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Use your map to find the castle.

To the castle! When the cutscenes are over, you need to follow the path to Hyrule Castle Town. Remember that you can only enter Hyrule Castle Town during the day, as the drawbridge shuts at night. As you enter Hyrule Field, you'll be greeted by a large owl, Kaporea Gaebora. He'll often stop by to give you advice, and occasionally give you a ride on his talons.

The dangers of Hyrule Field[edit | edit source]

Now that you have the freedom to roam Hyrule Field, wait for nightfall and return to the Kokiri Forest. Behind the House of the Know-it-All Brothers is a Gold Skulltula .

Gold Skulltulas often prefer to come out at night because they like the dark.

Many of them only come out then, so keep a close eye and ear out for them.

In order to make it into Hyrule Castle, you must travel a long distance. However, there are monsters along the way that can give you serious trouble.

During the day, large plants called Peahats  are stationed in the field, and they are quite nasty. They will attack if you get anywhere near them, and the only way to kill them is to strike their root. Some are particularly dangerous and will spawn Peahat Larva . These are practically invincible and will hunt you down. The only way to avoid them is to outrun them or make them hit the ground. Along with the threat of Peahats, nightfall brings more evil.

Skeletal monsters called Stalchildren  come out at night. These creatures can be felled quickly, but they just keep coming. If you kill enough, a larger Stalchild will appear. These take more hits to kill. However, standing on a dirt path will keep any Stalchildren from coming out. If you can survive the night, you'll reach Hyrule Market. If you make it to the bridge, but it closes before you can cross it, simply stand on the rock ledge by the moat or swim in the moat and the Stalchildren will not be able to reach you. You can also just wait on the dirt path and the Stalchildren will not even spawn.

If you're going to other areas like Gerudo Valley, Lake Hylia, Zora's Domain and Kakariko Village for the first time before Hyrule Castle, Kaepora Gaebora (the old owl) will stop you in your tracks to give you more hints into the game before he flies off. It's best to stick to your main route to Hyrule Castle as the day goes quite quickly.

Hyrule Market[edit | edit source]

Hyrule Castle Town Market

In the marketplace you will see two men talking. One of them tells you how he tried to get into the castle and see the princess. He also tells you of a small opening into the castle in which he got stuck. Over by the fountain, a girl named Malon tells you that her dad still hasn't returned from the castle.

Shooting Gallery

For more details on shooting gallery, see Shooting gallery minigame.

Before continuing, stop by the Shooting Gallery to receive the Bigger Deku Seed Bag . The game costs 20 rupees. To win, you must hit 10 targets (in this game, they are rupees!) in a limited time with 15 bullets. If you hit seven or less, the game is over. If you hit eight or nine targets, you get another free try. Upon successful completion, you will be able to carry 40 Deku Seeds  instead of 30.

Bombchu Bowling Alley

For more details on bombchu bowling, see Bombchu bowling minigame.

Once you finish the next dungeon and acquire the Goron Ruby, the Bombchu Bowling Alley will be open to you.

In the Market, enter the guardhouse next to the drawbridge. Roll into the lone crate next to the soldier to find a Gold Skulltula .

Treasure Chest Game

For more details on treasure chest game, see Treasure chest game minigame.

The Treasure Chest Game can be played in Hyrule Market, but only at night. In each room, you are presented with two chests--one contains a rupee, the other a key  to the next room. The game is entirely dependent on luck. However, a later item in the game will reveal what's inside the chests.

If you are short on rupees, you can enter the door to the guard house next to the drawbridge. This room contains a lot of vases, which may be broken to get rupees. This may be repeated as often as required to collect as many rupees as necessary. There is also a Gold Skulltula  inside of the lone box next to the soldier. Run up to the box and roll into it to reveal the Gold Skulltula.

Shops[edit | edit source]

At night, a woman will be looking for her dog. Look for a white dog below the open window in the market. The open window has a man looking from it and is to the left of the drawbridge as you face it.

Rub up against the dog, and he will follow you. Enter the woman's house in the back alley to collect your Piece of Heart  for finding "Richard". Next time you will get 5 rupees.

Item Quantity Rupees 
Arrows  10 20
Arrows  30 60
Arrows  50 90
Bombs  5 35
Deku Nuts  5 15
Deku Stick  1 10
Hylian Shield  1 80
Recovery Heart  1 10
Potion Shop
Item Rupees 
Blue Fire  300
Bottle Bug  50
Deku Nuts  (5) 15
Fairy's Spirit  50
Fish  200
Green Potion  30
Poe  30
Red Potion  30

In the Bazaar there is not much you can buy at this point. Do not buy the Hylian Shield at this time. You do not need it now. You will soon, and by that time, a soldier will put in word for a discount for you. There is also a way to get it for free.

