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These are items that are equipped to the Left c/Right c/Down c (in the non-N64 versions the Left c/Right c/Down c icons, depicted on-screen as large yellow circles, remain) and can be used with a quick press of the button. They are mostly made up of items obtained from dungeons.

Deku Sticks

These sticks can be used as torches if they touch fire, and can also be used as weapons. They possess roughly twice the power of the Kokiri Sword, and are thus very valuable for Link as a child, but they will break after a single attack. Link can normally stock up to ten of these at once.

  • Location: Various
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: No
  • Optional: No
Deku Nuts

When thrown onto the ground, Deku Nuts will create a luminous flash that will stun nearby enemies. Link will be able to hold up to 20 of these at a time when he first obtains them.

  • Location: Various
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: Yes
Fairy Ocarina

When Link first leaves the Kokiri Forest, Saria will give him this Ocarina. It can be used to play various songs needed throughout the game.

  • Location: Kokiri Forest
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: No
  • Optional: No
Ocarina of Time

Link can find this ocarina after obtaining all three Spiritual Stones and returning to Hyrule Castle Town. It can effectively play the Song of Time which the old ocarina cannot. Zelda's Ocarina will replace the Fairy Ocarina.

  • Location: Hyrule Field
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No
Fairy Slingshot

This slingshot can be used to attack enemies from a distance, but it generally won't be effective against strong enemies. Deku Seeds are used as ammunition for this weapon; Link can hold up to 30 of these seeds when he first finds the Slingshot.

  • Location: Deku Tree
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: No
  • Optional: No
Bomb Bag

Carries Bombs: explosives that will detonate a few seconds after you take one out, or immediately if Link throws them at an enemy. They can be used to blow open new pathways in cracked walls. The Bomb Bag can hold up to 20 bombs when Link first obtains it.

  • Location: Dodongo's Cavern
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No

This is the second projectile item you get as a child, and it can help you retrieve far away items (like Skulltula Tokens). It is only usable as a child, but it is a very versatile weapon, and has no limit to its use. It will only damage certain enemies, but most will at least be stunned by it.

  • Location: Jabu Jabu's Belly
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: No
  • Optional: No
Magic Beans

You can purchase these from the chubby fellow in front of the Zora River gate as a child. When you plant these into dirt patches as a child, a sprout will appear. As an adult, you can ride the plants that now sit there to reach new heights. The rides of these plants will often lead to rewards like Pieces of Heart or a treasure trove of Rupees. The sprout will only grow temporarily if the Song of Storms is played, providing only an immediate release of fairies.

  • Location: Zora River
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: No
  • Optional: Yes

| This is a moving bomb that resembles a mouse. Once set down, it goes straight in the direction it is facing, even up walls. After a period of time, or if it runs into something, it will explode just like a bomb. These can be purchased at night in the Castle Town Alley or from the flying merchant in the Haunted Wasteland.

  • Location: Various
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No
Fairy Bow

This is, well, a bow that shoots arrows. It's one of the most useful long-ranged weapons Link will find, and is the only weapon that can be used from the back of Epona. When Link obtains this, he can hold up to 30 arrows at once. This weapon's projectiles can upgraded with Fire Arrows, Ice Arrows, and Light Arrows. Arrows are more effective than Deku Seeds, and can pierce Skulltula armor.

  • Location: Forest Temple
  • Child: No
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No

This weapon allows you to latch onto certain objects and pull yourself towards it, or pull it towards you. When used on enemies, most will be stunned by it, and some weaker foes will be damaged by it, but it doesn't have any effect on some strong monsters. This item is later replaced with the Longshot when it is found in the Water Temple.

  • Location: Dampe's Grave
  • Child: No
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No

This is basically just the Hookshot with a longer-extending chain. It will replace the Hookshot when you obtain it in the Water Temple.

  • Location: Water Temple
  • Child: No
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No
Fire Arrows

This spell allows Link to enchant the arrows he shoots with fire, although each shot costs a little bit of magic power. These arrows not only deal more damage, but can be used to light torches or set various things ablaze. The spell can be obtained in Lake Hylia by standing above the entrance to the Water Temple, aiming the Fairy Bow between two nearby pillars, and shooting an arrow as the sun rises between them. This will only work after the Water Temple has been completed and Lake Hylia has been re-filled with water. These arrows make the Shadow Barrier in Ganon's Castle much easier to complete.

  • Location: Lake Hylia
  • Optional: Yes
Ice Arrows

This spell, much like Fire Arrows, allows Link to empower his arrows with ice, although each shot will cost a little magic power. While these projectiles deal more damage than usual, they can also freeze their target. This spell can be obtained by clearing the Gerudo Training sidequest in Gerudo Fortress.

  • Location: Gerudo Fortress
  • Optional: Yes
Light Arrows

When Light Arrows are used, they can make the bow one of the most powerful weapons in the game. However, each shot costs a rather large chunk of magic power. They are necessary for victory against Ganon. If you defeat any enemy with this arrow it will drop a Purple Rupee.

  • Location: Temple of Time
  • Optional: No
Din's Fire

A spell received from a Great Fairy, Din's Fire consumes magic when used. It creates a wall of fire around you that spreads out and can severely damage, if not kill, most enemies. It can also be used to light torches, and is necessary to open up the door to the Shadow Temple.

