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Day One: Court Mode

Before the Trial

Go through the conversations to get information from this case. You will met your client, Terry Fawles, who is a prison escapee on death row. Apparently, the victim was the one who got Fawles convicted, but Fawles insists that he didn't kill "her".

You meet your partner, Diego Armando, who says that Grossberg is sleeping. He will accompany you on your case. He says that the prosecutor is also a rookie, but he has a reputation as a "genius".

You head into court (with a different judge you briefly saw in the last case) and the prosecutor you are facing is none other than Miles Edgeworth, who entered the office at the age of 20, three years younger than yours. Edgeworth will reveal that Terry had a motive for killing Valerie Hawthorne, a Police Sargent. She witnessed the event of the last murder, where a 14-year-old girl was thrown off a bridge and her testimony is what got Fawles convicted. Fawles wanted revenge, so he killed her before his death sentence.

Edgeworth will call up his first witness.

Of course it's Gumshoe. He will summarize the events: (not before hitting on you first.)

The victim's name was Police Sargent Valerie Hawthorne. She died from blood loss from being stabbed from the back according to the autopsy report. She died between 4:00PM and 5:00PM. Gumshoe presents a map, which shows that Fawles and Valerie met on Dusky Bridge. After killing her, Fawles but the body in the car and tried to get away, but was recaptured by the police soon afterwords. No traces of blood were found on the bridge presumably because of the thick coat Valerie was wearing.

The Dusky Bridge Map will be added to the Court Record. Gumshoe will now lend his first testimony.

Gumshoe's Testimony: Summary of the Incident

Gumshoe's' Testimony
- Summary of the Incident -
  1. On the day of the incident, an unknown person phoned the sergeant and asked to meet.
  2. Sergeant Hawthorne went to Dusky Bridge at the designated time and met with Mr. Fawles.
  3. And that's where she was brutally murdered, sir.
  4. The criminal stuffed her body into his car trunk and tried to make a getaway.
  5. Mr. Fawles was arrested at a police checkpoint we set up at the base of the mountain.

Summary of the Incident: Cross-Examination

Press on the 1st statement. Gumshoe reveals that it was Fawles who called her. Valerie also left a note on her desk. The Victim's Note is added to the Court Record.

Check the Victim's Note first. It says:

"February 14/ 1:21pm. Fawles. 4:30pm @ "that" bridge. Wear white scarf for identification. Talk to Dahlia. Tell her this time the whole truth must come out." (Dahlia, huh?)

Press on the 4th statement. Gumshoe says that the car was stolen. He presents the crime photo, which shows the body inside the trunk. The Crime Photo will be added to the Court Record. There was a knife stuck in he back. A new statement will be added.

  • Here's a photo of the trunk. But I don't see anything strange, do you? Anyway...

Present the Victim's Note on that statement. It says here that Fawles wanted to recognize Valerie to make sure she was wearing a white scarf. If so, then where was it in the picture? Gumshoe says he didn't find it in the car. Just then, Edgeworth presents the scarf itself. It turns out that he took it in secret to investigate further! It looks like it is covered in mud. Just why did he hide it!? The Scarf is added to the Court Record.

Edgeworth requests for another testimony, as he likes to show proof that both Valerie and Fawles did indeed met on Dusky Bridge.

Gumshoe's Testimony: Events on Dusky Bridge

Gumshoe's' Testimony
- Events on Dusky Bridge -
  1. Actually, there's an eyewitness who was there when the incident took place.
  2. This photo was accidentally taken by the witness. It shows her wearing the scarf, sir.
  3. It was drizzling that day; unfortunately, it's a little hard to see what's going on.
  4. Anyway, the criminal shoved the victim down from behind and stabbed her in the back!
  5. ...That must have been when the scarf fell off.

There was a witness, with a photo? The witness says she doesn't want to testify, as she is very delicate. The Witness's Photo will be added to the Court Record. Things are looking clear already, the opportunity and motive are proven.

Events on Dusky Bridge: Cross-Examination

Present the Crime Photo on Gumshoe's 4th statement. Something isn't right here. When given the chance, point out (Present) the victim's coat on the photo. When she fell on the wet bridge, it should be wet and muddy due to the weather. Edgeworth will now say the bridge couldn't have been wet despite the wet conditions. Prove him otherwise by Presenting the Scarf. Edgeworth now wants you to try to point out the false evidence that led to the contradiction you have just proven.

Answer that the false evidence in the witness's testimony. The witness said that they saw Fawles push the Valerie down the bridge, yet her coat was clean, yet the scarf was wet. You request that the "eye-witness" will be called up. Edgeworth accepts your request and calls the witness to the stand.

