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Box artwork for Gears of War.
Box artwork for Gears of War.
Gears of War
Developer(s)Epic Games
Publisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Year released2006
System(s)Xbox 360, Windows
Followed byGears of War 2
Designer(s)Cliff Bleszinski
Genre(s)Third-person shooter
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
Rating(s)ESRB MaturePEGI Ages 18+BBFC 18CERO Ages 18 and upMature Accompanied & Restricted
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition
Developer(s)The Coalition
Publisher(s)Microsoft Game Studios
Year released2015
System(s)Xbox One, Windows
Rating(s)ESRB MaturePEGI Ages 18+BBFC 18CERO Ages 18 and up
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Gears of War is a tactical third-person shooter exclusively for the Xbox 360 developed by Epic Games; it was released on November 7, 2006. On July 10, 2007, Epic confirmed a Windows port containing additional content and a level editor.

It is mainly a third-person shooter but includes a first-person option. While shooting a weapon, although more accurate, it can ruin the feel of strategy in the game; and in higher game modes using this method is extremely discouraged, due to the fact that you can't take many bullets before dying.

Gears of War prides itself on being realistic, due to the fact that this game is third-person, you can manoeuvre in ways unseen in first-person shooters, you can mainly take cover, roll, duck into objects and slide, making this game popular to gamers who prefer more strategy based games.

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