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Hakan is the president and the world's leading edible oil manufacturer, who is also a champion of Turkish oil wrestling. His style is unique and causes confusion for his opponents. While Hakan is a friendly family man with seven daughters and a beautiful wife, he becomes extremely paranoid when it comes to his oil. He is out to prove the superiority of both his fighting style and his oil as well as finding worthy opponents.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Hakan Throw
( +) +
Hakan Reverse
+ +
Hakan Stomp
( +) +
Guard Position
Hakan Smash
Hakan Tackle
Hakan Spear
Step Low
Front Kick
Step Knee
Oil Shower
+ Increases Hakan's attack range, damage and defense
Oil Slide
Oil Slide
Body Press
After Oil Slide
Oil Rocket
Oil Dive
+ Hold kick to charge timing of grab
Focus Attack
+ Hakan can slide during his Focus Attack while oiled.
Flying Oil Spin
+ Hold kick to charge timing of grab
Oil Coaster
Oil Combination Hold