At first sight you will recognize the delicate-looking witness from somewhere, but we'll go to that later. The witness will say that she would make mistakes in her testimony. The court would seem pretty hard on you from here. The girl will introduce herself as Melissa Foster. (you know she's lying right?) Melissa will testify about what she saw at the crime. (Not before you introduce yourself to her first. Take note of her reaction.)

Melissa's Testimony: The Witness's Photograph

Melissa's' Testimony
- The Witness's Photograph -
  1. I... I was using my camera to take some pictures of wild flowers.
  2. Then I noticed there were two people standing up on the suspension bridge.
  3. Suddenly, they just started fighting!
  4. That's when I hurried and took the photo that shows the crucial moment.
  5. And right after that, I called the police.

The Camera Mellisa was using will be added to the Court Record.

The Witness's Photograph: Cross-Examination

Present the Witness's Photo at Melissa's 4th statement. If both people were fighting on top of that bridge, then it would be considered a "crucial moment". It looks like she took the photo after that "crucial moment". Melissa will cover her mistake by saying that her film was full and the photo was the last one she took. All of the others were pictures of her play with the flowers. Who was taking the picture?

Two new statements will be added.

  • The victim turned around and tried to run away, but...
  • She only got about 10 yards before she was stabbed in the back.

Present the Dusky Bridge Map at either of those statements. There was a collapsed part of the bridge where Melissa said she ran from. She would not have ran 5 yards from Fawles, let alone 10!

Edgeworth, however, reassures the court that the map you presented was a diagram made after the crime. There were no official blueprints to the bridge, so though while the bridge is being deconstructed, you can't prove that the bridge broke during the incident, you can't even tell from the photo!

Time for more testimony.

Melissa's Testimony: Running from the Crime

Melissa's' Testimony
- Running from the Crime -
  1. After he stabbed her in the back, he quickly picked her up in his arms.
  2. Then he carried her over to the car.
  3. I suppose that was the only way he could make sure the body stayed hidden.
  4. He couldn't just leave the body on top of the bridge.
  5. Oh, I'm sorry... I'm only supposed to talk about what I saw.

Running from the Crime: Cross-Examination

Present the Dusky Bridge Map on statement 3. If Fawles carried the body to the car just to get rid of the body as Melissa said, he couldn't have done it in an easier way. Earlier, Edgewoth stated that the current of Eagle River was very strong and the bodies were never found. So, Fawles could have hid the body in an easier way by just throwing it to the river.

It seems kind of odd of what Fawles did, but Edgeworth will again reassure the court that your theory doesn't really change the fact what Fawles did, so what you just said was just trivial. Edgeworth has Melissa add a new statement.

  • The killer broke into the trunk of the stolen car and hid the body in there.

Present either the Witness's Photo or the Dusky Bridge Map again. Melissa claims to have seen the car itself, but that isn't possible, as according to the diagram, there was a cropping of a huge rock in the way. Edgeworth will say that the rock wasn't tall enough to block her view, but you counter it by showing the witness's photo, showing that the rock really is too tall for her to see. Therefore, it wouldn't be possible for her to see the car from where she was!

Melissa will then say that she has made a mistake, but Diego asks one question to her. What did she see on the car. Melissa will say she is certain that she saw marks on the trunk. The photo says that she is right. When asked if you are satisfied, say that it doesn't work. Melissa said earlier that she was taking pictures in the flower field, so how did she know that the car had scratches around the keyhole? Say about Melissa that she put the corpse in herself.

Melissa knew about the scratches because she put the body in herself. Edgeworth would like you to explain about the witness's photo. Present the Camera. If you look carefully at the camera, you would see that it had timer and a tri-pod when the picture was taken! If the timer really is on, then it is possible that Melissa might not have been in the fields as she said. When asked where she was, Present where the "V" is on the map.

Melissa was actually on the bridge, dressed as Valerie! Fawles probably didn't recognize Valerie, so he didn't know that the "real" Valerie was already dead. Edgeworth wants proof that Fawles didn't recognize her. Present either the Victim's Note, or the Scarf. Fawles wanted to recognize Valerie by the white scarf according to the note, so Melissa used the scarf to fool Fawles!

Melissa faints upon hearing this. It looks like you are getting closer to the truth. The Judge will call a recess.

Court Mode: Part Two


Fawles will tell you about the crime 5 years ago.

It all took place on the same bridge, that looked broken as it is now. He kidnapped the 14-year-old girl named Dahlia Hawthorne, Valerie's little sister! Valerie tried to shoot Fawles to protect her little sister. Fawles thinks it is all a betrayal as the kidnapping was actually all acted out by Dahlia and Fawles!... and Valerie was in on it!

