Goro is a former Olympic gold medalist for Judo. He participated in Japan's mixed martial arts tournament to determine the members for the country's King of Fighters team. Although he got far into the finals, he lost against Kyo and was bumped to third place.[1] A year later, he entered the 1994 King of Fighters tournament with Benimaru (second place) and Kyo. In the tournament he and his team entered the finals against Rugal and barley won, Rugal self destructed the carrier but they still managed to escape. In KOF 95' Goro accompanies Kyo and Benimaru once again, after the finals they were abducted and brought to Rugal, They fought a brainwashed Saisyu and won, then they fought Rugal but lost. But the Orochi power was too much for Rugal and soon Iori came and killed the weakened Rugal. In KOF 96' Daimon made it to the finals but was injured badly by Goenitz. It took Benimaru, Kyo, Iori and Chizuru to defeat Goenitz.On the day before the 1997 tournament, his mentor begged him to return to his professional Judo career. Goro agreed to follow his request after he finished his participation in the year's King of Fighters tournament.[2] As was promised, he returns to the Judo circles and brings fame back to Japan. During his absence from the King of Fighters tournament, he finally married and fathered a son. Goro also became the mentor of his own dojo.