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The King of Fighters '94[edit | edit source]

Blood Code (Home Version)[edit | edit source]

When the high scores appear on screen, press + on controller one and + on controller two at the same time. Then press .

This works only with the Home version of the game!

The King of Fighters '95[edit | edit source]

Blood Code (Home Version)[edit | edit source]

When the high scores appear on screen, press + on controller one and + on controller two at the same time. Then press .

This works only with the Home version of the game!

Boss Code[edit | edit source]

Hold down at the Team Edit Screen.
While holding down, press .
Saisyu Kusanagi and Omega Rugal will appear on either side of the counter.

Game Boy only[edit | edit source]

Secret codes:

At the TAKARA logo, do the following inputs to enable the following DIPSWITCH numbers:

For both Game Boy and Super Game Boy:
DIPSWITCH-20: Hold B button+A button and then press Select button, enables the selection of the same character on team modes.

DIPSWITCH-40: Press Select button 3 times, unlocks Saisyu Kusanagi and Omega Rugal.

DIPSWITCH-80: Press Select button 20 times, unlocks Nakoruru.

For Super Game Boy only:
DIPSWITCH-08: Press Select Button 25 times, the gauge will always stay at for both player and CPU.

DIPSWITCH-14: Hold B Button+A Button+Left Dpad and then press Select Button 30 times, enable all the DIPSWITCHES above and enable SGB Sound Test and shortcut for the most powerful moves by pressing B Button+Select Button or A Button+Select Button.

Slow Mode:

For both Game Boy and Super Game Boy, at the pause menu of any mode, press Select button repeatedly.

The King of Fighters '96[edit | edit source]

Boss Code (CD Version)[edit | edit source]

Hold down at the Team Edit Screen.
While holding down, press .
This will unlock Chizuru Kagura and Leopold Goenitz as playable Characters.

This works only with the Neo Geo CD-Version of the game! However if you want to play as them in the arcade simply enter this dipswitch code. 1-3 on the how to play screen then both bosses will appear. Then turn off the dipswitch.

The King of Fighters '97[edit | edit source]

Winning Pose[edit | edit source]

By holding or or after winning a match, you can select a winning pose for your fighter.

Play as Kyo '94[edit | edit source]

To play as a KoF '94 style Kyo Kusanagi, put the curser on Kyo Kusanagi at the character selection screen, hold and press or .

Play as Orochi Iori[edit | edit source]

To play as Orochi Iori, at the character selection screen, hold and press

Play as Orochi Leona[edit | edit source]

To play as Orochi Leona, at the character selection screen, hold and press

Play as Orochi Team[edit | edit source]

First, you must either input the code for Orochi Iori and Orochi Leona. Then, put the cursor at Orochi Leona, hold and press

The King of Fighters '98[edit | edit source]

Fight Shingo Yabuki[edit | edit source]

In order to fight against Shingo, you have to meet one of the following conditions:

  1. If you have earned 100.000 points prior to the fourth match, you will fight against Shingo in your fourth match.
  2. If you have earned 100.000 points prior to the fifth match and if you've gotten a perfect victory in one of the previous rounds, you will fight against Shingo in your fifth match.
  3. If you get a straight win in your fifth match (none of your team members died), you will fight against Shingo in your sixth match.

Winning Pose[edit | edit source]

By holding or or or after winning a match, you can select a winning pose for your fighter.

Alternate Survivor Mode (Home Version)[edit | edit source]

To activate a harder Survivor mode, highlight the normal Survivor mode and press .

This works only with the Home version of the game!

Play as Omega Rugal (Home Version)[edit | edit source]

Press and hold when selecting Rugal.

This works only with the Home version of the game!

Play as secret characters[edit | edit source]

Press and hold when selecting one of the following characters:

  • Andy
  • Billy
  • Chris
  • Joe
  • Kyo
  • Mai
  • Robert
  • Ryo
  • Shermie
  • Terry
  • Yashiro
  • Yuri