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Day Two: Court Mode (with Edgeworth)

Before the Trial

You tell Iris your mission, to punch out anything that Larry may be hiding, but first, you have to hear from your first witness, Bikini.

The old judge from the last episode. He doesn't seem to recognize Edgeworth somehow, almost. And the substitute prosecutor? None other than prosecutor prodigy Franziska von Karma, daughter of your feared mentor, Manfred von Karma. Von Karma will present the Crime Photo, which will be added to the Court Record. The Judge will call your first witness.

As you expected, it is Bikini. The Judge has her explain her action about the night of the crime.

Bikini's Testimony: The Night of the Murder

Bikini's' Testimony
- The Night of the Murder -
  1. That night I was helping an acolyte with her training in the Inner Temple. But...
  2. Well, as you can see, my back likes to act up. Violently.
  3. So, I left Iris to help the acolyte, and returned to Hazakura Temple.
  4. There's no bath at the Inner Temple, you see, and I needed a long, hot soak.
  5. It was after I had finished, just as I was heading back... that's when I saw it!

The Night of the Murder: Cross-Examination

Present Iris's Testimony at Bikini's 3rd statement. Bikini's testimony says that Iris went to the Inner Temple, while Iris's says that she stayed in her room. Von Karma says Iris was lying, but you say Bikini was the one lying, because she is giving Iris an alibi. Bikini insists that Iris went to the Inner Temple.

  • Iris came to the Inner Temple. She was dressed exactly as she had been at dinner.

Present Iris's Hood on that statement. Iris gave the hood as a present before 100:00PM, before the bells rang. So, if Bikini did see Iris after dinner, she may not be wearing that hood!

Von Karma will now have Bikini say that they have a stockpile of hoods, so there was no contradiction. Not a major one anyways. Bikini will testify further about the night of the crime.

Bikini's Testimony: After My Bath

Bikini's' Testimony
- After My Bath -
  1. I finished my bath around 11, and I thought I should return to the Inner Temple.
  2. And as I was walking back... I heard a noise from the courtyard. I took a look and...
  3. Iris was...! Oh, Mystic Elise! And with that sword, of all things!
  4. Mystic Elise was staying in the corner room, which faces out onto the courtyard.
  5. The stabbing I saw must have occurred after she was pushed out of her window.

After My Bath: Cross-Examination

Present Elise's Autopsy Report on the 5th statement. According to the autopsy report, she died BEFORE being pushed out the window, so it is likely that the murderer stabbed Elise to death before pushing her out the window. You ask if traces of blood were found in the room. Von Karma says there wasn't. Her explanation? The sword was probably inside Elise's body as she was thrown out the window, so little to no blood could get out, because the sword acted like a bottle cap to the blood.

This once again throws out a contradiction. It looks like you'll hear from Bikini more. She seems reluctant.

Bikini's Testimony: Further Details

Bikini's' Testimony
- Further Details -
  1. When I looked across at the scene, the sword was already in place.
  2. Thinking about it now, I didn't actually see her stab Mystic Elise.
  3. I've never seen so much blood before...
  4. That's when I fainted. You can't blame me, can you?
  5. And when I awoke... Mystic Ami was... stabbing Mystic Elise through the back!

Further Details: Cross-Examination

Press on the 3rd statement. Bikini say that iris was meditating when she was arrested, even her folded clothes were covered in blood! Press further, and the nun will admit that she actually saw the sword being pulled out! And that's it! This statement will be added in the testimony.

  • I saw the instant in which the blade, plunged in to the hilt, was smoothly drawn out.

Present the Shichishito on that statement. You spot many contradictions on that statement. With the sword's seven branches, it would be hard for someone at Iris's strength to actually plunge in the sword, it also wouldn't come out smoothly. With the sword so big, it would be almost impossible to stop the bleeding. And finally, if the sword was plunged to the hilt, why is the blood only on the tip of the sword? If it was plunged to the hilt, it would've had blood all the way through the sword!

Finally, you spot a contradiction, 4 in fact! So your conclusion to the mystery? The Shichishito was NOT the murder weapon! Von Karma would say that even if that it is true, it doesn't change what Bikini saw. You ask von Karma one question. Where did the real murder weapon gone off to? Von Karma will reluctantly say that it wasn't found.

It looks like another mystery is at hand... or is it? Bikini will admit that she may have an idea of what and where the real murder weapon is. Sounds like another testimony.