As for the Potion Shop, again, not much available. One, you need a bottle to put the items in. Two, at this time you can only carry 99 rupees at most. However, throughout the course of the game you will acquire storage bottles  and your wallet will expand to carry more money.

Entering the Castle[edit | edit source]

In the entrance to Hyrule Castle the owl will be on top of a tree. After talking to the owl roll into the tree he was sitting on to find a Gold Skulltula .

Head north. After you get the introduction scene for Hyrule Castle, head back to the market. Now head back to Hyrule Castle again. Malon is now waiting by some vines on the wall. When you speak to her, she gives you a Weird Egg .

Climb the vines (the central vine is the only one to reach the top), and move toward the castle gate. Then drop down into the hole with the ladder. Now exit the door. Once the path starts to curve left, keep out of sight of the guards by walking up the hillside to your left. Head straight across the grassy area to a brick wall on the left side of the main gate. If you see a guard, move out of his line of sight. Climb the wall and head toward the castle. Drop into the moat. Swim all the way to the bars on the right (you should be able to pick up some rupees by staying near the middle) and climb onto the shore.

Climb these vines!

A man will be sleeping next to a couple boxes. It's Malon's dad! He's dreaming about kids at the ranch... If a day has passed and the Cucco  has hatched, then use it on him and he'll wake from his delighted slumber. Of course, he realizes what he's done by making Malon wait so long for him, and runs off in a hurry. Now, you can push the blocks to a position from which you can enter the castle.

A hot magic spell
On the path to Hyrule Castle, starting at the gate, heading to the right instead of the left you'll notice a boulder with a sign in front of it that reads "Dead End." Once you obtain the Bomb Bag  you can return here to acquire Din's Fire .

An Audience with the Princess[edit | edit source]

Hyrule Castle is guarded.
Note that you cannot do this at night!

In order to reach the princess, who is in the castle courtyard, you must make your way past a number of guards in five different areas. Keep your distance and keep to the rear of any guard. Timing is important. However, make sure you enter the courtyard before nightfall. The only time you can attempt to sneak into the courtyard is during the day. At night, two guards stand vigilant and prevent anyone from entering. But, if you sneak in past those guards, they won't kick you out.

The princess is found standing at a window across the courtyard. Zelda is shocked at first to see you, but soon recognizes that you are from the Kokiri. Upon showing her the Spiritual Stone of the Forest, she reveals to you a dream she had in which you played a part. She then tells you of the secret of the Sacred Realm. The Sacred Realm holds the Triforce, which is imbued with the power of the goddesses, the power to grant the wish of whoever holds it. She also reveals that the Temple of Time, (located off the Market) is the entrance to this Sacred Realm blocked by the Door of Time.

In order to open the Door of Time, you must gather the three spiritual stones (one of which you already have) and the Ocarina of Time .

Princess Zelda then asks you if you would see the other man from her dream, the enemy. Upon looking through the window, she tells you his name: Ganondorf.

Departure[edit | edit source]

Meeting Impa

Zelda gives you Zelda's Letter  and sends you on your way with Impa, the Sheikah. Impa teaches you Zelda's Lullaby , your first melody.

Zelda's Lullaby

Left cUp cRight cLeft cUp cRight c

She then instructs you to go to Death Mountain, home of the Gorons, but not before speaking to the villagers of her hometown, Kakariko, which is located at the foot of the mountain.

Sidequests[edit | edit source]

Before heading over to Kakariko Village, take some time to visit some of the areas currently available to you and find some new upgrades and Gold Skulltulas .

Lon Lon Ranch[edit | edit source]

  When entering Lon Lon Ranch, go toward the corral and turn left around the corner. Attack the tree with your roll to find a Gold Skulltula .
At night, go to the back of the horse shelter. The Gold Skulltula will be crawling on the wood.
Note: there are two more Gold Skulltula's available here, but you won't be able to get them until after Jabu-Jabu's Belly where you will acquire a tool very useful for collecting many of the tokens in the game.

You can find Lon Lon Ranch in the very center of Hyrule Field. You'll see the entrance simply by looking out from the drawbridge of Hyrule Castle Town.

Entering the first door on the left will bring you to Talon, sleeping once again. Speak to him and you can play the "Super Cucco-findin' game". This game is much easier if you throw most of the Cuccos into the gap between the table and the stairs before talking to Talon. If you lose, you lose 10 rupees. Winning will give you a bottle of Lon Lon Milk . A dose of this will restore five hearts of health, and there are two doses in the bottle. After drinking all the milk, you can return and buy more for 30 rupees. Winning again will also garner you a refill. Or you can fill the Empty Bottle  with something else. Note: upon losing, you are given the option of playing the game again for only 5 rupees.

