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ACA Neo Geo[edit | edit source]

PlayStation 4[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
{{{360}}} 6
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
{{{g}}} 1 3 2 This game does not have platinum trophy.

There are six trophies for PlayStation 4.

Picture Name Description Trophy
Record score The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "ORIGINAL MODE". 2: Silver trophy Silver
Mark high score High score has been updated. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Score 100,000 points The score won 100,000 points. 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Score 150,000 points The score won 150,000 points. 2: Silver trophy Silver
Score 200,000 points The score won 200,000 points. 3: Gold trophy Gold
HI SCORE Player The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "HI SCORE MODE". 3: Gold trophy Gold

Windows 10, Xbox One[edit | edit source]

Xbox 360 icon. PlayStation network icon.
12 Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{".
Gamerscore Bronze Silver Gold
1,000 {{{bronze}}} {{{silver}}} {{{gold}}}

There are twelve achievements for Windows 10 and Xbox One.

Picture Name Description Gamerscore icon
Record score The score has been posted to the online rankings. 80 Gamerscore points
Mark high score High score has been updated. 80 Gamerscore points
Score 100,000 points The score won 100,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
Score 150,000 points The score won 150,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
Score 200,000 points The score won 200,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
HI SCORE Player The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "HI SCORE MODE". 80 Gamerscore points
HI SCORE MODE 40,000 points HI SCORE MODE 40,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
HI SCORE MODE 80,000 points HI SCORE MODE 80,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
HI SCORE MODE 120,000 points HI SCORE MODE 120,000 points. 100 Gamerscore points
CARAVAN MODE 20,000 points CARAVAN MODE 20,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
CARAVAN MODE 50,000 points CARAVAN MODE 50,000 points. 80 Gamerscore points
CARAVAN MODE 80,000 points CARAVAN MODE 80,000 points. 100 Gamerscore points

Global Match[edit | edit source]

There are 18 achievements and trophies for Steam, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.

Picture Name Description Trophy
This is only the beginning. Clear the game with Hero Team (Kyo, Benimaru, Daimon) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Ring me sometime. Clear the game with Fatal Fury Team (Terry, Andy, Joe) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Off to the gym! Clear the game with Art of Fighting Team (Ryo, Robert, Yuri) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
All for one, and one for all! Clear the game with Ikari Team (Ralf, Clark, Leona) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Ignored completely… Clear the game with Psycho Soldier Team (Athena, Kensou, Chin) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
This guy's trouble! Clear the game with Women Fighters Team (Mai, Chizuru, King) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Freedom is awesome! Clear the game with Korea Team (Kim, Chang, Choi) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
This is the only way! Clear the game with New Face Team (Yashiro, Shermie, Chris) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Duped by the Geeseter. Clear the game with '97 Special Team (Blue Mary, Yamazaki, Billy Kane) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Fight, my Orochi son! Clear the game with Sacred Weapons Team (Kyo, Iori, Chizuru) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
A day at the beach. Clear the game with '94 Females Team (Mai, King, Yuri) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
We are the true heroes! Clear the game with Old SNK Team (Athena, Ralf, Clark) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
You can't beat the best! Clear the game with Sidekick Team (Benimaru, Joe, Kim) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
We're not just whistling dixie! Clear the game with SNK Heroes Team (Kyo, Terry, Ryo) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
Burn, baby, burn! Clear the game with Kyo & Shingo Team (Kyo, Shingo, any character except Leona/Iori) 1: Bronze trophy Bronze
KOF New Face Play MULTIPLAYER and win 5 times (excluding invite or ad hoc) 2: Silver trophy Silver
KOF Veteran Play MULTIPLAYER and win 20 times (excluding invite or ad hoc) 2: Silver trophy Silver
THE KING OF FIGHTERS Play MULTIPLAYER and win 10 times in a row (excluding invite or ad hoc) 2: Silver trophy Silver