Bikini's Testimony: Location of the Weapon

Bikini's' Testimony
- Location of the Weapon -
  1. I saw the murder at around 11 PM...
  2. And after asking that it be reported, I went out to the Main Gate.
  3. And there... I saw tracks! Tracks that indicated the snowmobile had been used!
  4. It takes 15 minutes to walk to Dusky Bridge, but less than 5 using one of those!
  5. Maybe they threw the weapon into Eagle River and came back while I was knocked out?
  6. ...Iris could have done that. She can drive a snowmobile after all...

Von Karma will show a photograph of the mentioned tracks. The Tracks Photo is added to the Court Record.

Location of the Weapon: Cross-Examination

You thank von Karma, because you should Present the Tracks Photo on the 5 statement. If you look at the photograph, you will see that they're only one set of tracks. If Iris did drive to the Eagle River and back, there should be 2 sets of tracks. Von Karma would now say it was snowing at the time and it stopped when Iris stated to go back. When choosing to agree with her statement, say There is a contradiction. When asked how, Present the Weather Data.

According to the weather data, it stopped snowing at 10:50PM, so if Bikini did witness the crime at 11:00PM, it would already have stopped snowing! Von Karma asks for proof, as the data may be inaccurate. Present the Crime Photo. Everything seems to be covered in snow, except for one thing, Elise's body. Dead bodies don't move, obviously, so if the snow didn't stop snowing, she should be covered in snow by now!

You will now conclude that Iris must have used the snowmobile to go to Dusky Bridge, while it is still snowing and came back when it stopped. Bikini however, will see something fishy. The key belonging to the snowmobile was found in Iris's room. When Iris arrived at the Inner Temple, Bikini assumed she took the snowmobile to the Dusky Bridge, but she never saw it there, and when she returned to the Main Gate, the snowmobile was there, covered in snow! If that is true then Iris could not have used it to dispose of the weapon!

Bikini is now done testifying. The court would bring in another witness, but only an idiot would pass Dusky Bridge in the middle of the night. You know who that idiot is. When asked who, Present Larry Butz's Profile. After you lie about his intentions, (telling the truth wouldn't make him a reliable witness) The Judge will call up Larry to the stand and will call a recess. Larry may have evaded you yesterday, but today, in this very courtroom, he'll have no choice but to give in!

Court Mode: Part Two


You ask Iris if she really did use the snowmobile like he thought. She admits she did, but why? 5 Psyche-Locks appear around Iris. She tells you that she doesn't want to tell as long as the safety of the acolyte (Maya) isn't confirmed. You ask one more time if she killed Elise. Iris will olny say she would never take a life. No "Psycholocks", so she really isn't the killer.

Larry will be called to the stand. This is it, time to bring out what you couldn't yesterday.

Larry's Testimony: What I Saw

Larry's' Testimony
- What I Saw -
  1. I was at that lodge out in the mountains, looking up at the stars that night.
  2. I walked to the bridge a number of times, but...
  3. I didn't see a s-snowmobile!
  4. I didn't meet anyone at the bridge that night!

What I Saw: Cross-Examination

This is a very easy one. Present Phoenix Wright's Profile at statement 4. Phoenix met Larry before falling from the bridge. (You knew that, obviously)

Let's try this again.

Larry's Testimony: What I Saw, Pt. 2

Larry's' Testimony
- What I Saw, Pt. 2 -
  1. I went to the shack at around 9, so it would have been about 10:30 PM.
  2. I was lying under my bedding when a white flash almost blinded me!
  3. I looked out the window... and Dusky Bridge was on fire!
  4. There was still some thunder, but I went right away to check it out.
  5. That's when I ran into Nick.

What I Saw, Pt. 2: Cross-Examination

Press on the 4th statement. Larry will say it took about five minutes after the bridge caught on fire. When thinking about pressing for more into, ask him Why didn't you call anyone. Larry will answer with a new statement.

  • I arrived at the bridge, and Nick showed up less than a minute later.

Present the Weather Data on that statement. It says that lightning struck at 10:45PM, and if it did take Larry about "five minutes" to get to the bridge, then he could have make it before 11:00PM, the time of the murder. It would be impossible for Phoenix to arrive just a minute later, because he was at the courtyard at the time! Phoenix finally arrived at the bridge around 11:15PM, so what happened during those fifteen minutes?

Larry will testify about the 15 minute gap, hopefully he tells something about those fifteen minutes.