The Hawthorne family was very rich, and they both wanted a jewel worth $2,000,000. Fawles couldn't resist doing anything Dahlia says. He "kidnapped" her for ransom and send a note to her father to give up the money. Valerie went to the bridge with the jewel... and started shooting, for real. Fawles was shot in the arm and Dahlia fell in the lake!

Police eventually arrived to the scene and arrested Fawles and Valerie framed him from the murder. Fawles is now given a death sentence, Fawles wanted to know why Valerie would betray and lie to him. The eagerness to ask grew and grew until Fawles reached breaking point, which is why he broke out of prison.

Diego asks about the jewel. Fawles says that it went missing when Dahlia jumped in. Could Dahlia probably stole it?

The Diamond will be added to the Court Record.

Melissa has recovered from her unconsciousness. Now your mission here is to prove her motive for murdering Valerie. Diego convinces you that you have to smile no matter how dark things get. (So that's who gave Mia her confidence) Just look at Melissa.

Time for a new testimony.

Melissa's Testimony: Melissa Foster's History

Melissa's' Testimony
- Melissa Foster's History -
  1. I... I was out of the country until the year before last.
  2. Until I entered college, I had never even been to Eagle Mountain before...
  3. And I certainly don't have any reason for wanting to hurt a police officer.
  4. Holding a grudge and killing the officer who testified against you 5 years ago...
  5. Or kidnapping a poor girl... I just think the defendant is a terrible, horrible monster!

Melissa Foster's History: Cross-Examination

Press on the 4th statement. Melissa reminds you that Valerie did get him sentenced for what he did, and that Fawles pleads innocent because he is forgetful. Press harder Melissa will be thankful that she wasn't wearing a scarf, or else Fawles would have killed her. Have it added to the testimony.

  • I guess I'm lucky I wasn't wearing a white scarf.

Present the Scarf on that statement. Look at the photo. The scarf does belong to Valerie, as the witness said, but the one you found doesn't look white. Edgeworth wants to know why Melissa mistook it for white, Present the Victim's Note. Melissa probably knew what the note said, so she presumed that it was white!

So how did Melissa knew about the note, no one has ever seen it. There are a limited number of people that know about the note at the time. Fawles, Valerie, and another person. When asked who that person was, Present not Melissa Foster, but Dahlia Hawthorne's Profile! It says something about Dahlis to tell the truth, but isn't Dahlia dead? Well her body was never discovered right? And if she were still alive, she would be 19. About the same age as Melissa! So who is on the witness stand right now? Well, Dahlia Hawthorne of course!

Why would Dahlia hide her identity for 5 years? And how did Fawles and Valerie knew that she was still alive? Edgeworth now accuses you for trying to put an innocent witness into custody as a desperate attempt to acquit your client. Diego requests that you prove Dahlia's motive for murdering Valerie. Present the Victim's Note once more. Valerie had threaten Dahlia that she would reveal their secret to Fawles. Dahlia didn't like it one bit, so she had to do one thing, to keep Valerie's mouth shut permanently!

You request for one more testimony to find the truth once and for all!

Dahlia's Testimony: 5 Years Ago

Dahlia's' Testimony
- 5 Years Ago -
  1. Five years ago, I was kidnapped by Mr. Fawles.
  2. The ransom price was a raw diamond. My sister, Valerie, brought it to the bridge...
  3. After she made the exchange, she shot Mr. Fawles in the arm!
  4. That's when Mr. Fawles tried to kill me by shoving me off the bridge from behind!
  5. I survived, but I was afraid I might be kidnapped again for my family's money...
  6. So I decided to change my identity and start a new life...

5 Years Ago: Cross-Examination

Present the Dusky Bridge Map on the 4th statement. If Dahlia was pushed from the bridge according to the map, she would have landed in the bedrock, a certain death! Edgeworth will now say Fawles pushed unwittingly Dahlia into the river after being shot. Counter this theory by Presenting the Witness's Photo. The ropes too high for an average person to push someone in. Even if the ropes were weak enough, Fawles could not have pushed Dahlia in because he was shot in the right arm, weakening him. So it could be that Dahlia jumped in the river herself!

You are now given a chance to explain why Dahlia would jump off, Present the Diamond. Fawles kidnapped Dahlia for ransom to get the diamond, when in truth, Dahlia wanted the $2,000,000 jewel to keep for herself, so she betrayed Fawles by taking the jewel inside her backpack and jumping off the river!

