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Juri is an agent of S.I.N., who serves as Seth's right-hand woman. She has earned the nickname of "Spider" because of her hedonistic and cruel nature. Juri takes a warped pleasure in aggressively destroying her opponents. Her left eye is actually a device called the Feng Shui Engine. When Juri activates it, she can unleash a terrible power upon her prey. The hostile Juri grew bored recently and forced Seth to give her some action. Seth entered her into the, no holds bard, world tournament.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Super Street Fighter IV, SSFIV:AE, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Karen Geri
( +) +
Assatsu Geri
+ +
+ Hold Kick to delay the Fuhajin
2nd Impact
After opponent is hit by Shikusen
3rd Strike
After opponent is hit by Shikusen: 2nd Impact
+ Works only against certain attacks
Focus Attack
Feng Shui Engine
Kaisen Dankairaku