Larry's Testimony: The Missing 15 Minutes

Larry's' Testimony
- The Missing 15 Minutes -
  1. I'm a Deauxnim. I'm an artist! What do you think I was doing?
  2. Sketching! In front of the bridge! I was whipped up into a frenzy of art!
  3. The shock and awe that I was feeling... I transferred it all directly onto the page!
  4. ...Before I realized it, the flames had gone out and then he came running up.

The Missing 15 Minutes: Cross-Examination

Press on the 2nd statement. When given the option, choose Look at the sketch. Larry will now reluctantly show this "sketch of his".

It looks like the burning bridge... with looks like a woman, flying over it! Larry will say it was Iris that he saw. Seriously!? Larry will add a statement based on this.

  • I saw Iris flying! Her white hood fluttering!

Present Iris's Hood on that statement. If Larry claims he saw Iris flying with her hood, then he really is "high". Before the murder occurred, Iris gave her hood to Phoenix. So why did Larry think that Iris was really flying. Larry claims he has undeniable proof that Iris did flew. Time for Larry's final testimony.

Larry's Testimony: Proof That Iris Flew!

Larry's' Testimony
- Proof That Iris Flew! -
  1. When I reached Dusky Bridge she was already gone...
  2. I was so worried! So I frantically searched all over for her!
  3. That led to me finding a beautiful crystal sphere, half-buried in the snow!
  4. I'm sure that Iris was simply wearing a spare hood.
  5. After all, no one else could have lost a crystal sphere that night.

A crystal sphere? Larry says he found it half-buried in the snow. The Judge takes a look at it and finds something shocking, a bloodstain! The Crystal Sphere will be added to the Court Record.

Proof That Iris Flew!: Cross-Examination

On the 5th statement, Present either the Victim's Staff, Photo of Elise, or Elise Deauxnim's Profile. If you look at the photograph, you can see the exact same crystal on Elise's staff. Now look at the staff itself. The crystal is gone! So how did the crystal turn up at Dusky Bridge? Probably because someone dropped it, as they landed by flying over the bridge. If Iris wasn't wearing her hood at the time, then it is possible that this "flying" person could be Elise!

So, does that mean the crystal was dropped before the murder took place? Von Karma wants to discard it as evidence, unless you can prove that the crystal was dropped before the murder. When given the option, choose Yes I can. When asked to show proof, Present either the Crime Photo, or the Crystal Sphere. It looks like it is half buried in the snow, so it could have been still snowing at the time, and if it stoped snowing before the murder, it could be possible that Elise might have visited Dusky Bridge before the crime! And if that is true, then did something happened that the sphere was dropped and covered in blood!?

Von Karma will now remind you of Bikini's testimony, about saw the blade being drawn out of Elise's body at the courtyard. You encounter it by reminding her that she said earlier that the blade covered up the bleeding, and if no blood was found at the courtyard, then it is possible that Elise died while she was at Dusky Bridge.

Von Karma will now ask you to show evidence that Elise's body was carried to the temple. Present the Track's Photo. Iris probably used the snowmobile to carry the body to the temple.

It looks like you have left some questions: Where was Elise killed? Why was the body moved? And what is with the drawing? It looks like another day of investigation is being called for.

This concludes the sole part when you play as Miles Edgeworth. We go back to Phoenix's POV.

Day Two: Investigation Mode (back to Phoenix)

Hotti Clinic

From now on, you will play as Phoenix again. Apparently he just read the case of the Valerie Hawthorne murder, as he did in the last episode. You return to the Hazakura Temple.

Dusky Bridge

Edgeworth informs you that the murder weapon isn't the Shichishito and is yet to be found. He leaves to look more into your client's past. Gumshoe will also leave. They are reconstructing the bridge so you can get to Maya ASAP.

Time to do some investigating. Move to the Main Gate.

Main Gate

You will see Larry, and Von Karma. Larry is adamant that he saw Iris flew. Larry will leave. Talk to von Karma about all topics. It just gives you a history of von Karma and what happened so far.

Move to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

Bikini looks very depressed. Elise dead, Iris a criminal, Maya stuck at the Inner Temple, and Pearl missing. Talk to Bikini:

Iris: Bikini was sure that she saw Iris pull the sword from Elise. But thanks to Larry, she isn't quite sure. Edgeworth saw no Psyche-Locks when Iris told him she wouldn't kill no one, and Larry thinks he saw Iris fly. You see no Psyche-Locks on Bikini, so you conclude that they didn't see what they think they saw.

