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Personal controls[edit | edit source]

Use these controls to move your character and interact with the world, interface, or other characters.

  •  W  S  : move forwards/backwards
  •  A  D  : strafe left/right (steer left/right when mounted)
  •  F  : talk to NPCs, interact with doors and objects
  •  Space  : jump
  •  Ctrl + J  : horse rears (stopping instantly)
  • Mouse left click : attack
  • Mouse right click : block, cancel attack
  • Mouse wheel up : cycle weapons
  • Mouse wheel down : cycle shields
  •  \  : sheathe weapon
  •  Tab  : leave location/retreat
  •  LShift  : zoom/walk
  •  ~  : view outfit (hold and move Mouse)
  •  R  : toggle first-/third-person view
  •  E  : Kick (Warband only)
  •  X  : toggle weapon mode (Warband only)

Misc controls[edit | edit source]

  •  Esc  : menu (outside battle), options (during battle)
  •  F12  : quick save
  •  Alt + Enter  : fullscreen/windowed (toggle)
  •  F10  : access menu bar (windowed mode only)
  •  C  : character window
  •  I  : inventory window (use Baggage to access during combat)
  •  P  : party window (inaccessible during combat)
  •  Q  : quests window
  •  L  : game log window
  •  Ctrl + Insert  : take screenshot
  •  Ctrl +Mouse left click : quick swap left/right (trading/looting/etc.)

Map controls[edit | edit source]

  •  W  A  S  D  : move view
  • Mouse : rotate view (move cursor to appropriate screen edge)
  •  +  or Mouse wheel up : zoom in
  •  -  or Mouse wheel down : zoom out
  •  Space  : wait (time advances)
  •  Ctrl + Space  : accelerate time

Party commands[edit | edit source]

Use these controls to determine what party member types hear you and what they do. These commands normally apply to your troops only; allied forces can only be controlled during sieges or if you are the marshal of that faction.

  •  Backspace  : toggle command interface (use with Mouse left click and/or the commands below to position your troops)
  •  1  : order everyone
  •  2  : order infantry
  •  3  : order archers
  •  4  : order cavalry
  •  Ctrl / Shift  : select additional groups (e.g.  2  then  Ctrl / Shift + 4  to command infantry and cavalry)
  •  5  : invert selected troop types (e.g. if you are ordering cavalry, pushing this selects infantry and archers)
  •  F1  : hold position (where you are currently standing)
  •  F2  : follow player
  •  F3  : charge
  •  F4  : mount horses/dismount (toggle)
  •  F5  : hold fire/fire at will (toggle)
  •  F6  : advance ten paces
  •  F7  : fall back ten paces
  •  F8  : stand closer
  •  F9  : spread out
  •  F11  : use blunt weapons (toggle)