Dead Rising/72 Hour Mode

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Revision as of 10:49, 17 March 2008 by Aniki21 (talk | contribs) (adding more to timeline table)

72 Hour Mode is the default game setting for Dead Rising. As Frank West, you've got to survive three days in the Willamette Parkview Mall, rescuing other survivors of the zombie outbreak, and attempting to discover the truth behind the undead hordes.



Spoiler warning! This section of the article contains spoilers, or hints about the game's storyline or progression.

You might want to skip down to the next heading if you do not want facts about the game's storyline or plot revealed to you.

Time Cases Scoops Survivors Psychos
September 19
12.00pm Case 1-1 starts Jeff and Natalie Meyer
9.00pm Out Of Control Greg Adam
September 20
6.00am Case 2-1 starts in the Security Room
11.00am Case 3-1 starts in the Security Room
3.00pm Case 4-1 starts in the Security Room
September 21
12.00am Case 5-1 starts in North Plaza
3.00am Case 6-1 starts in the Security Room
11.00am Case 7-1 starts in the Security Room
September 22