Inner Temple: Bikini notes that the Inner Temple is just like an island. It is surrounded by nothing but river and canyon. So if a criminal were to run to the island and the bridge collapsed, he ould have to stay there. So, does that mean that Maya is probably stuck with the real killer!?

Elise Deauxnim: Just why did Elise came here in the first place? 5 Psyche-Locks appear, as Bikini doesn't want to say anything. It seems Elise was more than just a visitor.

Pearl: Bikini says that she never saw Pearl since dinner that night. The detective confirmed that she wasn't in her home. This brings in one more place she could be hiding. Hopefully Gumshoe finishes.

Move to the Courtyard


Nothing here. Look around if you want, but other than that, Move back to the Main Hall.

Main Hall (2)

Gumshoe arrives to tell you that he is finally done with the repairs to the bridge! Now you can go get Maya! Von Karma will arrive and will say she will help you on her investigation.

Move to the Inner Temple Gate! (accessible from Suspension Bridge)

Inner Temple Gate

Upon entering, you will find Pearl! It looks like she was here all along feeling all alone. When you ask Pearl if Maya is here, she will run off crying, blaming herself for something. What was that all about? Anyway, at least you know Pearl is alright, but what about Maya?

Before you could look for her, Examine the incinerator on the right. All of the snow is melted and it's open, but yesterday, it's entirely covered in snow! It looks like someone used it.

Move inside the Training Hall.

Training Hall

You don't see Maya anywhere, but you do see a Psyche-Lock at the back of the room what is it doing here?

Examine the lock first. Then Examine the scroll with Misty on it. It looks like someone put gravy on it. But, why? And it looks like the same gravy from that dinner on that night. The Hanging Scroll will be updated to the Court Record.

Just then, a surprise meets you. It's Godot! What's he doing here!? Was he here stuck with Pearl? Godot seems different today. He says you did something you can't undo Talk to Godot:

Why didn't you show?: Godot will say that he "died" once, and was revived by the magic of modern medicine. He was forced to wear his mask because he can't see. Godot presumes you know who and "killed" him and when. You do get a tug in your memory.

Can't undo?: Godot tells you that Maya isn't on this island. The search party hasn't search the cavern inside here, especially behind the bars the lock is guarding, where Maya is! Does that mean she is dead!? What's more is that Godot tells you that you let Maya die... just like you did to her older sister, Mia Fey!

Mia Fey: It looks like Godot has heard of Mia's death and how it happened. He blames you for taking her life, and now you have done the same thing to Maya!

Trick Lock: Godot says it isn't possible to break the lock yourself. He thinks the lock was set by Iris, who can open it too! Iris, the defendant!? Apparently accompanying nuns can use the locks to guard the acolyte. Godot will leave to call Iris (hopefully, before another earthquake strikes.)

Move to the Inner Temple Gate.

Inner Temple Gate (2)

You see Gumshoe here, who is pondering if he should "wash" something or not. He refers to the gate with the sign "No Entry" on it. Behind it is a garden. He tells you not to enter and leaves, as it is under investigation right now, but heck, check it anyways.

Move to the Garden, where Gumshoe is.


It looks like there is strange atmosphere here. What's that writing on the lantern? Gumshoe is here.

Take a look around, as usual. Examine the red thing in the snow. It looks like a charm. Gumshoe says it belonged to the victim! The broken cords around her neck matches the ones on the charm. This could be vital evidence. The Kurain Master's Talisman will be added to the Court Record. (Kurain Master's... it doesn't mean)

Now Examine the ground surrounding the stone lantern. It looks like the snow is cleared, and in good rectangular shape. Gumshoe says it was like that from the very beginning.

Finally, Examine a red spot on the wall. It looks like blood! It it says Maya upside-down!

Talk to Gumshoe:

The investigation: Gumshoe says they found nothing yet, it looks as clean as a whistle.

Maya: Gumshoe says that there was no where else where Maya disappeared besides the secret cavern. Edgeworth is escort Iris there, but, don't expect any good news from him.

Bloody writing: Gumshoe confirms that the blood was Elise's, and that she was the one that wrote it! Why is it upside-down? Gumshoe also says that here in the Inner Temple Garden is likely the real crime scene.

