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Click here for more information about Sagat's other fighting game appearances.

Sagat, the Emperor of the Muay Thai boxing world, is the national hero of Thailand. He has defeated many opponents who sought his title, including Dan Hibiki's father, but no fight has left as strong an impression as his first encounter with Ryu. After a shocking defeat, Sagat was left with a wound that still burns though his chest to this day. The pain and hatred that followed his loss lead Sagat to briefly join M. Bison's criminal organization. He left after realizing Bison's devious plans and returned to Thailand to train his body and mind in hopes of a true rematch with Ryu.

Sagat's towering form is a large asset, granting him long-reaching attacks. His punishing kicks and knees are impressive to watch, but they should be avoided at all cost.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Street Fighter IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Tiger Rage
( +) +
Tiger Carry
+ +
Heavy Tiger Elbow
Low Step Kick
High Step Kick
Fake Kick
Press twiceMust be done in quick succession
Tiger Shot
タイガー ・ショット
Ground Tiger Shot
グランド ・タイガー ・ショット
Tiger Uppercut
タイガー ・アッパーカット
Tiger Knee Crush
タイガー ・ニー ・クラッシュ
Focus Attack
Tiger Genocide
タイガー ・ジェノサイド
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.
Tiger Destruction
タイガー ・ディストラクション
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.

Super Street Fighter IV[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Tiger Rage
( +) +
Tiger Carry
+ +
Heavy Tiger Elbow
Low Step Kick
High Step Kick
Fake Kick
Press twiceMust be done in quick succession
Tiger Shot
タイガー ・ショット
Ground Tiger Shot
グランド ・タイガー ・ショット
Tiger Uppercut
タイガー ・アッパーカット
Tiger Knee Crush
タイガー ・ニー ・クラッシュ
Focus Attack
Tiger Genocide
タイガー ・ジェノサイド
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.
Angry Charge
+ Powers up the next Tiger Uppercut.
Tiger Destruction
タイガー ・ディストラクション
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.
Tiger Cannon
タイガー ・キャノン
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.

Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Ultra[edit | edit source]

Marks Move Name Commands Notes
Tiger Rage
( +) +
Tiger Carry
+ +
Heavy Tiger Elbow
Low Step Kick
High Step Kick
Fake Kick
Press twiceMust be done in quick succession
Tiger Shot
タイガー ・ショット
Ground Tiger Shot
グランド ・タイガー ・ショット
Tiger Uppercut
タイガー ・アッパーカット
Tiger Knee Crush
タイガー ・ニー ・クラッシュ
Focus Attack
Tiger Genocide
タイガー ・ジェノサイド
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.
Angry Charge
+ Powers up the next Tiger Uppercut.
Tiger Destruction
タイガー ・ディストラクション
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.
Tiger Cannon
タイガー ・キャノン
+ Nullifies underclass projectile.