Farore's Wind

You may receive this from a Great Fairy. Farore's Wind allows you to create a warp point, which consumes magic, and warp back to that one point any time you wish. The warp point disappears after you warp back to it. This can only be used in dungeons, and only has an effect within each individual dungeon. However, it can be used to warp between dungeons if cast in one and used in another.

Nayru's Love

This spell slowly drains magic after its activation, and can be cancelled at any time. It will protect you from receiving damage as long as its active, but you will still flinch from any attacks received. You can receive this from a Great Fairy.

Megaton Hammer

Not only can this weapon be used to massacre foes, but it will also cause a shock wave when it slams on the ground that will cause most nearby enemies to be damaged and/or stunned. It can be used to destroy rocks, push down rusty switches, and solve various puzzles. While wielding it, Link cannot use a shield.

  • Location: Fire Temple
  • Child: No
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No
Lens of Truth

This nifty item allows you to see normally invisible enemies and even peer through fake walls and traps! The downside to this is that it constantly drains your magic power while it's active. The Shadow Temple is impossible without it because it is the only way to see the boss.

  • Location: Beneath the Well
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: No
Quest-Related Trade Items

Link can obtain many various items on his quest that can be traded in order to progress through the story. Some are optional, but others are crucial towards specific moments in the game.

  • Location: Various places in Hyrule
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: Some are optional, some are not
Empty Bottles

In all, there are four obtainable bottles within the game. Bottles cannot be purchased.

  • Location: Lake Hylia, Karariko Village, Hyrule Field, Lon Lon Ranch
  • Child: Yes
  • Adult: Yes
  • Optional: Only one needed in-game
What a bottle can collect and store
  • Blue Fire
  • Bottle of Bugs: although labeled and displayed as having caught a single bug, when used it releases multiple bugs.
  • Fairies
  • Fish
  • Milk
  • Poes
  • Potions
  • Health and Magic Power: Potions, milk, and fairies will replenish your health or magic power on use. Fairies and potions are one-time-use items.
    • Red Potions and fairies will put your health back to its maximum.
    • Green Potions will replenish all of your magic power.
    • Blue Potions will restore all of both your health and magic.
    • Milk will only restore your health a limited 5 hearts, but can do so twice.
    • Fairies will also revive you if you die while one is contained in one of your bottles.
  • Gold Skulltulas and Rupees:
    • Bugs can be used on soft patches of soil. When released, the bugs will (after a few seconds) burrow into the soft patch and eject a Gold Skulltula . They can also be sold for 50 rupees at Kakariko village (as an adult) or market (as a kid).
    • Fish are also good for making money.
    • Poes are also fairly valuable to people who buy "strange" things. Using one will result in several random effects, including losing/gaining health or losing/gaining magic power. Big Poes are VERY valuable, but are best delivered to the Poe Keeper to get an additional bottle.
  • Story/game progression:
    • A fish is required to open Jabu Jabu's mouth when looking for the Zora Sapphire (Blue Spiritual Stone). Fish are also fairly valuable to some people who buy "strange" things, so selling one will earn you a fair amount of rupees.
    • Blue flames are used to melt the red ice that appears in the ice cavern and unfreeze King Zora. You can acquire blue flames within the ice cavern by using a bottle on the blue flame in the room to the far north of the entrance or buying at shop for 300 rupees.
  • Combat: with a simple swipe, a bottle can snag a item. However, it also has an unorthodox ability to deflect magical projectiles, like a sword, if swung at them.
How to find the bottles
  1. Go to Lake Hylia when Link is a child. Near the underwater entrance to Zora's Domain, there is a bottle on the lake bottom with a letter inside. Take this bottle to King Zora in Zora's Domain to empty it out and use it for other things. This is the only bottle you are required to obtain in the course of the game.
  2. Talk to Talon when Link is a child to play the Super Cucco minigame. If you win, Talon will give you a bottle with milk. If you seem to be having problems winning, try tossing a few Cuccos in the area between the table and the stairs. The cuccos will stay there, for the most part, so it will be easier to pick out the Super Cuccos.
  3. Return all the stray Cuccos in Kakariko Village to their holding pen in order to obtain an empty bottle from Anju (the red-haired girl) near the Cucco pen.
  4. When Link is an adult, there are ten Big Poes scattered in various places around Hyrule Field. To spawn one, you must be riding your horse near the locations listed below. Defeat the Big Poe with the bow while on the horse. The Big Poe will disappear if it hits a wall or if you are too far from it so you need to sustain a good amount of speed. Your horse will sustain the speed and direction at the moment you aim with your bow. The Big Poe will maneuver around Hyrule Field so be prepared to make swift turns. If you defeat and capture all ten and give them to the Poe Keeper at the entrance to Hyrule Castle, he'll give you another empty bottle. Here are the locations of the Big Poes:
    1. Near a tree by the entrance to Lon Lon Ranch
    2. Near a grey boulder south of the entrance to the Kokiri Forest
    3. Near the sign for Kakariko Village
    4. Along the wall near Lon Lon Ranch
    5. Near the sign for Lon Lon Ranch
    6. Along the Path that leads to Gerudo Valley
    7. North of the entrance to Gerudo Valley next to a tree
    8. In the southeast corner of Hyrule Field near a tree
    9. In the southeast corner of Hyrule Field near a rock by the brown trees.
    10. In the northwest corner of Hyrule Field by the stream