True crime scene: Didn't Bikini see the murder occur? If so, then was this set up? Von Karma and Gumshoe will say Dusky Bridge was out, so no one had no chance of going over it to the Inner Temple, and as Gumshoe was watching the whole time, no one else went through. What does this mean for Maya and Bikini's Testimony!?

You'll have to talk to Bikini about this. Move to the Main Gate.

Main Gate (2)

Iris and Edgeworth had finally arrived. As you expected, Edgeworth tell you that Maya is in a rather "delicate" position, so the place is being investigated, thus off limits to you, much to your dismay. Looks like you can't go back.

Move inside the Main Hall.

Main Hall (3)

Bikini still looks down, but you and von Karma encourage her. Present the Magatama.

Bikini's Psyche-Locks: Elise Deauxnim

Bikini's Psyche-Locks: The Radio
5 Locks

You first met Elise and suspects she is more than just an author, but has great significance to this temple. Present the Kurain Master's Talisman. It is a talisman right, so it is obvious who Elise Deauxnim really is. When asked who, Present the Hanging Scroll. It has the obscured picture of Misty Fey on it, not only that, but the symbol on the talisman is the same one as the symbol on the scroll! This can only mean one conclusion.

Elise Deauxnim is actually the long lost Master of the Kurain Channeling School, Misty Fey!

5 Psyche-Locks Broken

Unlock Successful

Talk to Bikini about Elise Deauxnim. Bikini recognized her as Misty when she showed her the talisman. No one has seen her for twenty years, so why did she show up? Bikini will say that something happened that called her out of hiding.

Before Bikini could tell you what happened, an earthquake strikes! Then that means the temple could be collapsing! What does this mean for Maya!? And Edgeworth, he has a great fear of earthquakes! You'll have to check out the inner temple right away!

Quick, Move to the Main Gate!

Main Gate (3)

Edgeworth comes looking quite pale. When the earthquake hit, he passed out, and when he came to, Iris is gone! Before a manhunt is authorized, you decide to look for Iris anyways, as she isn't the type of person to leave the Inner Temple when an earthquake hit. You go to the Training Hall automatically.

Training Hall (2)

In here, you find something unexpected and irritating. Instead of 1 Psyche-Lock, there are 5!!! Iris will come in the room...

Investigation Mode: Part Two

Training Hall

You ask Iris to unlock the locks, but unfortunately, she says she can't. But how!? Edgeworth will take care of the investigation in the garden, while von Karma will look after Iris. Talk to Iris:

Escape: Iris says she did ran off, but when the earthquake hit, she was worried and came back. Here, she saw those five mysterious locks.

Trick lock: Iris says there are different ways to set up these locks. She promises to do what she can to solve them, though it will take some time, like a whole day or so! Can Maya survive that long.

The night of the crime: If she was spotted at the Inner Temple, yet Iris claims she was in her room, just where was she really? You ask her that question and what do you know, 3 Psyche-Locks.

Move to the Garden.


You will see the same prideful Edgeworth. Talk to him:

The investigation: Edgeworth suspects that this garden is getting more likely to be the true crime scene. And about Maya? She probably is the suspect.

Earthquakes: Just another mention of that case that occurred 17 years ago, nothing important really.

Iris: Edgeworth had a strange feeling he saw her face before. He checked all of records and he was right, he had seen her face six years ago. Edgeworth can't tell you who that woman is, because he is sure that she has nothing to do with this case. It looks like you'll have to find the evidence that proves otherwise.

Move to Heavenly Hall.

Heavenly Hall

You will see Pearl, along with Larry. It looks like they call the place the Loser's shack. You can understand Larry, but how is Pearl a loser? Talk to them:

Laurice's Sketch: Nothing important here, just why is Larry adamant that Iris flew?

The night of the crime: Pearl was supposed to be at the Main Temple, reading with Elise, but she was actually at the Inner Temple when the murder happened. You ask Pearl what happened, and she will bring 5 Psyche-Locks and the fact that her powers had disappeared. Disappeared?

Lost powers: Pearl seems hopeless without her powers, so it looks like she tried to channel someone. How can a medium with spiritual powers even stronger than Maya fail to channel someone?

Move to the Main Hall.

Main Hall

After telling Bikini the condition of the inner temple and the new problem with the locks, you ask her why exactly did Misty come here suddenly. Bikini will say that Misty proved that she was the Master, and told her that someone is trying to destroy the family line, and she is trying to stop it.

Talk to Bikini:

Kurain Channeling Technique: Nothing important here, just history with the people's connection to the technique.

