(s)ESRB Everyone 10+PEGI Ages 7+GeneralCERO All ages
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Sonic Adventure 2 is the sequel to the earlier Sonic Adventure, and one of the last games to appear on Sega's last system, the Sega Dreamcast. The game uses an interesting scheme, with avery different play style than that used in Sonic Adventure. For one, the Adventure Fields have been removed, leading to nonstop level after level. There are also two separate stories in this game, the "Hero" side, consisting of back to back levels by Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails. The other story is the "Dark" side, which has similar levels to the Hero side, except played by Shadow, Rouge, and Eggman, the former two making their first appearances in this game. Each character has an opposite on the other story: Shadow and Sonic have "speed" levels, where the object is usually to reach a goal ring. Rouge and Knuckles have "treasure hunting" levels, where the goal is to collect 3 of an item (Usually, but not always, shards of the Master Emerald). Finally, Tails and Eggman have "shooting" levels, where they also try to reach a goal ring, but do so in large and cumbersome Mechs.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle is a remake of Sonic Adventure 2, with all the same levels and the same storyline. There are a few minor upgrades and differences, but it is essentially the same game as the Dreamcast version, but re-released on the Nintendo GameCube. The main differences deal with the Multiplayer aspects of the game, with a larger number of characters available from the start. The other major changes lie in the Chao raising system, which allow for interconnectivity with the Game Boy Advance game Sonic Advance's Tiny Chao Garden. The minigame Chao Karate was also added to the school area, as well as the Black Market, where toys for Chao can be purchased with rings.

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