Out in the corral is Malon. When you speak to her, she introduces you to a young horse, Epona. However, the horse is afraid of you and runs away. Speak again until she mentions her mother's song. Equip your ocarina and she teaches you a new melody, Epona's Song .

Epona's Song

Up cLeft cRight cUp cLeft cRight c

Play this song and Epona is no longer afraid of you. Also, with this song and an empty bottle, any cow you find will give you free Lon Lon Milk.

Now, go to Kakariko Village and enter it during the day.

Lon Lon Ranch Tower
Lon Lon Ranch Tower

At the southwest corner of Lon Lon Ranch, outside the corral, is a stone building. Entering the door reveals two cows and several boxes. a small hole with a Piece of Heart  is behind the boxes.

Gold Skulltula catch-up

With a bottle, you can now capture bugs. You can either purchase them in a shop or look for them in grass or under rocks. Bottle up a bug and head to the Kokiri Forest. There is a small patch of soil near the shop. Drop the bug out near the hole and they'll go in. What comes out? A Gold Skulltula ! Along with the ones that appear at night, a few Gold Skulltula can be hiding in soft spots of soil. All it takes is a little bug to lure them out.

Gerudo Valley[edit | edit source]

At the valley's edge, grab the cucco to the left of the large bridge, and drop down into the valley below. Fly towards the wall in front of you, and land near the Gerudo and her cow. Take out a Bottle of Bugs , and evict a Gold Skulltula  from its patch of soft soil next to the cow.

In the west of Hyrule Field you'll find the entrance to Gerudo Valley. This area is a huge gorge with a waterfall flowing down into a fast moving river below. Following the river will eventually lead one to Lake Hylia. There is a bridge across the gorge, far above the river, leading to the hideout the Gerudo thieves call home, Gerudo Fortress. This is where Ganondorf hails from and rules over.

Currently, there is a barrier raised at the far end of the bridge with one Gerudo woman standing guard in front of it, and two Gerudo guards patrolling behind it. The one standing in front will simply tell you a kid like you has no business there. Even if you were to find a way beyond the gate behind her, the guards would toss you down into the river.

Along the edges of the deep valley are a few small ledges that haven't been eroded away by the river over time. You can see a crate lying on one. Even further below there is a large ledge holding another Gerudo woman and a cow.

There is not much you can do here now, but you'll be returning here much later in your quest, and there will be several more things you can do beyond the valley.

Grab the Cucco and jump off the cliff and head to the waterfall. Slowly lower into the middle of the waterfall and glide into the alcove containing the Piece of Heart .

Along the cliff face is a crate containing a Piece of Heart. You can grab the Cucco and glide towards the crate to reach it.

Lake Hylia[edit | edit source]

Catch a nine-pound fish in the Fishing Pond to receive a Piece of Heart . See the fishing minigame section for further details.

In the south of Hyrule Field you'll find the entrance to Lake Hylia. The large gates may appear to block your way through, but along the wall to the west of the gates that wraps around the cliff nearby is a ladder you can climb allowing you to pass by them from above.

Lake Hylia is the vast lake of Hyrule where the water from Zora's Domain eventually comes to rest. Here the Zora race guard a temple that has sunken below the surface of the water long ago. You'll also find a laboratory here with an old scientist who chooses to study how the waters of the lake can be used to create new medicines.

If you wish to take a break from your journey, you can stop by the fishing pond for a little leisurely activity as well.

The Scarecrow's Song[edit | edit source]

Near the underwater entrance to Zora's Domain in Lake Hylia, you will find two Scarecrows, Bonooru and Pierre, on the shore. Bonooru will ask you to play a song for him, which he claims he will remember. The song you play will be listed as the game's Scarecrow's Song . It is your own creation but must be eight notes long. You can change the song as you please. If you forget it, Bonooru will give you the melody you last played. Remember the song, as it will be very useful one day. Unfortunately, you cannot use the same note eight times in a row, so the best thing to do is just use two and switch back and forth (left right left right, etc.).

You can also create melodies in front of Pierre, but they don't have to be only eight notes long. They can even have special tunes in them if you wish. The song you create for Pierre won't become a new song when you play it, but is used for a little Easter egg at the end of your quest.

Drop a Bottle of Bugs  into the patch of soft soil next to the Lakeside Laboratory to unearth a Gold Skulltula .

On the secluded island with two pillars in the middle of Lake Hylia lies a Gold Skulltula on one of the columns. Kill it and take the token.