DL-6 Incident: For those who didn't play the first game or can't quite remember what the case is about, here are the details. Misty was called in for a channeling session. She has used her powers to frame someone for murder. The man was found innocent, however and Misty was labeled as a fraud. Misty disappeared, not bearing the embarrassment she made to her family. You solved the case and found the real murderer 3 years ago, however, so everything is pretty much well in Kurain Village again.

Family feud: You'll find more about the feud and Morgan Fey, who tried once to get Maya away from the Master to get her daughter to be the one in the seat. Bikini notes on Morgan's daughter... no not Pearl, but Iris!

Morgan and Iris: Apparently, Bikini didn't know that Pearl was Morgan's daughter. She always thought she had two daughters, not three! And the third, Iris's twin sister! Iris had a twin sister!? Bikini said that the father of the twins left Morgan after she was thrown off the Master's position. Bikini can't exactly remember the name of Iris's twin, but she does know that her father was a jeweler.

What a twist! Let alone several! Move to the Courtyard.


You will find Gumshoe, who is searching for the real murder weapon. He finds a letter, but thinks it isn't important. Talk to Gumshoe:

The investigation: Gumshoe says there is nothing important found here, yet.

The letter: Gumshoe says it is just a burnt letter, which he found at the incinerator at the Inner Temple! Does that mean someone really did use the incinerator!? It also says something about spirit mediums and Master's, so it has to be important! The Burnt Letter will be added to the Court Record.

Check the Burnt Letter. It looks like instructions to channeling someone to earn the Master's position. The letter doesn't give any details, since they're all burnt out. Just who is channeling who?

Murder weapon: Well, since the Shichishito wasn't the murder weapon, as Edgeworth has proven yesterday, Gumshoe has been searching for the real one. Gumshoe says he has a "secret weapon" from the precinct.

Secret weapon: Since the murder weapon is a sword, Gumshoe has brought the metal detector (don't tell him it was obvious). He wants you to use it, say Play forensics expert.

Gumshoe will now tell you how the metal detector works. Just move the cursor until you find something, and press the Check gauge to look. You will now begin. Check the staff on the snow. It looks like something metal is inside it. After a few seconds of checking, you will find something stunning. There is a sword inside Elise's staff! Could this mean...

Talk to Gumshoe about the Muder weapon again. Gumshoe says no one hasn't known about this. It looks like there is no blood, but someone wiped it off, right? It is also the same length as the Shichishito, so it has to be the real murder weapon!

Gumshoe tries to go to forensics to get it analyzed for blood, but your concerns for Maya have you stop him. Gumshoe will give you the Victim's Staff, which will be updated to the Court Record.

Now, Move to the Garden.

Garden (2)

Present ??????'s Profile to Edgeworth. After telling Edgeworth that Iris had a twin sister, you finally hear the sister's name, Dahlia Hawthorne. Talk to Edgeworth:

Dahlia Hawthorne: As, you and Edgeworth discuss about the cases Mia took, you will learn why Edgeworth doesn't think Dahlia wasn't related to the case... Dahlia is dead!

Dahlia's death: About a month ago, six years after Mia convicted her, Dahlia was executed. Edgeworth thinks there is no way to revive the dead. That is why Dahlia had no connection to the case whatsoever, though you wonder.

You finally have Dahlia Hawthorne's Profile opened. You know what to do, Move to the Training Hall.

Training Hall (2)

You are now ready to take on Iris's Psyche-Locks. Do the usual, Present the Magatama:

Iris's Psyche-Locks: The Night of the Crime

Iris's Psyche-Locks: The Night of the Crime
3 Locks

Iris was indeed at her room at the temple, but someone claims to have seen her. Present Bikini's Profile. In her testimony yesterday, Bikini says she spoke with Iris last night about Maya's training, so it is no doubt that she was at the Inner Temple that night!

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Iris will now say that she walked to the Inner Temple at 9:45. It takes about 20 minutes to go from the temple, to the Inner Temple. You know that's not possible. Present Iris's Testimony. She said that she was ringing the bells at 10:00PM, just like she was told to, afterwords, you met Iris, who gave you her hood! Iris's doesn't look like she remembers all of that.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

You have now proven that Iris was at two places at the same time. Your explanation, say to Iris that there were two of you. Iris wants proof, Present Dahlia Hawthorne's Profile. Iris will remind you that her twin sister is dead. But you know that death doesn't stop her from being at the Kurain Training Grounds. It seems that someone has channeled Dahlia that night!