After you explain Dahlia's motive, the demon will reveal a bit of her evil side and will ask you one thing, the diamond, where is it now? You don't have the evidence to show where the diamond is! Diego will not stand down. If evidence isn't the answer, then why not testimony? You are given one chance to call up someone that will shed light on the situation. This person is the only one who knows more about the kidnapping. When given the chance, Present Terry Fawles's Profile. Edgeworth will call him up.

Fawles looks traumatized for what he just heard. He is asked to testify of who he saw on the bridge, Valerie, or Dahlia. Dahlia will tell him that her life is now on his hands.

Fawles' Testimony: Who Terry Fawles Saw

Fawless Testimony
- Who Terry Fawles Saw -
  1. That day... 4 PM... I stopped the car. I was in front of bridge...
  2. She wasn't there... So, I waited on bridge.
  3. I watched my car from bridge. I never put no body in that car!
  4. Finally, one woman came. She stood front of me.
  5. We talked... Then she left.
  6. That was... That was Valerie. Not my Dahlia!

This guy is still protecting her? Despite the fact what she had done??

Who Terry Fawles Saw: Cross-Examination

Present the Witness's Photo on Fawles's 3rd statement. It clearly shows that the woman was there at the crime scene first. Terry was there after she arrived.

A demonic "promise"

Now you have the upper hand! Just a little more and you'll win! However, Fawles will reveal to you that both he and Dahlia made a promise. (Note Fawles's bleeding mouth) If they ever lost faith each other, they would drink a vial they buried under a tree. Fawles feels like he broke that promise and says his final words before finally falling on the stand.

This took a severe blow to both you and Edgeworth. The trial ends suddenly and tragically, and the demon called Dahlia Hawthorne leaves with a smile on her face.

Terry Fawles is found... dead.

What REALLY Happened

It all started with a promise made between Terry Fawles and Dahlia Hawthorne five years ago. They promised each other they would love each other forever. They buried a small vial under a tree. They vowed if they had lost faith of each other, one would drink the poison and die.

One day, Dahlia made a plan against her family. She convinced Terry to work with her on her scheme. Her father was a jewelist and Dahlia is willing to take a diamond worth $2,000,000. They plan to fake a kidnapping and convince Dahlia's father to give up the diamond. They would then sell it for money and split it to the three. The tird one in the act is Dahlia's sister Valerie Hawthorne to be the giver, since she had just became a police sargent. When they get They chose Dusky Bridge located above Eagle River as their location of the ransom.

Everything went as planned up until Valerie came. She did something that both she and Dahlia had secretly planned to betray Fawles and put him out of the picture. Valerie pulls out a gun and shoots Fawles in the arm. Dahlia grabs the diamond , puts it in her backpack. She then does the unplanned, she jumped off the bridge and washes away. Dahlia actually wanted the money all to herself.

Dahlia somehow survives. She changes her name into Melissa Foster and goes into hiding. Only Valerie and Fawles knew that she lived.

Fawles was later arrested and was put on trial. Valerie testified that he had pushed Dahlia off the bridge. Fawles was convicted and was sentenced to death.

Five years later, Fawles escaped prison during a transfer (the vehicle crashed), he proceeded to call Valerie to get her to say why they betrayed him. He requests that she wear a white muffler to recognize her, because he can't remember her face. Valerie wrote down Fawles's request on a piece of paper at her desk. She then went to inform her sister that she would be telling everything to Fawles and the whole world. Dahlia wouldn't allow her and planned to kill Valerie to keep her mouth shut.

Valerie arrived at Dusky bridge, and Dahlia followed. Dahlia stabs Valerie in the back presumably because Valerie refused to keep her mouth shut. Fawles finally arrives with a stolen car and runs off to get the vial he vowed to use first. Dahlia takes this as an advantage and sets up her camera at the cliff and with a timer. She then puts the body inside the truck and puts on the white scarf.

Fawles comes back and, thanks to the scarf, mistakes Dahlia for her sister. After talking for a few minutes, Fawles takes the stolen car and leaves, unaware that the real Valerie's body is inside the trunk of the car. The police stop him from going any further and arrest him for another crime he didn't commit.

If Fawles had let go of his love for Dahlia and his vow, he might have gotten a Not Guilty verdict, get Dahlia convicted and ultimately, avoided death.

Turnabout Beginnings: Epilogue

You went blaming yourself for Fawles's suicide, Diego however comforts you by calling your real name and crushes his cup with his bare hand, leaving it bleeding and he tells you this, "The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."

We then return to the present. Phoenix narrates that he had nearly forgotten everything about Dahlia. He recalls that he was involved in "that case", where Dahlia was convicted anyways. After 5 years he thought everything would be over by then... He was wrong.