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Unlock Successful

Talk to Iris:

The night of the crime: Iris says she knew all along that Dahlia was at the Inner Temple. The reason why Iris hasn't tell you this is because she didn't want to get in Dahlia's way. Iris had "betrayed" her once.

The traitor: Iris reveals that she was part of the plan to help Dahlia get away with the crime 11 years ago. However, she could bring herself to do everything, so she ran away, resulting in what you have seen what Dahlia has become 5 years ago. Iris will also reveal that it wasn't for the money, it was to get revenge on their father!

Revenge: Their father once threw off Morgan. Morgan was supposed to be the Master, which is why Iris's father married their mother. But after said mother's title was lost to Misty, her younger sister, and Misty's mistake at the DL-6 Incident. The man decide he had no place here after all and decided to leave Morgan and took his two daughters, leaving an emotional blow to Morgan. He then married another woman, who had already had a daughter, Valerie. He decided that two girls are enough and kicked Iris out of the family.

You ask Iris about a certain collage student Dahlia tried to kill. (You, obviously) Iris says that her sister told her that she "hated his guts".

You decide to continue your investigation. You only have one more set of Psyche-Locks to break, Pearl's.

Move to the Heavenly Hall.

Heavenly Hall (2)

Just do the usual, (Present the Magatama) and you will began the last Psyche-Lock challenge of the game:

Pearl's Psyche-Locks: The Night of the Crime

Pearl's Psyche-Locks: The Night of the Crime
5 Locks

Pearl will admit that she was somewhere else when she was supposed to be with Elise. (Misty) It was because she was worried. You will check the map, Present the Inner Temple. After the murder happened, you found Pearl at the Inner Temple since the bridge collapsed around the same time. Pearl will like to know what or who she was worried about, Present Maya Fey's Profile. When Bikini's comments about the possibility of death from the training, Pearl couldn't help but worry for her cousin, so she had no choice.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Pearl will say she arrived at the Inner Temple after 10:00PM, so she heard the bell along the way. She was very worried when she heard it. Present the Burnt Letter. She was following the instructions of the letter. It looks like Pearl recognizes it.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Pearl was given the instructions to channel a certain person. When asked who, Present Dahlia Hawthorne's Profile.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

You will now show to Pearl who wrote to her. Present Morgan Fey's Profile. It is quite obvious isn't it, as Pearl followed it even though she didn't know what it means.

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Pearl sounds like you have her cornered, but she will remind you that she can't read well as a child. She wants you to show proof that she followed the instructions. Occasionally instructions were made for adults, so you have to prove to a child that she misunderstood some words. Present the Hanging Scroll. The instructions told Pearl to "gravely roast" the poster, but Pearl doesn't really know what the words "gravely" and "roast" mean. That is why Elise (Misty) "helped" Pearl "learn" what the words are. Pearl thought "gravely" meant "gravy" and "roast" was some sort of food. That is why she spilled gravy all over the poster, because she didn't read the words correctly!

1 Psyche-Lock Broken

Unlock Successful

Talk to Pearl:

The night of the crime: Pearl will admit she went to the Inner Temple, with a pot full of gravy. She didn't want to interrupt Maya's training, so she went somewhere else and stayed there. Pearl fell asleep and woke up to find the bridge collapsed. She thought everyone left her behind and started crying. She put the letter in the incinerator and spilled the gravy all over the poster.

Lost powers: Pearl tired many times but couldn't channel Dahlia's spirit. Her theory is that someone else could be channeling her spirit. Pearl is very spirituallty powerful, so who was channeling Dahlia at the time of the murder? Pearl will say it wa her mother's final wish.

Morgan's Letter: Pearl say that her mother told her to go to her house. That's where the letter was. When Pearl found it, it looked like someone else had opened it. The Burnt Letter will be added to the Court Record.

Just then, Godot comes, again taunting you for not protecting Maya. Is Maya really dead? Maybe tomorrow in court, you will find the truth somehow, solve mysteries and twists and ultimately, find the truth and confirm Maya's safety. And maybe you could perhaps talk some sense into Godot, and maybe find out what his deal is with you and Mia's death.

We then see Morgan, again awaiting excitedly for Pearl's time to come. Let's hope you delay that time even longer.

This concludes the final investigation day of the game. You will now do the rest in court tomorrow.